Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 795

Jiaoyue returns to the Duke's house of Sucheng. Her sister-in-law, green Mengmeng, is already pregnant. She is ready to go and congratulate her. The two little ones naturally want to follow Jiaoyue, and they can't be left behind.

On the way, Xiaoye asked curiously, "why go to see my aunt?"

Jiaoyue explained, "your aunt is pregnant with a baby now. Let's go and celebrate for her."

"I want to have a little brother?" he asked

Jiao Yue hugged the two little guys and said, "it's not sure whether it's a little brother or a little sister, but later, you two have a new team to join."

The little leaf and the little star called out: "good!"

Xiaoye and Xiaoxing are full of expectations for the coming baby. They have been talking about something. They are very childlike.

When we arrived at the Duke's house of Sucheng, a large family of people gathered there, and we all talked and laughed. Jiao Yue led the two little guys to the past and asked with a smile, "what do you say? You are so happy."

Green lemon see the rescue, even busy way: "Jiaoyue, you are a person, quickly tell everyone. Now, they have given me serious protection. Even when they get up and take a walk, they all have their own personal support. They look like a granny in their seventies and eighties. It's not so expensive. "

Jiao Yue said, "you are a good seller even if you get cheap. I didn't even enjoy this kind of high-level treatment at that time. "

Then he turned to Su's mother and said, "mother, you are not fair. When I was pregnant, I didn't see you take care of me so carefully. How can you be so careful and proper? I'll have to wrestle and raise me. You're too eccentric

Su Mu said with a smile, "where can we compare it. You are the spilled water. Naturally, you should be taken care of by the Lord. He is not taking good care of him. Naturally, he should be asking if he is not. Why, do you want my mother to send someone to fix him

Jiaoyue said: "that is, it must be repaired, and my mother should send someone immediately."

Su Mu said with a smile, "look at you. You're selling yourself here. Who doesn't know that the Lord has taken care of you properly. Now you come here to say this. Be careful whether I can help you or not. "

Jiaoyue refused to accept the airway: "what's the relationship with him? It's clearly my own hard work and great achievements."

Su Mu said again, "you. In other words, you are coarse skinned and thick skinned. You can't stand it if you are really expensive. "

Jiao Yue does not deny: "yes. But you really don't have to be so thoughtful. Don't hold people down. She must be more careful than you. It's OK

Su Mu nodded: "it's still for you to say, we just make fun of her."

The crowd was laughing again.

One side of the small leaf can be counted as waiting for the opportunity to speak, asked: "where is the younger brother?"

Green lemon funny looking at him, way: "brother in aunt's stomach."

Xiao Ye Zi shook his head and said, "no, my aunt is lying. It's different when I give it to my brother. "

Green lemon smile asks a way: "that younger brother when what appearance?"

The smaller the ball, the bigger the ball. The big ball bangs to the ground and becomes a brother. "

Everyone laughed.

Jiao Yue can't help stroking her forehead. She's a little devil.

Green lemon greets small leaf way: "ha ha ha, it's still a little far away from that time now. It will gradually become a round ball. Do you want to touch it first

Little leaf doubted the past, put the small hand on the green lemon belly.

It's not interesting to see the little things when the leaves are hopping around. I can't help but look puzzled.

The little leaf looked at the little star and explained, "my aunt says it's a little early now, and I can't feel anything."

Little star nods, also don't know understand.

Little leaf saw his brother's silly appearance and pointed out: "here, after a little brother will come out, someone will play with us."

Little star grinned and grinned: "little brother, I will be younger brother later."

Small leaf continues: "after I am the boss, everything will listen to me." Then he pointed to the little star and said, "you are the second." The little star waved his fist and seemed to be satisfied with the position of the second leader.

Jiaoyue looked at her two excited sons and reminded her, "you can't bully your brother."

Xiaoye walked to Jiaoyue, took her hand and shook it. She firmly said, "we should protect the little brother in my aunt's stomach." Finish saying still don't forget to look at a little star, confirm to him: "right?"

