Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 249

Jiao Yue didn't understand

old lady min looked at Min Zhirui and seriously asked, "are you sure this is what you think in your mind? You don't like Yang Mulan and don't plan to marry Yang's family? "

She is silent, the whole person does not have a trace of extra reaction, just stare at Zhi Rui like this.

Zhi Rui nodded. His voice was quiet and there was no fluctuation. "I thought carefully. I don't like Yang Mulan, and I plan to go to the border next year. In this case, I have no reason to marry someone."

Old lady min looked at him like this, and then said slowly, "just because you are going to the border, you should start a family as soon as possible. You should start a family first and then start a career. The old saying always makes sense." After a pause, he said, "and the Yang family is also a martial arts practitioner. They have been practicing martial arts for generations, and have some connections with our family. I've seen that girl in Mulan. It's a good girl. Although not so gentle, but also lively and likable. I think you like this type. And such a girl, she can better understand your difficulties, more able to take care of the general's office, not too fragile, delicate girl, you can not stand

Min Zhirui said indifferently: "I don't want to find any pretty girl. I don't want any girl, whether it's jiaodidi or valiant. I just hope I can do something to get married. "

The old lady saw that he was so stubborn, and then her voice was a little resentful. She said, "what can I do to get a wife? How old are you this year? What year do you have to wait for? Their grandson is as old as your son? Or... " Some words, the old lady can't say, but she always can't let the Min family break in her own hands. She takes a bit of vulnerability, but she still says: "and you should know that the sword has no eyes, ruruo, ruruo..." The old lady closed her eyes painfully, but still said: "if you have anything, don't you think about me? You don't think about me, don't you think about your parents? Zhirui, there are some things that you can't be self willed. "

She looked at Zhirui painfully, and felt more and more sad in her heart. "My grandmother naturally hopes that my Zhirui will live a hundred years and everything will be fine. But things in this world are not subject to our will. Once there is an accident, you are the Min family. I can't let the Min family become a queen. Of course, there are also if. However, if there are so many ifs, I hope your grandfather will not leave, he can always accompany me. To Rui! From childhood to adulthood, my grandmother didn't ask you anything. Only this time, she asked you to get a wife. Can't you promise me such a thing? "

She asked Zhirui so, heartbroken.

Min Zhirui pursed his mouth. He knew the difficulties at home, but he was still very resistant. He couldn't say what he could agree to or what he would like to marry.

"What's wrong with the girls of the Yang family? Tell me why you suddenly repent. You Or do you have someone in mind The old lady min suddenly looks at Zhi Rui like this.

Zhirui palm back in the back, has become a fist.

He was sad, but he knew that he could not give her any trouble at this time. Zhi Rui still remembers that day Jiaoyue had a sullen voice. He didn't want Jiaoyue to be unhappy at all.

Zhirui said calmly: "no one likes, it's not a question of whether there is a person you like, but I don't want to harm people. If I'm really not here, then she passed the door, is not to guard a lifetime of widowhood. Grandmother, her life is too long for a child to do. She can't hurt her like this. "

He is serious: "the big husband has done something and has not done something. I feel despicable when I do this now."

Old lady min patted the table fiercely and said angrily, "what does a man do or not do? You don't think that's right? Zhi Rui, you really hurt my heart. Do you always fight and never marry? Do you think your grandmother is such a mean person who only cares about other women's family? Cough, cough, cough. "

To Rui see min old lady angry, the heart is also a little flustered, immediately forward, he helped up the old lady cough, said: "grandmother, how are you?"

Min old lady pushed him: "you go out, I don't want to see you."

To Rui sad: "grandmother, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

The old man said: "don't you think you are a gentleman? Don't you think about it? Are we the villains? You really let me down. Now tell me the truth. If this person, if this person is Su Jiaoyue, would you like to

Min old lady stares at to Rui, see him as expected a stiff, but very quickly, to Rui serious: "if it is her, not even more."

