Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 379

Su Sanlang and several men are in the study. Jiaoyue and her mother are chatting in the room. Jiaoyue makes tea for her mother and sister. Yingyue sits aside, stares at Jiaoyue and asks, "Jiaoyue."

It was very serious.

Looking at her like this, Jiao Yue immediately sat up straight and said, "to."

Yingyue chuckled and said, "what are you doing?"

Jiao Yue Yang small face egg son, serious: "that elder sister wants what?"

Yingyue also felt a little too nervous. She relaxed for a moment and said, "I heard a few days ago that there was a copy of Mr. Yan's gossips in a batch of new books from the bookstore. Did you take it away?"

She has no other habits, that is, she likes to read, but also likes to learn. No matter what it is, she does not let go. When she was a child, she even specialized in cooking. This shows yingyue's character.

Jiao Yue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "what should I do! It was this. My sister was so serious that I was scared to death. "

The moon glared at her, poked at Jiao Yuefen's small face, and asked, "tell me, what are you doing to be so afraid of me?"

Jiao Yue chuckled and pretended to be serious: "I didn't do anything. I'm afraid of my sister. I can't help it. It's my fault since I was a child."

This kind of ridicule, there is a white eye.

Jiao Yue giggled and said: "there is such a book. Brother Zhan knows that I like these messy books, so he picked them out for me in advance. I have about half of it. Can I send it to my sister after reading it? "

Yingyue nodded and said, "if there are any good books in the future, please give them to me at the first time after reading them."

Jiaoyue, Mm-hmm.

The third wife looked at her two daughters and said with a smile, "you two, everyone says it's not like it. I think it's very similar. I don't know how they think about it. It's very wrong."

Jiao Yue said angrily, "how can we not be like that? Of course it will be similar! We are our own sisters

She was smiling.

The third wife looked at Jiaoyue, and her eyes and eyebrows were full of beauty, and her little face was full of water moistening warmth. The whole person seemed to be more bright than before. In this way, I know that my little daughter is doing well, and I feel relieved.

Among the two daughters, she is more concerned about her little daughter. After all, we all know rongzhan's character, and Jiaoyue looks soft and soft. In fact, this girl is the most powerful. She was spoiled, everything is not a willing character, if hard hit, always worried that she would be bullied.

But now looking at it, without saying much, we can see that she has had a wonderful life.

How is a woman's life after getting married, but you can tell one or two by looking at her face. Jiaoyue is bound to be harmonious with her husband and wife.

The third wife said, "how are you doing with your son-in-law?"

Although know Jiaoyue had a good life, but do the mother, where do not care for her daughter, and asked.

Jiaoyue nodded, she said: "has been very good, mother rest assured is."

The third wife thought about the child again and wanted to mention it, but after thinking about it, she didn't say much.

Some things will be reversed when things are extreme. Since they have been decided by their husband and wife, she doesn't say much about it. Zhan doesn't look so nice.

"Ma'am, I want you to come over."

The servant girl of the front yard came to report.

The third wife immediately got up, she nodded: "I'll go and have a look."

Then he said, "your sisters are waiting for me here."

Jiao Yue let out a cry and waited until the third wife left.

Yingyue looks at her sister. Now Jiaoyue looks like a flower that has been watered thoroughly. When she was in the palace, she had heard other people's words behind her back, saying that when she saw Princess Yu's small face, she knew that she was in harmony with Prince Yu's bed. Otherwise, it would not be so.

It is really between the eyebrows and eyes as if they are served with excellent bright flowers.

Jiaoyue was seen by her sister and asked, "what's the matter?"

With a smile, yingyue said, "I'm thinking about the rumor about you."

Jiaoyue naturally curious, she tilted her head, long eyelashes flickering: "what rumors?"

Delicate soft ask a way, the sun shines on her body, her slanting head side face in the sunlight's reflection appears more white.

That skin looks like it can be blown.

Temperament is with a bit lazy, add a daughter's home delicate.

Yingyue laughed and said seriously: "naturally, you can serve the Lord Yu very well. He is not so crazy. And Lord Yu will serve you very well. A little girl is like a flower in full bloom. "

Jiao Yue understood the meaning of the words, and some of them blushed slightly. She said, "you are so upset! How to study things in other people's houses! Brother Zhan and I are naturally very good. We... "

Jiao Yue felt that it was not appropriate to say this. She simply picked up the grapes and ate them one by one. She looked at the sky and the earth, but didn't look at the moon.Yingyue naturally understood her sister's character. She laughed and said, "you don't have to be shy. It's always a good thing to say that you are harmonious."

