Solo Love to Delicate Wife

Chapter 215

Jiao Yue didn't know how things got to this point. If it wasn't for her to sneak into Prince Yu's mansion, she would not have been discovered by her uncle. If my uncle doesn't come, he can't meet Ji Chengshu.

Qi Zhizhou and Ji Chengshu stood face to face, staring at each other.

Jiaoyue small voice: "uncle, let's go."

Qi state did not move, he said: "I promised Chengxuan to take you to see her."

Ji Chengshu looked up and down at the state of Qi, as if to see a deep well ice. She said, "what you promised is your business. What does it have to do with me? I don't want to have anything to do with you at all. I have nothing to do with those people, not since the day I was kicked out of the house. "

Ji Chengshu crossed the state of Qi and was ready to leave. However, she was caught by Qi's wrist. Ji Chengshu almost did not say a word, but directly used acupuncture. Qi state quickly pressed her hand and then held her with his backhand.

Just Ji Chengshu is not so easy to deal with, she directly kicks the leg.

Before Jiaoyue can see clearly, Ji Chengshu has broken free. The two of you are fighting with me It's at the gate of Prince Yu's mansion.

Jiaoyue is a little confused. She has never seen her uncle like this. He is very different from ordinary people. Jiao Yue had no way to do it. She took Rong Zhan's skirt and said, "brother Zhan, help me quickly! You see, where does this sound like? "

Can you still watch such a scene? Her uncle's reputation is really hard to hear! Fighting with a woman is a good topic?

Rong Zhan looked down at Jiao Yue and said, "can they solve it by themselves?"

Jiao Yue stamped her feet and refused: "you go!"

Rong Zhan suddenly laughed. He felt that the little girl was interesting. She seemed to have been used to giving orders to everyone since she was a child, and she never had any identity concerns.

Rong Zhan's character is like this, he pondered for a while, rushed to the two people, not long, separated two people.

In fact, there are already people watching. Jiaoyue thinks it's really embarrassing, but obviously, the other three people don't think so!

Ji Chengshu said: "Qi Shangshu is really great ability. He ran here to bully a weak woman. It's really eye opening."

The attack was launched, but Qi Zhizhou didn't care. He said, "if Miss Ji Er is a weak woman, there won't be any powerful woman that day? I've never seen a girl so strong. "

Ji Chengshu: "I'm good, but I didn't go to your house. Besides, if I was really good, I should have killed the bastards of the Ji family, including your wife and you. Instead of letting you talk about it all the time. "

"To kill or not to kill is to see if you have that ability." Qi Zhizhou sneered.

Ji Chengshu raised his eyebrows: "I'm not really good, but naturally I am. Isn't it dead yet? "


"Uncle." Jiaoyue rushed forward, and her little face was full of soft smile. She took Ji Chengshu's hand, and then Jiao angrily said, "we are all relatives. Uncle, don't talk in this way. You'll be misunderstood. "

She side of the head, and then said: "sister Ji, don't want to see my uncle in the same way, OK? Apart from a few women in our family, he had no contact with any women at all. My mother was his sister, and I was so lively that my uncle thought his daughter's family didn't need to speak softly. This is particularly wrong, but he has no bad heart at all. My uncle is very good

Jiaoyue was soft and soft, and she said, "as the culprit who caused my uncle not to contact his daughter's house, can I apologize to you for him?"

Jiao Yue blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "sister Ji and brother Zhan will come to my house for dinner another day. I will cook for you personally."

Speaking of this, the scene several people all the corners of the mouth twitch.

Rong Zhan youyou way: "you and your kitchen have what hatred?"

Zhan Ang's heart is very high, want to see it very coquettish

Jiao Yue's little face immediately became red. She stamped her feet and said, "brother Zhan bullies me like this. My uncle will not be polite."

Jiao Yue raised her chin and said, "uncle, beat him."

Qi State helplessly white their own little bit a look, way: "OK, let's go back."

He also knows that Jiaoyue is to play for him, after all, he and women start to spread out is always not good to listen to.

Jiao Yue nodded her head, but she still said to Ji Chengshu: "sister Ji, you want to come to my house to play, I like you very much!"

Ji Chengshu had a lot of ups and downs in her mood, but she was upset by Su Jiaoyue's rambling words, which was unexpectedly better.

"Good!" she said

Ji Chengshu originally intended to refuse, but saw Qi Zhizhou mind in the eyes, immediately changed his mind. Sure enough, the state of Qi's face even more ugly, Ji Chengshu provocatively looked at the state of Qi.

Qi state received her line of sight, directly do not open an eye, it seems that do not want to see her one more eye.Ji Chengshu sneered.

In this case, Jiao Yue didn't seem to see it. She said, "that's a deal!"

Then he waved his hands and said, "sister Ji, brother Zhan, let's go!"

