Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 789

The Prince did not expect that the queen could not see the situation clearly at this time, but he had not been given more opportunities.

The Empress Dowager was cold, and the whole person was in a very wrong state. She laughed and said, "so you think that it's a disaster for the family to come here. You don't want to think about it. How does Aijia treat you on weekdays? Your words and deeds are really chilling. But I think you don't feel like that. After all, in your heart, what is my empress dowager? "

She turned her head and looked at her majesty. The whole person felt a bit cold: "look, there is no room for the mourning family in the harem. The mourning family should live in Wutai Mountain for some time. Skills pray for the royal family, but also can avoid some right and wrong, so as not to let the queen dislike like this. "

What is the Empress Dowager's character, but only to retreat to advance, immediately let the emperor say: "mother, don't say so. You are so old, you can't go to Wutai Mountain. If there is something, what do you want your son to do?"

Then he looked at the queen and said coldly, "I see you don't put anyone in your heart now. On the first day of the new year's day, you don't want to think about what kind of day it is. You dare to do such a thing. When you see blood like this, you don't want to let your family live. "

The prince immediately knelt down and said, "father, the Empress Dowager does not mean this. The empress mother is just a little anxious to find out the result. She is anxious, but she is not bad hearted. It is more filial to deal with the emperor's grandmother. If it is wrong for the minister to take care of her son, it is even better if there is something wrong with the mother

He looked at his majesty and only hoped that the emperor could turn the matter into a minor one this time, and that he would no longer pursue the matter.

In fact, such a thing, say big or not, say small is not small, things are in a hurry, it is the first day of the new year, it is very bad.

Sure enough, the emperor snorted: "I look, she doesn't want to let the family be good. What else can't she do to see blood on such a day? "

Hate to stare at the queen, the emperor said: "I look at ah, she is eager for my early death, perhaps also think of the earthquake when I was not crushed to death, so that she can smoothly become the empress dowager, wind wind to wind, rain to rain."

The emperor's accusation is really a little severe.

The queen looked at him in disbelief, and did not expect him to speculate on himself like this.

Deeply took a breath, she said: "originally in your heart, I am such a person."

The emperor sneered: "not such a person, who are you? Your friendship with my general? You can't do such a good thing if you pay attention to friendship. Or... " The emperor stared at the queen and said darkly, "this man is really sent by you. If it's just killing people?"

One by one, the queen was staring at the emperor. She never thought of doing such a thing, and never thought that the emperor would be so merciless about himself.

"I look at it. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the one she sent. What has become of a good management of the harem for zhan'er all day. If I had known that you were such a person, I would not have chosen you. At that time, the Emperor didn't think highly of you. It was the AI family who tried to fight for you. But you didn't want to be grateful for so many years. On the contrary, he targeted the AI family everywhere. I feel that the AI family is an eyesore. I really can't stay in the palace. "

The Empress Dowager was grieved, staring at the queen, as if she could not bear it.

The Empress Dowager was not as resourceful as the Empress Dowager. She was run by the emperor and the Empress Dowager. Her anger rose and she could not control herself. She said angrily, "you..."

She gasped deeply, with a sneer: "what do you mean! Mother, you don't have to say anything about going to Wutai Mountain. What are you so greedy for power and pretending to be? You won't go at all. For so many years, you always want to control the back palace. When will you treat me as a daughter-in-law. It would be nice if you didn't hurt me! "

She was really cold hearted and said angrily, "Your Majesty, ask yourself whether I have made any big mistakes, though I have not done well for so many years. As a queen, I seldom punish even concubines. Shouldn't those little bitches be punished? It's the empress mother, who is in charge of everything and needs to be maintained everywhere. I've been patient for so many years. When did I disobey my mother? Now that you're just arranging me for an assassin, don't you chill me

"Empress mother!"

The prince took the Queen's hand and motioned her not to continue.

But for so many years, the queen had already been angry to death, and she could not control herself. She said coldly, "you don't need to stop me. What are you doing? Am I not telling the truth? It's just that an unidentified singer died. What a big deal? Even the emperor moved out. If I'm really critical, rongzhan, I don't have to. I just want to kill her directly. I wish I could kill that little animal directly. I don't need to find a beautiful woman to seduce him. Why does he argue with my son? My son is a prince. What is he? He was born of you and your sister-in-law

"Enough!" The emperor's face was already black, his face was cold, as if the rain was coming.The prince was in a bad mood and was about to open his mouth. The emperor said, "look at this queen, you don't have to..."

