Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 221

Jiao Yue can finally go back to the girls' school. Although there have been a lot of recent incidents, she has been a classmate for several years, and we all know each other, and we don't think there is anything wrong with Jiaoyue.

There are also those who excessively gloat, such as Rong Changge, who rarely holds Jiaoyue and sighs: "you said there was such a thing, why don't you tell me in advance! I love watching people fight. I hear people fly out, don't they? "

Jiaoyue black line, then smile Yingying way: "sorry, I didn't see it at all!"

This is also true, she really did not respond to it, people have been flying out several.

but mostly because of this incident, I heard that the Heavenly Dragon Yan was furious, but it was not because of the anger of Rong Zhan's face. It was all because of the four imperial concubines.

Such a sudden return to Beijing, but also hide ye, if there is no other thought, it seems that no one believes.

At this time, in the imperial study in the inner court of the palace.

The emperor looked at a few people and said, "sister Huang, if you don't give me a good explanation, I have reason to suspect that you are planning a mischievous return to Beijing this time."

Although the emperor looked very kind, the four princesses also knew that if he was really as helpless as he looked, he would not defeat a group of brothers and ascend the throne.

The four princesses were also eloquent, and immediately said, "brother, you should listen to my explanation. I admit that I have returned to Beijing secretly, but I did not return to Beijing with any ulterior motives, but because I had no alternative."

The fourth Princess bit her lips and whispered, "it was my Lord who arranged for me to come back. He hoped that I could come back to Beijing and convince you that Lao Jiu admired the seven young ladies in the Duke's house of Sucheng since the competition between the two countries. At that time, the seven young ladies in the Duke's residence of Sucheng were still young, so it was not easy for them to come to ask for marriage Now is the time. "

The emperor squinted slightly and did not speak.

But standing on the side of the state of Qi cold smile, he rushed back from the field, clothes have not changed, a dark gray plain clothes.

"The Royal sister also knows that this is not very good, but zhan'er is too inhumane. If he attacks in the capital like this, he will not be cold hearted." Four princesses continue to say, Rong Zhan such a disturbance, everyone knows that she is behind the instigation, her perception of her worse. At the same time, some of the original guests were also reluctant to see more, for fear of being contaminated, if like old Chen was watched by rongzhan, make a disgrace, this is not good!

Naturally, the four princesses understood this truth, so she complained a little bit about Rong Zhan, hoping that she could not trample on rongzhan in front of the emperor.

However, as soon as she said this, she was slapped in the face by Qi Zhizhou: "to the emperor, I feel that this will not chill everyone's hearts, but is a warning to let everyone know that even the king Yu, who does not participate in the government, is not ambiguous in front of the national justice. If all like the princess elbow out, married out of the daughter spilled water, help outsiders bully their own family, then will really cold heart. We will also feel that the original collusion with the west is nothing! Not only nothing, but also will be honored by the emperor, because she has a royal family identity. Just because she's your sister. Only when we know clearly what to do and what not to do, we will have a greater heart for Daqi. If everyone is like four princesses, then we are afraid that we have already ceased to be Rong

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was surprised, and no one would have thought that Qi Zhizhou was so bold.

Even the emperor's face changed a little, but Qi Zhizhou didn't have any special expression. He continued: "as for your saying that you want Jiaoyue to marry to Xiliang, I don't think it's the Duke's house of Sucheng or the family of Qi. Because we don't want to see Jiaoyue become like a princess Pause for a while, the state of Qi sneers: "become a pickpocket outside, back ancestor forget ancestral villain."

"Qizhizhou, how dare you. This is the princess. Did you ever think that... " Su Dalang was also present at this time. He immediately yelled, but was interrupted by the state of Qi before he finished his speech.

Qi Zhizhou said: "I know that the relationship between lord Su and the princess is unusual. I just hope that Lord Su can understand that there are no princesses now, only the four princesses of Xiliang."

Su Dalang relaxed a little and said, "but even so, Jiaoyue is also a surname of Su. She is a member of the Duke's house of Sucheng, not your family. It's not right for you to make decisions for us in this way, isn't it?"

Qi Zhizhou sneered: "the Duke's house of Sucheng is not the Lord su. What do you mean? I think the old Marquis will agree with me more than let a stupid son fool around. "

"Qizhizhou, what are you? Why are you talking here? I'm talking to my brother. It's not your turn to arrange me. You..."

"He can't. what about me?"

The little eunuch's forehead was full of sweat, and looked at the Emperor: "Yu Wang Ye, he..."

This man is breaking through!The emperor waved his hand and sent him down, saying, "zhan'er is coming."

Rong Zhan wiped his hands with his handkerchief and ignored the emperor. Instead, he looked at the four princesses with a smile: "aunt, what can Qi Shangshu say? Can I?"

