Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1042

The highly anticipated wizard didn\'t expect that the first quarter would be cold. Although he was only nine points behind, he was completely suppressed by the Lakers from the scene. Although the feeling of other people in the offensive end of the Lakers, except Ji Feng, was very ordinary. Kobe was 2-for-6, Gasol was 1-for-4, which was obviously not very good. The old fish even threw empty balloons that had not been seen for a long time, but this would only bring joy to the scene but not the scene Let the fans panic, that\'s what the Lakers are doing.

Because the Lakers not only attack, attack can\'t defend together, which is the reason why all the strong teams are better. This game is composed of Ji Feng and Kobe Bryant to give everyone a vivid defense training course. The opponent\'s 2, 3 all star level players have no state in their defense line. The two add up to 3-for-12, Jamison The three-point goal was even beaten off the court by Ji Feng\'s big hat, and judging from the expressions of the two of them, this section made them almost depressed.

This is the difference between super giant and ordinary star players.

This makes people see a fact, this wizard team is really not good without arenas, this team is still arenas\'s team, in terms of the heart and scoring ability, arenas is much better than the other two.

Jamison and Butler belong to the kind of people, although the data seems not bad, can basically get 20 + per game, but once the key game is arranged clearly.

So that\'s why before the game, the wizards and coaches were so arrogant in the media that they threatened to stop the Lakers from winning, but no one from the top to the bottom responded.

Because there is no need to defeat the wizard, Ji Feng they have absolute confidence.

However, Ji Feng was quite surprised that he got 10 points in a single quarter. He didn\'t expect that Butler could not help defending himself. Defense was full of loopholes. Ji Feng basically just needed to push the ball in. Butler was trapped in his height and speed, and couldn\'t keep up with Jifeng, who had full fire.

As for the sudden in, the wizard\'s inside line in addition to foul, there is no better way.

But even so, the Wizards in the second quarter still made their own efforts, they replaced Nicky young to strengthen the attack, and the potential rookie jawale McKee was replaced inside!

This is a young and potential inside line. At the moment, he is 213cm tall and weighs 110kg. The most important thing is that he has strong physical movement ability and excellent bounce. If you have seen him in college, you will find that he is a guy with height, arm span, speed and bounce, belonging to one of the few centers who can participate in the slam dunk contest.

The purpose of the wizard to replace the main center is also very clear, because Butler\'s defensive ability is like that, the wizard can not find a replacement, so simply choose to strengthen the defensive ability of the interior line. This change is to limit Ji Feng\'s breakthrough, because McKee\'s blocking ability is still good. He once blocked eight times in a game at most in college.

"Wow, this guy can stretch his arms, but he\'s a bit old, but I don\'t remember where I met him and got it back from. Here it is." Jifeng on the stage to see a tall arm on the opposite guy, but Jifeng did not remember to see him last season, thought it was from Europe, so he turned to ask the old fish.

"Rookie, this is the 18th show of this year. At the beginning, it was said that there was a chance to enter the green house, but in the end, I don\'t know why I fell to the 18th place. Maybe it\'s because this year\'s draft year, the guys in front are exaggerating. In fact, according to his figure, there may be a chance for the top five in the next year. If you meet the one who is not open-minded, the top three will also have a chance. This guy\'s physical quality is very good Not bad. He is an old man even though he is old. He is only twenty and is one year younger than you. " Old fish speechless reply way, season peak this guy really did not pay attention to this year\'s all rookies.

"Oh, I\'m sorry. I\'m sorry." Ji Feng smiles. He can\'t remember so many rookies. He only focused on the top few rookies this year. For others, at most, he knows the name or simply doesn\'t know the name.

This is not Ji Feng tuoda. Everyone is like this. Except for some rookies, such as old fish, it is impossible for others to remember everyone. In a word, if you want to let others know you in this league, you have to show your strength.

"But this guy is a rookie." Ji Feng touched his chin and put on a smile. He likes rookies best.

"Hiss ~ ~" the old fish saw Ji Feng\'s smile and walked two steps to the field, but he looked at McKee\'s eyes with a trace of sympathy, was the big devil staring at you, you can have good

However, McKee, who just came out next door, is very powerful and yells at the Lakers.

But this scene in Ji Feng\'s view, how to see how some not very clever sub son.

Well, Ji Feng really guessed right!

McGee\'s good physical condition should have been paid more attention in the draft, but the biggest reason why he was selected after falling to 18th place was that his brain was not very good when he played.

In the Scout\'s report, Javier McKee\'s performance sometimes can be described as magical, but sometimes it\'s just fantastic. He seems to use instinct instead of brain.However, Ji Feng didn\'t know about this evaluation, so he was quite cautious about the first goal. After all, his height and arms were spread out there. If he was not careful, he might let the sailboat go. So Ji Feng chose to ask Bynum to pick him up and move him out.

As a result, McGee not only came out, but also gave up Bynum and ran directly to Jifeng, as if to defend Jifeng.

"I\'ll go. What\'s the situation?" Jifeng is shocked, you such a big man directly choose to defend me, this is the ankle do not want?!

Jifeng will not be polite. After a backward step, McGee was shaken and ran into Butler on the right!

Ji Feng no one defends, cuts into the inside line to send on the fulcrum!

"Ha ha! ~"This scene makes Barkley almost laugh under the table. Where did he find the rookie? It\'s funny.

"Shit! Don\'t be so defensive! Stand in your place for me The wizard coach didn\'t expect this guy to come up and come out like this. For a moment, he was a little superior, but he still yelled at this guy with the last trace of reason.

“OK!” McGee didn\'t feel embarrassed either. He gave the coach a thumbs up and blinked.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this guy." Smith also laughed, this guy is serious, make the field is not serious at all.

In the second round, McKee really listened to the coach\'s words, stood under the basket and didn\'t come out, until Ji Feng killed him in front of him, or did not come out, let Ji Feng easily into a small throw

"Shit!" coach wizard broke the board.

"Stone hammer, this guy is not very clever." Jifeng is also happy, this guy is too funny. , the fastest update of the webnovel!