Jiao Yue was holding her handkerchief and thought for a while, and finally said, "isn't that sister and Prince brother very good? Why are you always talking about us? "

Jiaoyue is strange to think about it. Everyone thinks how she and Rong Zhan are. But the newly married couple are not a couple. Even if they don't mention the new marriage, there are also Prince brothers and sisters! Why don't we talk about it!

Think of this, Jiao Yue is particularly confused, simply asked out.

In this way, yingyue feels a little strange. It seems that it is true.

She laughed and said, "maybe it's Rong Zhan who gets too much attention?"

In fact, when I think about it again, I think it's not. I look at my sister carefully. It seems that Jiaoyue, the more beautiful little face, makes us more curious.

One year, Ji DA and her mother-in-law even said that the prince's essence and blood really raised the princess's small body.

Yingyue blushed. She thought that she was boring enough. She didn't need to say much about her sister and his wife's boudoir!

She softened and said, "no, let's talk about the other."

Jiao Yue smiles: "what do you say?"

Yingyue suddenly laughed. She said, "I didn't want to say anything about your husband and wife, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is related to your husband and wife again." She did not stop, and continued: "I think you know Mrs. Gu?"

Jiao Yue nods, where don't know!

On the first day of the new year's day, he and his wife of the state of Qin urged her to have a baby and to take concubines for her husband?

Jiao Yue said, "I know it."

After a brief account of the events of that day, yingyue nodded, and she heard about it.

Yes, it's about her

She stopped and said, "I heard that the Empress Dowager wants the eldest lady of the ancient family to marry Rong Zhan as the side imperial concubine. The ancient family is the husband's family of the state of Qin. Mrs. Qin's daughter is still young, which is not suitable. But Madame Gu's daughter is one year older than you. She is also a member of the Empress Dowager. She has always listened to the Empress Dowager's words. Therefore, the Empress Dowager has always made up her mind to grant Miss Gu to Prince Yu as his side concubine. "

Jiaoyue already thought of this, but unexpectedly, they even thought about the candidates. She said coldly with a little smile: "since the Empress Dowager likes Miss Gu so much, why don't you just let her be the imperial concubine! It's not better. "

Yingyue said: "even if the Empress Dowager wants to, the emperor will certainly disagree. The father and the emperor were brothers, and had a very good relationship. Moreover, you go all the way to Xiliang to find Rong Zhan and save Rong Zhan. Outsiders do not know, but even if their own stupid, but also understand one or two. Who dare to shake your position? But the side imperial concubine is different. If you are happy now, then it is just right that they can take advantage of the situation and ask rongzhan to accept a new man. "

Yingyue is used to be cold hearted, but in indifference, her own people, others do not want to bully.

"According to my observation, the Empress Dowager doesn't dislike you, but she needs a person who can control her more. Otherwise, she would not have known what there was

Jiaoyue nodded, she understood these, Jiaoyue slowly smile, with a bit of unspeakable meaning.

She said, "thank you for reminding me. I know something about it. You can rest assured."

Yingyue looked at her. She really put it in her heart and relaxed for a moment. She said, "it's good that you understand. This royal affair is most unpredictable and difficult to distinguish. You should always be careful."

Jiao Yue said angrily, "don't worry, sister. I've caught brother Zhan. In fact, everything else will be solved easily. "

Yingyue doesn't understand.

Jiao Yue simply said: "as long as I and brother Zhan are in harmony, I'll make him happy. Naturally, he will deal with those ghosts and monsters! That's the point. "

Yingyue suddenly smiles. She needs to deal with it by herself because she doesn't have so much friendship with the prince.

But Jiaoyue is different.

She was relieved to think of it.

Outside the door came the voice of speaking. It turned out that Su Sanlang and his two sons-in-law had come, along with the third wife.

As soon as the third wife lifted the curtain, she saw that the two sisters were talking. She said, "let's go to the main room for lunch at noon."

Jiao Yue AI, Rong Zhan stood by the door, Jiao Yue got up and came to him, and directly took Rong Zhan's hand, sweet and sweet.

Rong Zhan is pulled by Jiao Yue and raises the corner of her mouth. With such a smile, the whole room is really brilliant.

He said, "it's a little cold outside. You should wear more."

Jiao Yue AI, especially obedient.

It's so cute and lovely. Rong Zhan really wants to pull her back to her room immediately, and she doesn't do anything else, just like this

But now it is serious, do not show how much thought, smile: "don't eat too much, you always accumulate food recently, don't eat too much, I'll cook Hawthorn dessert for you in the afternoon."Jiao Yue immediately said: "brother Zhan is the best, I know that brother Zhan loves me the most. Brother Zhan... "

Sweet words are like no money. They are endless.

It seems that Rong Zhan is very useful.

Both yingyue and the Su family looked at Rong Zhan sympathetically. To be fair, Lord Yu didn't seem to be so smart! Looking at the way he was coaxed by the little girl, he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

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