Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1035

"Shua ~!"

As the basketball crossed the net, Ji Feng threw his ninth free throw in the game, which was also his 36th point in the game. It was a point recorded in history, because he successfully surpassed himself a year ago and once again set the highest score in the NBA!

"It\'s so easy to break the record. Jifeng is really a God." Barkley smacked his lips. There was always a record when watching Ji Feng play. However, he just had a surprise talk with Smith that Ji Feng might break four records in a single game. As a result, Ji Feng did it in less than a minute, and he was so relaxed. Those guys on the opposite side were stupid and could only give points for fouls, which made them look like they had never seen the market.

"Mm-hmm ~!" Smith nodded his head in deep admiration.

After the penalty, some of the lost green army fans in the stands around Ji fengchong waved and showed a charming smile, although the smile was particularly evil in the eyes of green army fans.

Although this move seems irrational to many people, it is absolutely crazy to provoke fans in the north bank garden.

But Ji Feng will not care about the feelings of these fans. He is not a man who treats him with boos and rubbish words for so long.

However, surprisingly, despite Ji Feng\'s wave, no one booed Jifeng any more. The whole venue seemed a bit silent, and the boos were almost negligible. Even some places scanned by the camera had empty seats. What does this mean? It means that Jifeng\'s performance will be called the most loyal and blood-thirsty Green Army fans in the league have all left the field These two seasons are really rare!

And the fans who stay don\'t dare to challenge Ji Feng any more, because Ji Feng at this time can be compared with the devil in their eyes. After all, in the history of NBA, there has never been a star who can easily take away the records here, let alone Ji Feng. It\'s just like dreaming!

"Am I dreaming..." Just now the fans who vowed that Jifeng could not break the record and could not make another three-point shot were staring in the stands. He found that he had underestimated Ji Feng\'s ability, and his close friends had left the field ahead of time

Ji Feng, who finished waving his hand, accepted the congratulations of his four teammates:

"Niubi! good job! Keep going. " -Kobe.

"Invincible, big brother." -Bynum

"hahaha, the green shirt guys are green -Gasol

"brother, please bring." -Farmar.

These guys are more calm than others. After all, Ji Feng\'s ability has been seen in training camp, so it\'s amazing, but it\'s no surprise that Jifeng has long been known as a monster in the Laker team.

Farmar, in particular, has been practicing with Ji Feng for two weeks. He is abused every day. In his dreams at night, he feels that he can hear the sound of three-point ball dropping. God knows what he has experienced. Now he looks at the dull faces of Pearce and other big men. How can he feel comfortable.


The penalty season is up to 37 points again!

Rivers off the court has completely stopped watching. He knows that he has lost this game. He also has an idea in his heart. Ji Feng is likely to use this game to change the whole basketball world. Three points are more terrifying than people think and more important!

Then Zen master took advantage of the dead ball to replace Ji Feng directly, and Ji Feng\'s crazy single section performance finally came to an end.

"An incredible number, 37 points in a single quarter, 9 3 points in a single section, 6 3 points in a row, and 30 + in 16 consecutive games, Ji Feng has set new NBA records. For a long time, people will never forget Ji Feng\'s performance. This should be the most crazy single season performance in NBA history." ESPN\'s commentary says.

The most important thing is that Ji Feng\'s opponent is Celtic, a league leader, or a deadly enemy of the Lakers. He is away from home, and under such attention, this performance can directly make Ji Feng\'s position on several levels!

The most important thing is that the game is not finished, and Jifeng still has the opportunity to continue to set his own record. According to Jifeng\'s performance now, how many points will he get after playing the whole match!

Although the NBA record is the record, many people say that they can remember the record but can\'t remember the opponent, but it does not include Ji Feng. This yellow and green war will definitely make all fans die in their minds.

Moreover, at this time, although many green army fans chose to turn off the live broadcast, more fans poured into the live room. They all heard about Jifeng\'s performance from various channels, and knew that Jifeng had swept invincible at the moment, so they would like to see if Ji Feng would continue to break the record in the last quarter!

The game goes on!

The Lakers replaced Jifeng. Ji Feng sat on the bench for the first time. In fact, Ji Feng still wanted to go on, but was stopped by Zen master. Now all the players in the green shirt army are like a madman. He is afraid that Jifeng will be maliciously fouled, which is not worth the loss. Moreover, relying on Jifeng\'s crazy performance, the Lakers played 41-25 in a single quarter and won 16 points in a single quarter Zen master will not let Ji Feng take risks.However, after five minutes of adjustment, the green shirt team really adjusted back. The main reason was that the Lakers took the lead on the court, which made them relax. Ray Allen took the opportunity to shoot three three points in a row, reducing the difference to 9 points.

But at this time, the fans are excited, or the green army is strong, tenacity is high, this next season peak should play!

In particular, the Chinese fans in front of the TV set, let alone the excited feeling. Some student party members who are still writing live at school have found excuses to go to the toilet to sneak into the school canteen and rub against the TV in the canteen to watch the game!

Sure enough, Jifeng played in the end 4 minutes, and then it was the green army\'s turn to attack. Rondo headed into the forbidden area with the ball in front of him, and Farmar was too lazy to keep up with him. However, this just gave Ji fengxiu the opportunity to operate. Rondo\'s bounce was probably better than Farmar\'s, but compared with Ji Feng, forget it, there\'s no way!

So looking at Ji Feng, who came over from the make-up defense, he had no choice but to throw. Ji Feng was not vague. With one right arm, he jumped high like a fly to swat away the basketball. Kobe actively grabbed the second penalty. At this time, Ji Feng had already accelerated to rush to the green army\'s half court.

Man to ball!

JK tacit understanding connection lets Jifeng seize the opportunity again, the vacancy three points!


Ji Feng has already deducted all the points except three points!

The tenth three!

Season peak is only one step away from Kobe\'s record!

After the green defense is very targeted, Ji Feng is not in a hurry, has been organizing assists to score, the difference quickly returned to about 20 points.

And finally, pierce a Leng Shen Kung Fu, Ji Feng received Kobe\'s return, bow and arrow!

Ji Feng again shot three points against Pierce\'s defense!


Ji Feng tied the record of three-point ball in a single game! , the fastest update of the webnovel!