Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1045

"Who can stop him is really a good question, and I want to know." Spoelstra shrugged, swallowed the French fries and put down the newspaper.

Yes, Mr. Spoelstra is the new head coach of the Lakers\' next opponent, the heat.

In April 2008, Spoelstra was appointed head coach of the Miami Heat as the successor of the divine operator Riley, becoming the first Filipino hybrid head coach in NBA history, and the first Filipino mixed head coach of all professional sports teams in North America.

The decision was seen as a wild gamble in the past few months, and the whole of Miami was shocked by the decision, and even fans held banners to protest at the gate of the heat stadium.

Even some irascible elder brother threatened that as long as he came, he would refund the ticket, and said that the heat would fall into the abyss because of this Filipino descendant.

I don\'t blame the fans. If the team you support suddenly changes the famous Riley to the unknown spo one day, I think you can\'t stand the blow, especially after a failed season, you even feel that this team doesn\'t want to run away.

Before that, few people knew this Mr. Spoelstra. His basketball career has nothing to say. He belongs to a guy with dreams but no talent. His average score of 9 points per game is not a first-class League. This kind of data will only make people laugh.

After graduating from University, he chose to go to a professional team in Germany, but don\'t get me wrong. What he did there was not to become a professional player, but a player and coach. According to the number of times he played, it was difficult to list him as a professional player.

The most troubling thing is that, although Spode did join the heat very early, he has actually been working as a scout, that is, the job James did before. It has to be said that he is still talented, at least better than James at the beginning. After becoming a scout in 1999, he became the director of the heat in 2004. He won Riley\'s trust and made him an exception Assistant coach of the team.

According to the truth, according to his age of 37, he should work as an assistant coach for several years, or go to the professional team to accumulate some coaching experience. Maybe he will have the opportunity to coach the NBA in the future, because it is not an easy thing to be the head coach of the NBA. All the elite members of the basketball coaching industry are gathered here. If you don\'t have enough experience, you can lead the team alone, It\'s definitely going to be bad.

However, only seven years later, he was selected as Riley\'s successor and became the heat\'s head coach. This is the NBA version of Du Lala\'s promotion!

But don\'t say, after he took office, the results are quite good. After passing through the initial pain period, he now leads the heat to rise again. At present, he ranks fifth in the East, with a record of 8-12. Well, yes, the victory rate does not need to reach 50% to have a seat in the East. However, compared with the heat last season, the heat is certainly improved.

However, this can not let fans buy, fans credit Wade\'s recovery, this season\'s Wade finally separated from the previous two seasons of injury, lightning breakthrough again shining in the field, coupled with the newly joined team\'s top players Bisley and new komop Chalmers, as well as veteran Haslem and Marion, many fans think their achievements are more than this 。

What\'s more, the heat had a total negative record against the top four teams in the East and the West. Except for the Lakers and the Hornets, they played six games with eight teams in the East and the west, but failed to win any.

In the last game, they were 130-129 in extra time, and one point disadvantage was taken away by warriors from the edge of Western playoffs. The key is that they were still 11 points ahead in the fourth quarter. Finally, spo replaced Wade ahead of time, but was dragged into overtime. In the overtime game, Crawford finished the near winner, and Ke Liu scored 40 points, 7 assists and 6 rebounds at their home court.

This defeat also let spo on the crest of the storm, the last quarter of the fans were crazy criticized, so spo\'s life is not easy, for Riley\'s voice also reached the peak.

In this situation, the heat bar arrived in Los Angeles, they will face the Lakers away

Seeing such a schedule, spo felt that God was joking with him

20 consecutive wins, 20 consecutive 30 + games, unbeatable season peak, lonely Laker, crazy staples Stadium

Moreover, this competition is the breakthrough battle of Jifeng. Before the competition, everyone is warming up Jifeng and completing the surpassing of Chamberlain!

So, spo thought it was a bad game.

However, as a coach with a dream, his heart is still wild, that is, he is very eager to win this victory away!

Beat a strong team.

This is the life-saving straw for all coaches in critical moments. Today\'s Laker is in the ascendant. The media constantly touts them as the strongest team in history and their winning streak is unstoppable. He has a chance to touch the incredible 33 consecutive wins and think Ji Feng will have the chance to become the youngest MVP winner in NBA history

And the Lakers are really very strong. There are many strong teams falling in front of them. At present, Jifeng single player dominates the scoring list, the assists list and the steals list, and the data of three doubles per game also creates a new history. After the first round of all star voting, Ji Feng\'s unprecedented 1.01 million votes shows Ji Feng\'s terrible popularity in the world.Think about it, if the heat can win such a team under his spo\'s leadership, then his crisis will definitely be solved, the heat\'s media and fans will definitely applaud him, and he will become famous in the first World War.

However, spo naturally knows the difficulties, according to their current lineup, it is really difficult to beat the Lakers.

"Low key, low key. Do you want to boast about them?" SPO murmured to himself that he had studied the Lakers. This team will break out 120 combat effectiveness in the face of provocation, and it is possible to overturn when it is poisoned. So spo is wondering whether he should also use it.

"Well, that\'s it! Still need to tell those guys, don\'t talk in front of the media, especially that Beasley, fuck, the team will choose this guy for Mao! "

SPO was originally full of hope for Beasley. He was a talented guy. The reason why he chose him was that he saw JK\'s ability to combine 2 and 3 positions. However, he didn\'t expect that Beasley was really talented. However, he was not disciplined and had a bad temper. He had a bad relationship with the players in the team.

He dared to smoke marijuana in rookie training camp. Although he was fined 50000, he still couldn\'t change his behavior. He just opened his eyes and closed his eyes. In November, he was summoned by the police for speeding, and the heat team still put an end to it.

This guy is a real troublemaker, and he is so unique on the court that he dares to challenge Wade\'s authority and really takes himself as the boss.

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