Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 243

The peony flowers in the courtyard of the Duke's house of Sucheng are swaying, with dewdrops on their petals, and all of them bloom, revealing bright yellow stamens. The rich peony petals are overlapped with each other. They are full of fragrance and fragrance.

Jiaoyue was dressed pink and tender, but Rao was so pink and tender as her face. Her beautiful and lovely cheeks were ruddy and delicate, and she was a little shy and shy girl.

Rong Zhan was holding her delicate little face like this, and half a minute was not willing to give up. He whispered, "Jiao Yue."

Deep and magnetic with a whisper, but not willing to let go of a point, just want to marry her home, labeled as Rong Zhan Yu Wang Fu. All the bastards who dare to take a second look directly poke their eyes out.

At this time, Jiaoyue finally reacts. She pokes rongzhan and wants to make a look. However, she is such a delicate little girl, where does she have any momentum!

Rong Zhan stares at Jiao Yue in this way. She doesn't know how to speak. Jiaoyue bit her lips and whispers: "you..."

I don't know what to say.

Seeing her like this, Rong Zhan began to smile. His fingers slipped gently over her delicate face, and her pink lips fell on her little red ears. Rong Zhan thought that Jiao Yue was nervous.

But somehow he didn't want to let go.

Jiaoyue is born with a happy face. No matter how nervous she is, she feels sweet.

It's also strange to say that Jiaoyue is a little girl whose temperament is very polarized, and she is charming and simple in her beauty. Say she is smart, but also can't convince others, say that she is soft and glutinous, and will make people feel like a little girl with a temper.

These two contradictory temperaments are very complementary to each other, but they are not against each other. They are charming and lovable.

Rong Zhan whispered, "you What do you think of me? "

Rong Zhan has always been very confident, and there are few times when he is very uncertain. However, at this time, he is eager to hear about himself in the ears of a little girl. He wants to know what kind of evaluation he is in Jiaoyue's heart.

Jiaoyue whispered: "you, you?"

She is still in the chaos of that kiss. She has already forgotten everything and can only repeat the words of Rong Zhan.

Rong Zhan nodded, and then looked at her, with a touch of distrust in his eyes, but Rao is so, on the surface is not able to see a point.

Jiaoyue looks at Rong Zhan like this. She tries to calm down, but she can't.

Rong Zhan was very nervous at first, but Xu shijiaoyue didn't realize that he was like a peacock with open screen since he knew what he meant. When he saw her every day, he would change into a new suit.

He has made more new clothes these days than he has done in the past 20 years.

But now see Jiaoyue confused small face egg son, he unexpectedly suddenly strange calm down.

Rong Zhan pursed her mouth, so she didn't move.

In such a moment, Jiaoyue felt that she had been forever. She pondered for a long time, and finally looked up. Then she whispered: "you..."

She didn't say anything, but she saw the twinkling tension in Rong Zhan's eyes. Maybe it was because Rong Zhan was nervous that Jiaoyue was satisfied at once. As if she was evil to be brave, she directly imitated his appearance, picked up Rong Zhan's face and whispered, "what do you want to hear?"

Rong Zhan pursed his mouth again.

Jiaoyue suddenly giggled, she whispered: "are you nervous?"

Rong Zhan sneered: "nervous? You're such a joke. How could I be nervous? "

Speaking of this, her eyes drifted a few times. Jiao Yue immediately began to laugh, showing her little white teeth. Jiao Chen said, "so you are nervous."

Rong Zhan was as nervous as she was.

Thinking of this, Jiaoyue is very happy, but she doesn't want to say anything more. She hooks her little finger and looks like a bad girl. Rongzhan and Jiaoyue are very close to each other. It seems that they can feel each other's breathing, and rongzhan is not willing to move.

Jiao Yue saw that he didn't move, and her little hand sneaked on him and poked him in the waist: "you put your ears close to my mouth! Otherwise, how can I tell you secretly? "

Jiaoyue just poked it gently, that is to say, to poke, but to touch.

But even so, Rong Zhan suddenly froze. Jiao Yue noticed that his body was stiff, and she was puzzled. Then she asked, "what are you doing? Is anyone here? "

Then the thief Xi Xi looked around, except for a faint cloud, there was no one else!

Jiaoyue peeped enough, patted her chest, and then said, "no one, it's really good."

Rong Zhan's vision then followed her little hand's movement and fell on her chest, half a sound could not move. Jiaoyue noticed his sight, her cheeks dyed red, and then she tooted her mouth, very dissatisfied. She murmured in a low voice and said, "what are you looking at?"

She pushed away Rong Zhan, then folded her hands in front of her chest, with a little bit of alert."It's impolite to look at people's breasts."

