Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1012

Paul doesn\'t want to give up, now 15 points behind, he also wants to open up, no longer to assist, he will carry the team on his shoulders, do the final attempt!

Raise your feet and hips and worship Buddha!

As soon as Paul appeared, he showed his excellent dribbling skills. He successfully tricked Farmar to the basket, forced Gasol\'s cover, and scored the ball with a big foul.

After landing, Paul passionately clapped hands with his teammates and tried his best to promote the atmosphere of the team.

The score was reduced to 12 points.

But the attack of the Lakers is still stable, and two points to create a series of nine consecutive 30 + and four consecutive 30 + triple double season peak did not let the fans wait, he chose a very active attack this time!

Call Gasol pick and roll, Jifeng a back dribble to open the space, and then quickly choose to kill into the inside line.

Europe step!

Although the speed of this way of breakthrough is not fast, and even in the eyes of some people, this is the legendary slow three steps, but this way of breakthrough is absolutely not as simple as it seems. The biggest highlight of this technique is the pace of the layup, which makes the defender unable to judge the direction of the move, leading to the defender losing his defensive position.

This way is carried forward by Ginobili in the NBA, we also gave him a name, called snake step, in the NBA is very difficult to defend a breakthrough way.

Up to now, he has been more elusive in this season than his usual way of throwing the ball

Just like Ji Feng is doing now, his body, feet and hands holding the ball are shaking, and Ji Feng can cheat his opponent with his eyes.

Chandler was swayed away by Ji Feng. Ji Feng easily licked the basket and scored the ball!

The real sense of answerball!

and this is also Ji Feng\'s 30th point of the game. He successfully continued his record of 30 + points in the opening match, and at the same time, he equaled posi in the triple double table, ranking seventh in history!

"Wonderful, everyone likes to watch Jifeng\'s smashing dunk, but never underestimate Ji Feng\'s skills. This European step is not so easy. The difficulty of completing the European step lies in the higher requirements for body coordination, the better combination of man and ball. The ball follows the upper body, and when changing direction, it has to follow the upper body to complete a large change of direction. If the combination of man and ball is not good, it is easy to lose the ball This skill, look at Asia, besides Ji Feng, who can do so well? " Zhang said with great appreciation that the ball like Jifeng really has a sense of natural and unrestrained.

Moreover, he is afraid that everyone thinks that Ji Feng eats by his body and ignores his skills and basic skills. Because Ji Feng has such a great influence, almost no one in China who is learning basketball does not imitate Ji Feng. Therefore, he is also diligent, for fear that those children will go astray.

Zhang\'s worry is reasonable. After all, dunk is good-looking, basic skills are boring, but I don\'t know that there is no basic skills to do the foundation, the rest is just a month in the mirror. Look at Diamond Scola, although this kind of play is not good-looking, but he can definitely play to 40 years old, but Xiaosi, strong body, no skills, after two seasons should be cool.

Far away, the picture returns to the court. After Ji Feng scores the ball, the Lakers take advantage of the situation to change all the main players, and Ji Feng takes off the court to rest.

The Hornets have no ability to parry. They can only rely on Paul to play one by one. Looking at Paul\'s panting appearance, it\'s a bit like a brave hero.

His data also rose, taking advantage of the rest of Ji Feng, he got 13 points in the third quarter, and his own score was also brought to 30 points, but his assists were only once in this section.

And the difference is still 12

But the difference made the fourth quarter a little bit of suspense, but the only problem was that Paul was really tired.

Scott had to go down and rest for him.

As soon as Paul is off the field, Ji Feng is on. How can the Hornets play without Paul? Maybe they don\'t even think about it. The first attack is given to Chandler.

"How did you give the ball, Chandler Barkley people are stupid. There\'s an egg to pass in.

Chandler was also confused, but when the ball arrived, he tried to hit his back twice. As a result, Bynum suddenly took a step. Chandler took three big steps decisively

"Ha ha ha." The Laker bench on the crowd will be impolite smile, O\'Neal why not retire, so there are five big embarrassment

And the Hornets are also very uncomfortable, this ball if they are not their own people, really can not hold back.

"Opportunity! Give the ball Jifeng see Hornets players are still confused, decisively run forward, while running to the ball.

Fisher saw it. Go straight to the long pass!

Season peak midline receives the ball when, the hornet team member just reacts.

"Go back to defense Scott yelled. He really wanted to go up and play for these idiots. It\'s too much of a worry.

But now only can catch up with the season peak speed, is the small guard Armstrong, he actually pasted up, but the height and weight confrontation technology is not a level.At such a close distance, Ji Feng swung the ball over his head with a high jump.


Ji Feng easily scored the goal on his head, 32 points, Ji Feng enjoyed the highest score of the game.

"It\'s really defensive." What fuck Barkley has been unable to make complaints about, and the defense is drunk. But what is he hesitating about when he is standing in the defensive position? To a rookie who has just entered the League knows that even if he pulls down, he won\'t let the ball in!

But this ball also can\'t blame him, because after all, he is the only one back defense in place, let him a 187cm person defend Ji Feng originally unscientific.

When Paul was away for two minutes, the Hornets only scored a three-point, which was thrown by Peja, who had been invisible for a long time. In this way, he still had an effect. Although he defended the pit, he was able to score in double unconsciously. At least it was much better than James Posey, who only got 2 points by Jifeng.

But when Paul came back, the difference was close to 20 points, which was a big difference. There was still 9 minutes left for the Hornets. There was really not much time left for the Hornets.

Paul did it!

He shot from the inside out, but the percentage of hits was obviously reduced. The three-point shot was even more continuous. His physical strength had already bottomed out.

The Lakers, on the other hand, kept the score gap. With Paul shooting again, the game time was only 1.5 points.

Scott sighs, it is a helpless, he has used all the tactics he can use, Paul plays well enough, but the gap between the hard power of the team is there, and the Hornets can only accept the bitter fruit of failure in the end.

Paul was replaced to announce the end of the suspense of the game.

Before leaving the court, Paul turned his head and looked at Ji Feng, which was his fifth loss to Ji Feng. Embarrassingly, it was also the record of all the two people fighting. Paul had no victory.

When can you end up with so many peaks.

112-94, 18 points gap, Hornets away to hate, the Lakers home to win nine consecutive wins, continue to maintain their unbeaten gold body! , the fastest update of the webnovel!