The old lady looked at him and asked, "why? Grandmother knows that you have her in your heart. The friendship you grew up with may be that she doesn't like you, but you like her. Right? At this time, you don't want to cheat me, you say, if this person is Jiao Yue, will you agree? "

Zhi Rui's hand has been covered with blue veins, but still firmly said: "if it's her, I don't want to. Anyone can. She can't

"Why?" asked Mrs. min

Zhi Rui looked up and said, "because she is my favorite sister."Seeing the distrust in the old lady's eyes, Zhirui knows her grandmother's character and says to death: "if I like her, I won't choose her. Maybe I will choose a person who has no feelings to marry. But that person must not be Jiaoyue

Zhirui stood up and came to the window and said in a soft voice, "I hope the people I like can live a simple and happy life. Since my husband was a child, he didn't want to let Jiaoyue get along with us. I can see that. The crown prince can also see that the crown prince is bound to inherit the throne. The husband is not willing to let Jiaoyue enter the palace to compete with others. He also does not want Jiaoyue to be close to me. If I go on a war all year round, it will not be easy for Jiaoyue to stay in Beijing or follow her to the frontier. This is not what you want, nor is it the life chosen by Su Cheng Hou Fu for Su Jiaoyue. Since everyone hopes that Jiaoyue can live a simple and easy life, as her senior brother, I am no exception. I like Jiaoyue very much, but I prefer to regard her as my sister, because I know that she is in Beijing everything goes well. It has nothing to do with me, but everything is OK. Even if it is not Jiaoyue, the more I like a person, the less I will marry her

The old lady was silent. She had never thought that her child was such a heavy emotion and righteousness that she could pay so much and give up so many children.

She suddenly became sad and said in a soft voice, "I taught you so well. I taught you so well that you have suffered so much."

Old lady min's voice is very light, but she is sad.

But soon, she looked up and said, "so, you don't want to hurt her because you have a good feeling for Yang

Zhirui whispered: "I don't want to hurt all the girls who are simple and happy in sunshine. I can't let their life lose sunshine and fall into endless responsibilities."

The old lady retorted, "but how do you know that they won't choose this way?"

"They won't! Grandmother, in this world, not everyone is you, not everyone is the mother. You are worthy of respect, and others are not disrespectful, but everyone has their own choice. How can they be willing to do so without feeling deep? Grandmother, they won't. So, no matter Jiao Yue or Yang Mulan, they can't do it. "

The old lady wanted to say more, but in the end she didn't say more. She thought for a while and then said, "then we will change people, but you must promise me that you must get married."

Min Zhirui looks miserable, but looking at the pale face of the old lady, she is haggard under her strong strength, and finally lets go: "yes."

The old lady nodded: "Zhi Rui, grandmother is not forcing you, but the battlefield is always sword without eyes, do you understand?"

To Rui er a, complexion with a bit dispirited, but still agreed to min old lady's words.

But after two days, a new news came out of the capital. It was said that general min's house planned to marry Xu's.

The object of marriage is Xu manning.

Naturally, there were some rumors that general min's house was going to marry Yang's house, but why it suddenly became Xu's house is quite puzzling and meaningful.

However, with the Min general's office to the Xu family, this matter is also a dust settled, settled.

When she was hired, she happened to be a female student. When Mulan came to play in the Duke's house of Sucheng, she sat on a small chair and listened to the servant girls talking about it, which was a little bit stunned.

She pinched the handkerchief in her hand, then looked up and said, "is it more agreeable to Xu Manning that he doesn't want our family to get married?"

She asked Jiaoyue with a bit of a daze. Although she told herself to be calm, as a party, Mulan was not always able to control herself. She was not calm: "who is Xu Manning? She thinks about climbing dragons and Phoenix all day long. Is min Zhirui blind for such a person?"

Jiao Yue never thought that Zhirui would choose Xu Manning to give up Mulan. However, she still took Mulan's hand and advised her: "it's hard to make clear what's going on in the world. Maybe, people and people just look at a fate, you and he have no fate, there will always be more suitable people appear

Mulan nodded, she was clear: "I know, I understand the truth, but I am not reconciled, I really don't understand, why is this. Where I am not good, I am not as good as Xu manning. Xu Manning is not a good man! "

Jiaoyue whispered: "maybe, they see the root is not good or bad."

Mulan didn't understand.

In fact, Jiaoyue doesn't know why she chooses Xu Manning, but she is not a min family member and can't answer for them.

Jiao Yue eased her mood and said, "why don't we go climbing together sometime? And to ease my mood. "

Seeing Jiao Yue's caring eyes, Mulan grasped her hand with her backhand and said earnestly, "thank you."

Jiao Yue beat her and said with a smile, "what do you say? Aren't we good friends? "

Mulan hehe: "to roar!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!