Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1014

It\'s normal that the Lakers don\'t look up to the bulls. Although the team has chosen Ross, it still doesn\'t change people\'s impression of him as a point boy. Therefore, the whole Laker didn\'t pay much attention to the next game. They put all their attention into the game with the Hornets. After all, the Hornets may be their main opponents in the playoffs.

Jifeng\'s eyes are only Chris Paul, once they meet now, it must be the needle to the wheat.

And Jifeng still don\'t know, although they can\'t look at the bull, but the bulls have been staring at Jifeng for a long time.

At the moment, in Chicago, a group of new people are sweating in the training hall. The new champion Derek cross is the first to bear the brunt. It is not difficult to find out from his sweat that he has been training here for at least two hours, but judging from his meaning, it is far from the end of this training.

"Well, Derek, it\'s the same today." George Noah came up and handed rose a bottle of water.

"It\'s a long way to go. I can do what Jifeng can do." Rose dropped his basketball and finally stopped to take the water.

"Derek, you don\'t have to compare with Jifeng. It\'s a monster. You\'re already strong. In rookies, few people in history are better than you. Even Durant\'s guy did that last season." Speaking of rookie rookie rookie at that time, he knew that the rookie rookie had been in the same season by chance, and he knew that the rookie had been in the same season by chance.

No way, rose can\'t help being stimulated. He heard the legend of Ji Feng when he was in college. He just laughed the first time. After all, this kind of star is very common in the NBA, and he is also an Asian high school student. Ross thinks that he will soon disappear.

As a result, the reality taught Ross a lesson. Ji Feng did not fall, but soared into the sky at the speed of the rocket and went out of control. One record became a hot topic among his college teammates. Many of the team members even became fans of Jifeng. When the crazy front generation was put on sale, they even organized a group to rob him, just like when they robbed AJ Well, that makes Ross more curious.

So he tried to get Jifeng\'s game video, and rose was stunned. This is really a rookie, too strong!

At that time, Ji Feng\'s three points were not allowed, and the breakthrough Zhongtou was his weapon. What rose was most surprised about was Ji Feng\'s breakthrough ability. You know, what Ross was proud of was his breakthrough, sharp, fast, crazy and effective. Rose\'s breakthrough ability was well known when he didn\'t enter the NBA, but rose felt that Jifeng was even stronger, because rose had been self-made In many cases, we can\'t achieve the level of seasonal peak.

After watching this set of videos, rose has the idea that NBA is just like this. He thinks that his ability will be as big as Ji Feng when he enters the NBA. He even has a dream of shaking the world like Ji Feng.

"Certainly." Rose thought.

With such an idea, he also sent a challenge invitation to Jifeng before the start of the competition. Unfortunately, Jifeng didn\'t pay attention to it, but he didn\'t care. He knew that this was a world of strength. As long as he played well, no one dared to ignore him. He decided to show himself with his strength and let Ji Feng know him one day.

However, after entering the NBA, he found that the situation was fundamentally different from what he thought. There were two games between here and NCAA. The confrontation here was too strong and the speed was too fast. The defense he faced was more than one grade higher. Although he played well in the preseason, the outside world also gave him a very positive evaluation, and the coaching group was very satisfied, but it was still far away from his imagination Yes.

So he trained more seriously, he must want to fly in the regular season!

Finally, when it came to the regular season, the first game they faced was the Milwaukee Bucks in the eastern middle reaches. He was opposite the Bucks\' boss Reid. He started the game and wanted to kill the opposite team. He knew that Jifeng\'s first NBA game was against the league\'s powerful Hornets. In front of Paul, Jifeng only got 2 points, but sent out the highest 2 points in rookie history 0 assists, and no mistakes, this data broke the rookie\'s first game of all kinds of records, became the beginning of his legendary rookie career.

Seriously, no rookie can resist the temptation, he wants to show his ability.

However, he did not expect that he was directly frustrated, he was directly hit by reed!

He couldn\'t keep up with Reid\'s rhythm. He was crushed by Reid in all directions. Reid wanted to take advantage of his own speed to eat Reid. However, this rumor that the bad defensive guy actually robbed him directly and scored three points on his head. In the end, he didn\'t even have the strength to attack

"Derek still needs to adapt." "After all, it\'s just his first game," the Bulls side commentary said

"You\'re too young, boy." At the end of the game, Reed said in his ear.

Rose held his knee up and didn\'t speak because he didn\'t have much to refute. Most importantly, he had no strength in the 35 minutes.And the data on the big screen is very clear. Reed scored 30 points, shot 10 of 19, made 4 of 8 3-point shots, and 6 of 8 free throws, a typical superstar data.

But rose played 35 minutes, only 11 points, 11 shot only 3, and no three-point goal, this is a very pure crushing Bureau.

Rose realized the cruelty of NBA!

But it\'s not over. In the second game, he played Celtic, the runner up of the League last season. Ross finally realized what a super strong team in the league is. The bulls were pressed to the ground and blasted hammers. The whole game had no chance. He lost 10 points in the first quarter, and rose only got 10 points. This is the result of his hard work.

These two games let rose realize his own gap, so he trained harder. Of course, there were gains in training. After that, rose gradually stepped into the right track and scored higher and higher. In the fourth game, rose finally got his first 20 + score in his career, and 17 points in the first 8 games and 7 assists in the first 8 games, which also ranked first among the Rookies of this year and the best of the week Rookie honor.

But rose still did not relax, because he only found out how big the gap between him and Jifeng was, but he was still not satisfied. He still wanted to fight with Jifeng in person to see how strong Jifeng was.

Immediately, the bull\'s next game is the Lakers, Derek cross also officially issued a challenge to Jifeng.

"Jifeng, I\'ll wait for you in Chicago!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!