Rong Zhan restrained his sight, and then did not say: "good!"

Jiao Yue raised her eyebrows and said, "what's good?"

Rong Zhan sighed, but he didn't know how to speak. After half a sound, he said, "I mean, don't look."

Wang's eyes, which he doesn't want to see, fall into the abyss again.

Jiao Yue has a little mood and opinion.

She said, "but how can you not look into other people's eyes when you talk? It's very disrespectful not to look at your eyes. "

Rong Zhan laughed, impolite and disrespectful. It seemed that everything was said by the little girl with a high sounding voice, which really made people feel interesting and tight. However, Rong Zhan also knew that he could not laugh at this time. If so, she would be angry. How delicate this little girl is, others don't know. He knows best.

When she was a child, the chubby little baby was obviously a small one, but a little person would talk to adults all day long. If she was really treated as a child, she would not be happy. The whole person is very clever, in order to eat a little food, I would rather coax him around, but no matter what he is, everyone will avoid it.

If you think about it carefully, Rong Zhan doesn't know how he is so close to Jiao Yue. I want to At that time, because he had just returned to Beijing, there was no one else to believe except a few of his close friends. All his relatives might have been the murderers who framed his father. All the good things that had happened had already been broken. Everyone said that he was a living Yama with many tricks and no knife to kill. He did not care about the thoughts of those people, and he thought he didn't care about anything, but Jiaoyue treated him from Jiaoyue Sweet smile, from her start, step by step close to him.

Brother Yu Wang

Brother Zhan

She seemed to soon invade his life, pulling him with her dirty little hands and calling him sweetly.

Well, she is a lovely doll from the new year's picture. In this moment, he was soft hearted like a cake from the south of the Yangtze River.

Soft and sweet.

Rong Zhan looks at Jiao Yue like this. Her soft hair is knitted and then combed. It looks like a big girl with a little bit of the beauty of a lady.

But even if it is such a delicate month, or people can think of once, once that little girl.

I don't know when they came to such a close step, Rong Zhan couldn't give up, and even more reluctant to move his eyes. Where could he not bear to look at her!

He not only wants to see her, but also wants to see her only for the rest of his life.

Rong Zhan is actually a very cold person, cold, indifferent, poisonous tongue. He dislikes the closeness of all people because of his childhood experience. If he gets closer to him, he will feel disgusted. He has a habit of cleanliness. He can't tolerate any dirt.

But not for Jiaoyue.

Looking at Jiaoyue like this, he feels that he is not the person they imagined at all.

It turned out that he was also enthusiastic.

He couldn't help but feel that he wanted to get close to Jiao Yue, close to her. He grabbed her head and pressed his lips up.

Jiao Yue breathes a stagnation, but the lip that can tolerate Zhan has already covered up. He is a very clean person. He has always been extremely clean, giving people fresh mint, but this time, he did not. This kiss, Jiaoyue suddenly felt that there was a faint sweetness between his teeth.

This is her taste Before she came, there were pastries with cherries. And brother Zhan's mouth also has such a taste, is her taste

That's the kiss they just had

It's not the first time they've been so close, but this time it's different from the last time and the last time.

Before all is lightly meets, after he very quickly leaves, shallowly pecks, has never been like this tosses and turns, but this time is really different

This kiss is not just a touch, a pressure.

Jiaoyue is a little dizzy, her mouth is sucking, and her cheek is very hot. She can even hear her own heart beating. But Rao is like this, her thoughts are clear, she slightly raised her head panting, her cheeks red, also do not know how long, Rong Zhan finally back away, he surrounded the Jiaoyue, voice with a trace of hoarseness, not the past cold.

Rong Zhan bowed his head and saw Jiao Yue's mouth cocked. He put his arm around Jiao Yue's waist and said seriously: "I will treat you well. Shall we get married soon?"

Jiaoyue suddenly regained consciousness, she tooted a small mouth, shook her head and refused, she said: "I don't!"

Seeing Rong Zhan's eyes narrowed up, and then said, "we can't get married so early."

Rong Zhan is waiting for her to continue to explain.

Jiao Yue cocked her mouth and said, "I'm only 13 years old! Where did you get married so early? And oh, always give my family a buffer! I'm such a good little girl. You'll marry me in a twinkling of an eye. The newly grown bean sprouts did not give people a chance to buffer, so they took them home and fried them. If you, would you? Would you like to raise a pretty girl in the future? Well? " The ending is light, with a little sweet.Jiao Yue murmured to her fingers, and her little hands kept right.

Rong Zhan looks down at her like this, Jiao Yue is scarlet, murmurs: "you say I say right!"

She's still looking for approval!

Rong Zhan pondered for a while, and then asked slowly, "eh? Shall we have daughters in the future? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!