Little star firmly supported his brother and nodded vigorously: "yes. We'll have a good time with my brother. "

Su Mu listened to the words of the two little guys and laughed happily: "you two ghost spirits. You've been looking at your little brother all the time. I do think so. I hope the first child is a boy. It's good to be smart and smart. "Everyone agreed, and they all hoped that he would be a boy.

Green lemon is the same, nodding: "mother said, I also hope this first child is a boy." Then he touched the head of the little leaf and the little star, and went on: "it's just like these two little guys."

Jiao Yue shook her head and said, "boys and girls don't really matter. It's all the same. Your idea of expecting boys is not so good."

Green lemon shook his head and said, "it's not exactly like this. I hope to have a brother so that I can protect my sister. If you have a brother to support you, you can rest assured whether you are a younger brother or a younger sister. "

Jiao Yue approved: "this is what we said. If you have a brother, you can be a bully. " Finish saying, don't forget to take a look at the little star.

One side of the little star ignored this sudden "malicious", staring at the big eyes, a moment to look at this, a moment to stare at that look, the last person happy: "little brother, little brother, I want to have a brother."

Su Mu said happily, "little star always calls for little brother. I'm afraid it must be a boy. If this baby is right. "

Everyone was very happy and thought that the boy's good words would be true.

Small star see people because of their words are very happy, busy take the opportunity to say: "I want to eat snacks."

The crowd was stunned a little, and then they all laughed. Everyone thought the clever appearance of little star was very interesting.

Jiaoyue looks at her little son and smiles helplessly. The whole family is afraid that they are all given the routine by this little devil.

Yingyue also came back to see green lemon on this day.

Green Meng Meng is worried. After all, the fight between the prince and Prince Yu for the throne is very fierce. I'm afraid that this matter will affect the feelings between the two sisters. At this time, it happens that the atmosphere will not be very harmonious.

Yingyue saw that everyone was there. As she walked towards this side, she said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I was a step later than you. I was the last one to arrive."

Jiao Yue replied, "isn't it. This is a big day for lemon. What do you mean when you come so late? "

If you don't want to make a noise, don't think about it.

"Naturally, I don't want to go with you together."

Jiaoyue is not angry: "how, this is to despise me?"

You nod too much. I'm just trying to catch up with you for the sake of the little leaves and the little stars

Jiaoyue is funny: "then I have to thank you on behalf of my son?"

Yingyue nodded: "exactly."

Jiao Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Although it has been many days since the crown prince was abolished, there should be no more extraneous matters during this period, which has affected yingyue. Other people's gossip, I'm afraid, can't hit her sister. It seems that the adjustment of yingyue this time is good. It is reassuring to be able to talk and laugh all the time.

Hearing her say that, green lemon is finally relieved. I didn't expect that yingyue and Jiaoyue didn't take it seriously at all. They were still talking and laughing, just like before at home. There was no difference. This time, green lemon is finally relieved.

Yingyue looks at the green lemon and says, "how do you feel recently? If you want to eat something, you can order the kitchen to do it for you. Don't be aggrieved."

Jiao Yue jokingly said, "how could that be possible. She is that kind of person. She has a baby. Look at this battle. If she says anything, she will surely send it to her eyes. "

Green lemon immediately turned to let yingyue judge: "you see what Jiaoyue said."

Su Mu interposed: "she is still in the jealousy just now."

Jiao Yue was dissatisfied and said, "what does mother say. Now the truth is not to be told. "

However, yingyue nodded her head and said, "this is really in line with Jiaoyue's temperament."

Jiao Yue said: "how come you are like this, sister. It's hard to be an honest man these days

Everyone was laughing again.

Yingyue looked at the front and back of the body, followed by the two little dots who were busy, and said, "are you two ready to meet the baby?"

The little star raised his head from the snack and said, "be ready at all times."

Everyone was amused and the family was happy.

Yingyue looks at Jiaoyue. Jiaoyue understands her and goes to her side. She approaches her ear and says in a low voice, "I don't know if you pay attention. There's something wrong with the new princess in the palace."

Jiaoyue was said by her, but she also felt a little trance, something was about to come out in her mind.

"She thinks she is an old man," she said

Jiaoyue is surprised to find that this is Yu Xiaoyan, who was locked up by the emperor. So I was surprised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!