Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1048

Beasley was ignorant. As soon as he got out of the bar, he received a call from the coach. Spo was very angry on the phone and asked him to take care of his mouth. Even his good brother Durant sent a text message to ask him to be more careful in the next game. After drinking for half a day, Bisley still had the music and the posture of big white girl in his mind, so he didn\'t seem to remember what happened.

It was not until he returned to the hotel that he learned the story from Chalmers, who lived with him.

"Oh, that\'s it. You are all afraid of Jifeng. My brother is not afraid of him. To be honest, I have long wanted to fight with him. I am not an Asian." Beasley turned his mouth in disdain and didn\'t take it to heart.

"Man, that guy is very strong. You\'d better be careful." Chalmers kindly reminded.

"Fuck, give me the ball tomorrow, I\'ll show you my strength!" Beasley turned to the bathroom. He decided to go to bed early tonight and save his energy to meet Jifeng tomorrow.


This is the NBA, so it happens almost every day. Most of the people here are unruly guys. There are very few good guys like Grant Hill. So you can basically see from the daily news that so and so are fighting in the media for a certain problem, and this is not limited to the players in active service, All kinds of retired celebrities will come out from time to time to talk about their existence.

Last month, O\'Neill also got angry in the media because a retired veteran said he was old. Later, he even played diss, which was very artistic.

Therefore, Jifeng has long been used to this kind of bickering before the game. After all, he is not a nobody now. As a superstar in the league, he often meets people who come to him for a sense of existence.

Ji Feng generally ignores famous players. After all, it\'s not easy for these old guys. Their career may be brilliant enough, but the time is cruel. When they retire, they will be gradually forgotten. And they come out to talk from time to time to find a sense of existence and engage in a wave of topics so that fans will not forget it so quickly.

Therefore, Jifeng seldom responds to such things directly. At most, he uses practical actions to fight in the face. This is also the most effective way. For example, last year\'s inglish was beaten in the face by Jifeng, and now he doesn\'t dare to speak ill of Jifeng.

However, Ji Feng is definitely not a good match. For direct provocation from opponents, Ji Feng will not be polite. He will definitely spray back immediately and abuse him on the court.

To be honest, there are fewer and fewer guys who directly challenge Jifeng before the game. Even Garnett once talked about himself as one of the NBA\'s best garbage talkers on a variety show. However, he seldom talks about two people on the court.

When asked which two, wolf Wang Zhijie replied: "Oh, this is a good question, but now the League all know, is not it? One is Kobe, I met that guy in high school, I used to greet him with rubbish words when we just met, but he not only spurted back, but also fought back madly in the subsequent games. It was a terrible home Man, once you irritate him, it\'s hard to get rid of him. When he\'s angry, his fighting power is stronger and he will try his best to trouble you. Later we became friends. I know the character of that guy, so in order to make the game easier, I don\'t usually talk rubbish to him

"As for the other one, it\'s my new friend, who\'s also from the Laker. Yes, that\'s what you think. That guy, Ji Feng, the horrible guy, once shook me down. I still remember it very well. Oh, roar, the Lakers are really the place to produce monsters."

"I won\'t easily spray rubbish on him, because that guy\'s level of rubbish talk is also very good. The most important thing is that he, like Kobe, will be crazy to trouble you after being spammed. The most important thing is that this guy won\'t be angry. At least you can\'t see it on the surface. He will run over with a smile, and then slam on your head, or use 360 methods After you, sometimes I\'ll pass you two or three times in a round. I\'ll play until you\'re in a state of mind. I\'ll say goodbye with a smile. What a terrible guy

Garnett\'s words resonate with many people, Laker JK, can\'t be provoked.

However, this time, unlike what Garnett said, Bisley\'s repeated provocations angered Ji Feng. He felt that the rookies were really jumping. The outside world boasted that they were the platinum generation. They seemed to really think so. Rose was better and polite, but the top two were really jumping.

After going to Grizzlies, OJ Mayo threatened: "although you missed Jifeng, you welcomed me. I brought my talent here. I will let everyone see who is the Savior of this team."

You see, it\'s human language. Although you were a flower seeker, you were the first high school student in the legend before, and you were considered to be the talent of rose, but before you played this game, you were going to be the Savior. He thought that the Savior was cabbage, and he wanted to be. James didn\'t dare to say that at that time.

The most important thing is that Grizzlies are still guy\'s team. When he said this, guy was not happy immediately. The Grizzlies were in the same fight as beforeMake Conley and season peak communication time will collapse, he thinks Grizzlies this team is definitely cursed.

Don\'t mention Mayo until you meet him, but Beasley is really when he loses his temper.

"Before, he was ignored because he was a rookie, but now, this guy seems to lack socialist education." Jifeng looked at the information he found about Bisley and touched his chin.

He didn\'t want to keep his hand this time. He felt that this was an opportunity. To be honest, he was also very upset when someone came to challenge him every day. So this time, he decided to make a warning to others and let those who want to come to him to find trouble stop this idea!

However, Bisley\'s data is still quite bluffing, so Jifeng didn\'t dare to be careless before the game. He spent his night in the research materials.

December 8th!


The Lakers play at home against the visiting heat!

Staples is full of people and Ji Feng has already said hello to his teammates in the dressing room.

"Don\'t leave a hand, guys. Today, we\'re going to make a deep impression on the heat." Ji Feng shouts.

"Don\'t worry, boy. I\'m a professional." Kobe blinked.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve adjusted it already!" Bynum patted his chest.

"Hey, hey, hey, I love doing things." Said Farmar with a bad smile.


At the end of the appearance ceremony, the two teams started first!

Ji Feng faced Bisley in the middle circle and turned his head: "Beasley, I heard you\'re going to challenge me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!