Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1052

Two people in the air in this 0.0 seconds of hesitation, officially met!

The so-called narrow road encounter, the brave win, Ji Feng saw Bisley\'s hesitation in the eyes, in such a situation, Jifeng will hand dead on the basketball!

Pure strength of the confrontation, Jifeng arm muscles with the uplift, facial expression became ferocious, and finally at the highest point, Jifeng burst out all his strength!

Beasley only felt a huge force coming, he lost control of the basketball in his hand, and lost his center of gravity


Beasley fell straight from the basket back to the free throw line!

And Ji Feng stuck basketball with one hand and landed steadily!

Jifeng against the sky blood cap Bisley!

"ComeOn! TMD! This is Laozi\'s territory! No one can dunk here! " After landing, Jifeng looks up to the sky and roars. His muscles turn red because of the force. Jifeng stands there like an ancient demon who has just got out of trouble!

Time seems to be still at this moment ~

the commentators are also unable to respond.

From their God\'s point of view, Jifeng pressed down Bisley\'s slam dunk?

And in such a way, after capping, Ji Feng even grabbed the basketball in his hand?!


who can tell them what happened in these seconds!

Everything around turned into slow motion. The audience heard the sound of beer cups falling on the ground. Even the Laker players and fans were silent for a moment. In addition, there was the audience in front of the TV. The potato chips in hot bar\'s hands fell directly on the ground, and the chips just put into her mouth were still on her lips, but she forgot to put it into her mouth. The whole picture Especially happy, but at this time and hot bar fans are more than ten million, James side, his wife is also an expression, as if to hell in general, the world at this moment seems to be pressed pause button.

Afterwards, a fan on the stands called out in a trembling tone: "season ~ ~ season, season peak! How awesome

So the whole staples seems to have been struck by a match and completely exploded!!!


"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Strong! Too strong! What a fantastic player this is

"Jifeng is amazing! That\'s too much

"It\'s a cow! It\'s a bull! As expected, they were all pretended before

"Jifeng, I love you! I will marry you

"Go away! Jifeng is my mother\'s, I want to give him a monkey! "


Crazy fans made a sound of 300 decibels, screaming, yelling, throwing things, crazy fans turned staples into an active volcano erupting!

In such an atmosphere, after he roared in place, Kobe rushed directly to Jifeng, pushed Jifeng hard, and then knocked Jifeng\'s chest muscle.

And Bynum and Gasol two strong men also raised their arms and roared at the same time, then rushed to live Jifeng crazy rubbing his head.

On the bench of the Lakers, all six people on the bench jumped out of their seats, and then fell back on the chair with great cooperation. Their crazy appearance almost made assistant Harper go under the stool, and almost pulled the Zen master out of the chair. Now they hook their shoulders, inhale deeply and stare at the LED screen in the air.

But the Zen master who was pulled by him was not angry. He stood up happily and gave Ji fengbi a thumbs up. Then he held his arm and squinted at Riley sitting on the heat bench. His mood was very comfortable.

The only hard thing on the court was Beasley. He didn\'t understand what happened, so he lay on the floor, which was not light. He lay on the ground for a long time to recover. But because his teammates were scared, no one went up to pull him. He also moved up on his own, which was perfectly interpreted in such a cheering scene What is weak, poor and helpless

When he got up, his teammates arrived one after another. Wade patted his butt, asked a simple question, and then turned around and looked up. To be honest, he also wanted to see the replay of Ji Feng\'s ball.

The referee didn\'t urge the ball. The fans\' voices were half as low as half. They all looked up at the big screen. The live broadcast director was playing with his hand speed of 20 years\' birth and grasping a wave of slow motion playback.

"Look! Here it is, here it is Chalmers\' words are not clear, just now he is the nearest, Jifeng\'s ferocious appearance is still printed in his mind, can\'t be pulled out.

And his teammate\'s attitude makes Bisley very hurt, he was ready to stand up to find Ji Feng trouble, but now it seems that he has become a forgotten person in the world

Now it\'s on the big screen, slow motion!

At the beginning, Beasley constantly pushed his back into the paint area, and quickly turned off Jifeng. Then he turned to the basket and prepared to dunk. At this time, no one could imagine how it would happen later. Even the expression of fans in the camera was very anxious.

As soon as Bisley turned around, Ji Feng\'s painting style suddenly changed. He directly caught up with Bisley in three strides, got in front of him, and took the lead before he took off. In the cry of everyone, Ji Feng rose higher and higher!And then he hit Beasley\'s ball!

"Wow!! Whoa, whoa

The fans are crazy again!

Come on!

Beasley felt that he had been hit again.

"Strong, is strong, this is pure physical quality crushing, Bisley simply can not carry the strength of Jifeng." Yang Yi sighed: "it was all fake before. Jifeng deliberately put Bisley in. He tasted the sweetness of Bisley. Jifeng\'s brain combined with his body was really terrible."

When the heat called a pause, spo was helpless. Anyone would be delayed for half a day, even half a day.

"Hey, wake up!! Don\'t be afraid SPO called to Beasley.

But Beasley is also single, he directly asked to play again: "give me a chance, I will call back."

Although spo doubted what he said, no one in the third position was able to top it, so Beasley still returned to the field.

But this decision does not seem to be too smart Yazi, because the whole spirit of the Lakers was hit by Ji Feng, which can be seen from the expression on their faces.

The first goal, the heat was very aggressive defense to make a face confused, Wade broke through twice, and Beasley couldn\'t get the ball. Finally, Chalmer threw one blindly, played iron decisively, and gave Ji Feng a rebound.

And Jifeng caught the ball at the moment of a sudden speed up, Beasley was almost shaken waist, but still can not prevent Jifeng to complete a dragon dunk!

Beasley was blocked and dunked face-to-face.

After the first half, Ji Feng crazy output, 20 minutes on the court to get 28 points, 6 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks, all kinds of singles came out in endlessly, and Beasley was simply regarded as a primary school student.

At half-time, Beasley was bewildered. He had been beaten and began to doubt his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!