"Father emperor!"

The prince interrupted the emperor's words, kowtow seriously, and said, "in fact, this woman was not killed by the Empress Dowager. The empress mother's speech is also because she was frightened by her son's ministers."

The emperor squinted slightly: "it was not your mother who killed it. Is it suicide? "

The prince knows that this time things can't be good at all.

If there was a bit of room at the beginning, there is no more.

He knew too well what kind of temperament his father and emperor were, and now there was a royal grandmother in it, and the matter could not be ended.

He was serious: "in fact, people were killed by children's ministers."

The scene was silent.

The queen looked at the prince in disbelief and shrieked, "you just arrived. What are you talking about. You are not allowed to take these things on yourself. You are the prince. You... "

The prince took the Queen's hand and said seriously, "mother, you don't have to hide it for me. You talk to your father and your grandmother like this to make them angry with you. You're trying to protect me, but it's all here. Why do you need it? I can't let you have an accident. You don't have to defend me. "

He looked up and said, "it was I who killed this female assassin. She slandered the imperial grandmother with nonsense."

Although I don't know what happened at that time, the prince judged the situation and chose a most appropriate reason.

He said seriously: "she told her that the emperor's grandmother was the person in charge. It was for this reason that her son's minister became angry for a moment and hurt her by mistake. Who would have thought it would kill her all of a sudden. It's all my fault. "

The queen immediately shook her head: "no, not you. Are you stupid, what do you take from yourself? What do you think, you should know... "

"Empress mother!" "You can't be like this," the prince yelled

Although his voice is very severe, but the eyes with a prayer: "mother do not shield me."

He took the Queen's hand: "empress mother!"

He deeply implored: "you must listen to me, do not shield me."

The prince knew that the emperor would not spare the Empress Dowager if he did such a thing on the first day of the new year's day and spoke to the Empress Dowager and the emperor. Without the Queen's position and taking all the rights, the father and the emperor can't do it, but he can't imagine what will happen to his mother.

The prince was serious: "I was too angry to miss. It's my fault that I did such an inappropriate thing on the first day of new year's Day

The Emperor didn't know it was made by the queen. He looked at the prince's expression and squinted slightly. The whole person was disappointed.

"You said you did it?"

"Yes, it's me," he said

The Empress Dowager felt some incomprehensible. She said, "don't talk nonsense. Your grandmother knows you want to protect the queen, but you can't make fun of your future."

The Empress Dowager has almost been regarded as an indication of the crown prince, which is absolutely not possible.

But the prince is very firm, he held down the queen, firm and persistent: "it is really me."

Queen: "no, no, it's not really him..."

The emperor's eyes have always been on the prince. The prince is not afraid and looks directly at his majesty.

For a long time, the emperor began to smile and put away the original chill.

His voice is very light, ask: "do you think, you admit it is you, I can't take you what?"

The crown prince is serious: "no, if the father emperor wants to punish the son minister, the son minister does not have any idea. It's not what you think. If you do something wrong, you always have to bear the responsibility, and your children are willing to do it. But we must not drag down the mother

The prince knows that no matter what the situation is, he can't give up the queen. This is his mother.

Maybe his position is more important in other people's eyes, but the fact is not, he always has to put the mother first. From childhood to adulthood, he witnessed too much heartache of the empress mother. He knew her dilemma. Therefore, he could not ignore it.

When the emperor looked at the prince like this, his heart was filled with disappointment. This was his son who had been looking forward to him. For so many years, he had taught him so much that he could become the best prince. But even so, he still let him down.

The emperor was staring at the prince and was disappointed.

But the Prince did not show weakness, calmly looking at his majesty, it is really what happened, also happy expression.

The more so, the more indifferent the emperor is.

He said slowly: "on the first day of the lunar new year, you can kill animals in the palace. You can do such unlucky things, and you have such poor self-control ability."

After a pause, the emperor said, "I see, you don't need to be a prince." , the fastest update of the webnovel!