"Zhan'er? I'm your aunt. You can't misunderstand aunt. "

Rong Zhan's eyes were poisoned: "I said that any person in Xiliang is my enemy of killing my father. Since my aunt is willing to be a person in Xiliang, she is my enemy."

He actually took out a dagger from his sleeve and said with a smile, "how many knives can I stab you?"

The more he laughed, the more brilliant he became. He slowly said, "do you remember that we first met in Xiliang? At that time, I told you that we all came from Daqi, which is fate. What did aunt say? You said that coming from Daqi is the most disgusting thing for you. Do you remember my aunt? You don't remember. I do. I didn't pay attention to you at that time, because you were not worth doing. But if you were disgusted with me, it would be different. I don't mind giving you a few more holes and no place to die. "

The four princesses turned pale.

She said, "zhan'er, what are you talking about?"

Rong Zhan smiles: "I never talk nonsense. I want you to die. I don't need to make up anything. Even if I kill you now, who will say I'm wrong? "

Rong Zhan raised his chin slightly and said, "is it your royal brother? Or your lover? Or your old lovers in Beijing? I don't think so? They want to get rid of you now. "

"Zhan'er!" The emperor suddenly found that Rong Zhan was not in the right mood. He stood up and looked at the state of Qi and said, "you send Lord Yu back to the house for me." Then he looked at the four princesses and said, "as for the matter of the seventh miss of the Duke's house of Su city, you don't need to plan for this matter. I have already planned for it."

After a pause, the emperor looked at several old ministers who were already in the imperial study, and said slowly, "I have decided that I will marry her to Prince Yu at the time of the seventh miss and the hairpin of the Marquis of Suzhou city."

Once this was said, the scene was quiet.

The state of Qi frowned slightly, but Rao was so, but he did not say anything else.

As soon as the fourth princess heard this, she immediately said, "brother, you can't listen to zhan'er's words. He's crazy, and even if he doesn't promise me, he doesn't need to..."

"Shut up." The emperor suddenly became Stern: "don't treat me as a fool, and don't think that I don't know anything. Now get out of here and go back to your Xiliang. The state of Qi. "

"Wei Chen is here."

"The whole city will be under martial law tomorrow, but if you see her..." The emperor's expression slowly indifference comes down, slowly way: "kill without pardon."

The four princesses looked at the emperor in disbelief. The emperor looked cold and said, "in addition, you are responsible for tracking down the people she has contacted in the capital for several days. All the people who have been in contact with her should be strictly investigated. Those who are involved in Xiliang will be sent to the prison. It's not involved. She's just a lunatic who's been hooked by her. She's demoted three levels. "

Qi Zhizhou said, "yes!"

After saying everything, the emperor looked at Rong Zhan, his voice softened a bit, and his expression improved a lot. He said, "in this way, can zhan'er still be satisfied?"

Rong Zhan was calm and indifferent: "this matter has nothing to do with me."

The emperor raised the corners of his mouth, and then said, "it doesn't matter. I will never let you be dissatisfied. You are the only son of the elder brother. He is no longer here. I won't let anyone show you his face. "

He seems to tell Rong Zhan, also seems to tell others: "no matter what Zhan Er wants, I will give it to him."

"Tell the emperor that the empress is here." The Chamberlain came in and said.

The emperor frowned: "what is she doing here?"

The emperor has been dissatisfied with the queen, although he has not shown more, but from the Empress Dowager there can be clearly seen the emperor's mind. Whenever there is a little dispute between the queen and the empress dowager, the emperor will never face the queen. Even outsiders like Qi Zhizhou and Su Sanlang should be in front of the queen. If you think about it carefully, the empress will feel depressed. But Rao is so, and she will not stop many small actions.

"The queen said it was important."

The emperor was silent for a moment and said, "OK, let her in."

After entering the door, the queen said hello to the emperor with a gentle smile on her face.

She said, "I heard that the princess has returned to Beijing. The sister-in-law in this palace always has to come and have a look. As a matter of fact, I have already heard what happened to the princess when she came back to Beijing this time. I was afraid that the emperor might misunderstand her sister's mind. My palace came here in a hurry and wanted to say more. "

She did not know what happened here, but had her own little abacus to urge her to speak for the four princesses.

But as soon as he said this, the emperor laughed sarcastically. He said, word by word, with a little coldness: "so Does the queen want to do politics? "

The queen was stunned and immediately said, "emperor, I am not, I am..."

The emperor was indifferent: "the queen is still planting flowers and raising birds."

Immediately looked at the side of the Chamberlain, "serve the queen to leave."Seeing the Queen's puzzled face, he continued: "I don't think your ability is enough to deal with the affairs of the harem. Or I will ask my mother and offspring to choose a more profitable assistant for a few days."

The queen looked at the emperor in disbelief.

The emperor said calmly, "I have no royal sisters for a long time. There are only four princesses in Xiliang. Everyone colludes with her. I can't tolerate anyone." , the fastest update of the webnovel!