Soldiers Card System

Chapter 76

On the school field, the 900 guards surrounded by cAMP B heard Su Lu\'s words and lowered their heads one after another. Only some of them were rebellious and still held their heads high.

Su Lu took a step forward and slapped a high headed guard to the ground:

"I\'m angry when I see you. If you\'re my soldier, don\'t want to live. Wait for me. I su Lu won\'t take soldiers like you. I\'ll get you from the camp and get you there."

Su Lu strode towards the camp.

In the account of the Chinese army, Lin Tong raised his eyebrows:

"Su Lu, did you resist orders and show sweetness? There are so many people there. You can practice if you want."

Su Lu stood straight: "this matter is not negotiable. Their hands are stained with paoze\'s blood, which is a time bomb. Maybe they will wave a knife at their paoze sometime. I don\'t want to die under the paoze\'s knife."

Lintong raised his eyebrows and said, "what do you mean? Do I want to hurt you, or do I want to hurt you? I don\'t care what you think, you have to ask these soldiers to go away immediately."

Su Lu Geng raised his neck and said, "OK, I\'ll gather troops back and cut down all the animals that dare to use the knife against paoze, so that everyone can know the consequences of using the knife against paoze."

Su Lu said, turned and left.

"You dare"


When Su Lu turned around, he saw Xiao Cong\'s tired face and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Xiao Cong patted Lin Tong\'s shoulder, which was about to explode, and motioned him to take it easy.

"Su Lu, I want you to be a military commander, not a military judge. You just need to train."

"Just now, I also discussed with deputy commander Lin that your military training effect is very good. The two governors of the newly formed b army and C army wrote back to praise you, saying that your military orders and prohibitions, where to fight, and how to say that word are as convenient as your own fingers."

"I\'m just thinking of giving you a verbal reward. Your grandson will come to me. Kill him? Do you know what will happen to you?"

Xiao Cong hates that iron is not steel.

Su Lu remained unmoved.

Lin Tong was so angry at this time that he pinched his finger and asked Su Lu, "you have to take these soldiers, or you have to take them and continue to be your standard army general, or you just roll the calf. Beiyang camp doesn\'t need your disobedient soldiers."

Su Lu was immediately happy: "really, I can put down the pick?"

Xiao Cong and Lin Tong looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other\'s eyes: after solving the boy\'s job, he shouldn\'t swallow his evil spirit, continue to go back to practice and spread his anger on the sergeant. How do you feel a little wrong.

Linton was so acute that he immediately patted the table and shouted:

"If you have the ability, get out now. I don\'t have su Lu and don\'t practice yet."

Su Lu turned around and left. He\'s done enough of his work. Now it\'s Su Ping and they\'re doing it. It\'s windy and sunny every day. The general\'s life is too hard. It\'s not as easy as when he was a lieutenant in the past.

Out of the account of the Chinese army, Su Lu made a move: "camp B, come with me and go back to Beiyang. I was robbed."

After saying that, Su Lu stared at the camp roaring soldiers and turned away.

Su Ping\'s face was even more confused. What\'s the situation? Why was the second brother dismissed from his post in the blink of an eye, but what the second brother said was what he said. He greeted his sergeant, and Su Ping roared.

"Everyone has it. Stand up."

"Camp B, follow me. The rest have it. Return to the camp according to the organizational system. No one is allowed to walk without the commander\'s next instruction."

Su Ping gave an order, turned around and took the people of camp B to catch up with Su Lu, leaving a group of ignorant camp roaring soldiers looking at the empty school yard.

Xiao Cong stood up from the middle of the military affairs booklet, drank tea, blamed Lin Tong and said:

"What do you care about with him? Although this boy has a proud temper, he does have a good hand in military training. Several generals in Xuanfu have 10% of his strength."

"It\'s not difficult for him to train troops, but if the second army and the third army want soldiers like an arm, where do you want me to get them?"

Lintong raised his eyebrows: "Su Lu\'s military training is not a person. If he pulls two of his school captains, he doesn\'t believe he can\'t train such soldiers."

Xiao Cong raised his eyebrows and didn\'t speak. His attitude towards the camp roaring soldiers is the same as Su Lu. If he dares to wave a knife at paoze, don\'t think about becoming a guard, otherwise what if you give me a knife in the back one day.

On the battlefield, there are not innocent souls who died under the robe sword.

"Report, marshal, Ding Jun urgent report."

A mud monkey covered in mud ash was carried into the camp by two guards, and Zhang Shugen presented an urgent report.

Xiao Cong took it apart, looked at it and hit it on the table.

"Li Xiaoqin!"

Linton took the urgent report and looked at it. His face changed greatly.

"Asshole, what does Li Xiaoqin do to eat?"

The sergeant, like a mud monkey on the ground, struggled to make a sound:

"Commander Rong reported that governor Li had done his best, but the mountain road was difficult to travel, and the sergeants were not in line. In addition, there were many rumors in the army. Governor Li killed several rumors, and the sergeants dispersed at once. Except for a guard camp originally subordinate to our Ding Army, most of them had dispersed."

Xiao Cong sat on the chair angrily and asked the messenger: "where is Ding Jun now and where is the mutiny?"

The messenger stood up and pointed to the position on the defense map: "here, here."

Lintong almost went crazy. After walking for ten days, he didn\'t get there for five days, and he mutinied. This is Li Xiaoqin, governor of Ding army and general Dingyuan in the fifth grade.

Knowing people unknown, this one can cast a dark color on Linton\'s resume.

Lin Tong\'s heart is like a knife. He has been bright and beautiful in the forbidden army all his life. Unexpectedly, he lost an adult as soon as he arrived at the guards, and he is still Li Xiaoqin, who is related to him.

Xiao Cong looked at the defense plan and wondered who should be sent to lead the army this time.

Zhang Shugen? I have qualifications, but my experience in unifying the army is too poor.

Shao ye, governor of the first army? More prestige than tenderness.

I\'m afraid he will end up worse than Li Xiaoqin on such a difficult and dangerous road.

Who should be sent?

Xiao Cong was lost in thought.

The two marshals did not speak, and the clay messenger struggled to say:

"The governor of my family has camped in front of Wangliang ridge and is waiting for further military orders. Please order as soon as possible. The brothers don\'t have enough military food and the time to insist is limited."


The lenient case made of thick wood was cut off by Linton\'s slap, and the military affairs booklet and the arrow fell to the ground.

Lin Tong salutes Xiao Cong with his fist:

"Marshal, send me. I will lead the troops this time. I will be able to go to Majiabao and complete this siege."

Xiao congmei lowered his eyes and told you to do worse. I\'m afraid even Shaoye is not as good as him.

It\'s still necessary to train these sergeants. The Dian Junlang will do it.

"Come on, go, Su Lu. Get it for me."

"What, Su Lu left it and went away. That bastard told him to go away. Who gave him the courage?"

Xiao Cong yelled.

Lin Tong on one side blushed, but he couldn\'t say a word. Xiao Cong was right. The most appropriate one was su Lu.

These soldiers are trained by him, and they are trained by him like three grandchildren. They have not spoken ill of him. At the same time, they can also obey orders and prohibitions, with dignity and tenderness in half. Only such generals and soldiers can hope to get out of this mountain road.

The most difficult thing for the leader this time is not to fight in the back, but to get out of this mountain road!