Rong Zhan smile: "be careful on the way."

It's like a handsome young man.

Jiao Yue heavily Er, then pun: "brother Zhan, thank you for your help just now."

Rong Zhan clearly smile, so the negative hand stood at the door, and Ji Chengshu is directly carrying the basket out of the door.

When the carriage went far away, Jiaoyue finally put her head back from the small window. She said with a small mouth: "uncle, I'm a bit impolite when I meet sister Ji!"

Blinking big eyes, as if to see a hole in the state of Qi.

Qi Zhizhou calmly looked at Jiao Yue and said, "I think you'd better explain to me why you secretly go out to honor the palace."

Jiaoyue had thought that she could slip this matter by taking care of her left and right sides, but now she knew that she couldn't do it at once by looking at her uncle's tone of voice.

She is careful to make fun of, small hand is in a starting point.


She bit her lip and said, "I'm worried about my parents. I want brother Zhan to go into the palace to help me check. I can't go into the palace. Who knows if there's anything wrong with it."

Qi state did not speak, so she looked at Jiao Yue.

Jiao Yue said softly, "that Brother Zhan never gives people a face when he does things. I think if there is something wrong with my parents, his personality can be restored In short, embarrassment is inevitable, but it must be useful. "

To the moon, fragmentary fingers.

Qi Zhizhou sighed and said, "you can do it quickly, but don't you think that your parents are so useless? You owe so much kindness to Lord Yu. How can you repay it then? "

In fact, he wanted to scold his little niece, but he couldn't give up. Jiaoyue is too clever, but sometimes the more intelligent people, the more likely they are to make big mistakes.

Jiao Yue blinked her big eyes, and then she said to her fingers again, "but brother Zhan is not an outsider, and Although my parents are not stupid, those in the palace are not good friends either

She wasn't sophistry, she was just saying what she thought.

Seeing Jiaoyue's fingers stabbing constantly, qizhizhou suddenly felt relieved. In fact, in the final analysis, the child is still thinking about the elders in the family. If not, how could he take the initiative to find Rong Zhan!

And Jiaoyue is not a little girl without sense of propriety. She is sensible.

"In the future, there will always be an uncle. Don't make your own decisions."

Jiao Yue nodded her head cleverly. Seeing that she was so obedient, Qi Zhizhou raised her mouth and said, "you have always accepted criticism with an open mind, but you will never repent."

Jiao Yue said innocently, "how can uncle treat me like this? I'm not! I take everyone's words to heart

Qi Zhizhou raised eyebrows and sighed: "is it?"

Really full of suspicion, Jiao Yue covered her face: "that's it!"

Jiao Yue secretly looked at the state of Qi with a careful look at it and said, "uncle, it's not the first time I see Ji Chengshu, right?"

Qi Zhizhou looked at Jiao Yue and said, "she is my sister-in-law. I certainly don't see her for the first time."

Jiao Yue continued: "have you not seen her since she grew up? But look at her strange expression

Although the state of Qi can be regarded as joy and anger, but they are all from their own family. Jiao Yue thinks that she can still see one or two things!

Qi Zhizhou wrote lightly: "No. It's just that I'm quite impressed with people, and since I promised Cheng Xuan to find her sister, I'll do it. "

Jiaoyue tilts her head and looks at the state of Qi and feels that her uncle's tone is too cold. Although everyone said how deeply Qi Zhizhou was for his wife's death, now everything is also shown in this way. It seems that he did not renew his string and insisted on finding Ji Chengshu for Ji Chengxuan's last wish. But Jiaoyue felt that when he said "Chengxuan", he didn't have any feelings. chill! Reason!

"That's why my uncle just wanted her to pay homage to her aunt? But uncle, I don't think she's willing! After all, she was a victim at that time, although she was a commoner Why, is there anything in it? " Jiaoyue is keen to capture the Qi State in the eyes of a flash quickly strange.

Qizhi state: "don't worry about children."

Jiaoyue does not depend on her. She is a typical girl with great curiosity.

Jiao Yue blinked: "if you don't tell me, I'll ask brother Zhan."

Qi State mouth twitch: "you now even threaten people will."

Jiao Yue giggled.

In fact, Ji Shu's mother didn't get married by accident. When Ji Chengshu was three years old, she died of another accident. These are the two accidents, both of which are artificial. "Jiao Yue widened her eyes and said, "how do I feel that it's not easy to deal with their family affairs! Don't be greedy, uncle

Ji Chengshu's background, she returned to the capital, will not be bad?

Qi State way: "you are nothing, don't mix blindly, the side does not need you to manage."

Jiao Yue flattened her mouth.

Qi state continued: "your parents are back, you still want to think about how to explain yourself back!"

Jiao Yue covered her face: "it's over again!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!