Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1050

Home fans instantly boiling, the first attack on the opponent directly over a clean, Bisley like a wire pole, Jifeng in the same place to play.

"Shhh, Shh, Shih! Dare to challenge our Jifeng in this way

"It\'s a shame. Is it serious to hop on one foot, man?"

"Oh, Ho, sit down. This is just the basic operation of Ji Feng. Bisley, do you really think you are a superstar? It turns out that you are a brother!"


When the audience cheered for Ji Feng, they didn\'t forget to greet Beasley with a wave of rubbish.

however, Beasley didn\'t react because he was a bit muddled, because he had not recovered from Ji Feng\'s ball just now, and now he is still a little shaken. He didn\'t hear what Ji fengchong called, so there was no need to say the shouting on the sideline.

To be reasonable, just now he did his best to defend. He had absolute confidence in his physical quality. Whether it was arm extension, speed or strength, he was confident to compete with Ji Feng. It was totally different from the previous defensive attitude of relying on roar. After all, his big talk had been released before the game, so he had to make an attitude.

However, he was still passed, and not ordinary. Ji Feng played a crotch pull-down ball in front of him to catch Baifo and crossover. It sounds complicated and complicated to do. It is not only complex but also extremely easy to make mistakes. This kind of action is rarely used in official competitions by Franz Iverson.

And such a coquettish action is not that Beasley can\'t do it, but it has to be on the street court, and this is the place where a streetball king can only play as a substitute in the NBA, so it can be said that many people can do it just now, but how can he pull it back so confidently?

If he had just chosen not to move, the ball rate of Jifeng was probably to stop. How could Ji Feng be so bold!


"Back and forth!" But when everyone was still immersed in the ball, Ji Feng was rushed back to defend, and called on other teammates to go back to defense together.

It\'s just the first ball. Normal operation!

Heat attack, Bisley is to want the ball attack, but Chalmers did not give him the ball, but to wade

Beasley is very sad, but there is no way. After all, Wade is the team\'s boss and the only one with unlimited right to fire. When he wants the ball, few people dare not give it.

Wade pushed forward with the ball. He didn\'t care how beautiful Jifeng\'s goal was, because he had already known what level Jifeng was after fighting Jifeng for many times. As for Bisley and Jifeng\'s verbal battle, it was not his consideration. Although Beasley was his own team, the guy\'s personality was really bad. Wade felt that letting Jifeng abuse him made his memory rise and understand one It\'s also very good to have a day out of the sky.

So Wade didn\'t come out to speak before the game, and now he doesn\'t care about the attack between the two, he only cares about the victory of the game.

He knows the strength of the Lakers, so to win, defense is unreliable, so he must play against the Lakers to have a chance!

"Pull it off!" Wade chose to play Kobe.

Kobe reduces his center of gravity, clings to Wade\'s right side to prevent him from suddenly starting. Now, in terms of the speed of the first step, Wade is absolutely the top three, even faster than Kobe, and it is hard to prevent him from protruding.

However, Wade is very rational. After cruising on the flank for two seconds, Haslem, the inner line, suddenly lifts up to pick and roll near the top of the arc. Wade pretends to go to the right, but immediately breaks to the left at the moment of the formation of the pick and roll!

Lightning step!

Although Ji Feng helps defend, but still slow a step, killed Wade will throw himself into the sky, basketball echo bag.


Wonderful response ball!

However, Kobe made a response immediately. Ji Feng\'s involvement gave him enough space to break through. By changing hands in the crotch and making fake moves, Kobe made a breakthrough in an instant and made it into the interior line!

"The breakthrough of these three people is really enjoyable." Yang Yi said, at this time, who cares what Bisley!

Bisley is very uncomfortable, the first four minutes Jifeng constantly with single play to educate him, although he did his best in defense, but Jifeng here in his 4-for-4 scored 8 points.

And Ji Feng showed his all-round offensive means, back body, dry pull, low position, breakthrough, four ways of scoring won the full house, Buckley called him the all-round soldier of the new century.

In response, Beasley was ridiculed for a long time, because in front of Ji Feng, his poor defense showed clearly. Although he had excellent physical fitness, he had no skills, and was played like a fool by Ji Feng.

"Ji Feng showed everyone 100 ways to play Beasley," Buckley said bluntly

Fortunately, the heat were able to maintain the score under Wade\'s efficient scoring. When the first official pause was reached, the Lakers were 4 points ahead 16-12.At the end of the pause, the Lakers scored a goal with a high hook from the inside line. When Wade wanted to make a comeback, JK suddenly had to double team, Wade had to pass the ball out, and Chalmers took the ball without thinking much about it and gave it to Bisley who was half empty!

Beasley finally got the ball on the offensive end!

With all the reporters\' eyes shining, Beasley\'s defense is really bad, but his attack has been excellent. Will he have any surprise when he takes the ball!

According to the truth, Ji Feng didn\'t return to his position completely. If you get the ball, you can throw it directly. But Beasley\'s brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. After he gets the ball, he doesn\'t directly choose to break through or shoot. He stops!

Not only stop, he also waved to Jifeng, the meaning is very obvious, he wants to single Jifeng!

Beasley was so excited that he finally had a chance to prove himself!

The moment he got the ball, he felt his whole body was shaking, which led to some instability in his dribbling and almost lost it. Fortunately, he was quick in the eye and controlled the basketball.

But still bring fans a wave of joy

SPO pressed his temple hard on the side of the court. He felt that he was a little superior. Beasley, this guy, would not have made any embarrassing things

At this time, Jifeng also returned to its position.

"I\'m going to single you!" Beasley roared, the smile on his face disappeared and began to dribble flowers in his crotch.

Jifeng did not press, although Bisley has a certain range, but at this time, he will never choose to shoot. Bisley will definitely use his body to crush Jifeng, which is what he thinks in his heart.

Sure enough, Beasley chose his back!

He wants to play Ji Feng in singles!

He wants everyone to see his strength!

"Well, back?! It\'s impossible to fight Jifeng like this! " Yang Yi is very puzzled to say.

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