Soldiers Card System

Chapter 51

Lao Wang\'s footsteps are very slow. He follows the pack horse and swings slowly to enjoy the rare peace..

It was already dark, and the surrounding neighbors\' yard had been lit up. Only Lao Wang\'s yard was still dark.

Lao Wang was quite helpless. If he could join the guard under Su Duwei, not to mention a fifteen Wen candle, even the white wax used by the village rich Master Li\'s son to study could be bought.

DAHAO from the next village is in the army. The boy was divided into twelve when he was fighting bandits in Sanniangzi mountain. Later, he was divided into twenty-three or thirty-two again. If I could join the guard, even if I didn\'t have a dead pension of five hundred Liang, these tens of Liang in front could make my family live a good life.

"Dad, why did you buy so many things back and spend a lot of money?"

Dani took it out of the yard, looked at the package on the pack horse, and asked with heartache on her cheek.

Lao Wang smiled and showed Dani the oil paper package in his hand: "look, what did dad bring you?"

Erni, who followed, looked over her head, flattened her nose, and smiled: "it\'s meat, sister, it\'s meat."

Lao Wang drove his pack horse into the yard and handed Dani the oil paper bag. Flowers bloomed on his wrinkled cheeks:

"This is a reward from the captain. Let me bring you three food and tell you to eat meat."

"This oil paper bag was handed to me by the little soldier of Duwei."

Dani took the oil paper bag to sanni and came to help Lao Wang unload the grain from the horse. Erni skillfully drilled in and held the horse\'s bridle to prevent it from moving.

Unloading the grain, Lao Wang took the towel brought by his mother-in-law and wiped his sweat. His wrinkled face smiled and blossomed: "I brought some meat back. You cut some for the old man. I haven\'t seen meat at home for a long time."

Old Mrs. Wang is a small minded and distressed person. She works hard on a pack horse. Looking at the oil paper package opened by sanni, she feels distressed like something:

"Ah, how can you give such meat? Are you secretly working for Du Wei? It\'s tired enough to walk a pack horse in the daytime. You should cherish your body more."

Dani had untied the two bags she had unloaded from her piggyback. Seeing the copper money and grain in the bags, she calculated silently:

"Dad, not counting this bag of grain, the money given this time is 30% more than usual. The official\'s work is also very good."

Lao Wang wiped his sweat and said with a smile, "it\'s not a drop. When I went there earlier, I regretted that I couldn\'t hide. The official money is so easy to take, and it\'s dangerous to give less money.

It\'s also dangerous this time, but Su Duwei has a strong command and the brothers of the guard are brave. Our civilian husband is basically in no danger. "

Erni picked up her pocket, her small eyes rolled around for a few times, calculated and said, "with this bag of grain, it\'s 40% higher than the market price. Dad, is there any work like this? I\'ll go with you next time?"

Old Mrs. Wang slapped the leader with dust. Hearing what Erni said, she gave Erni a towel:

"You dead girl, can you go to the place where there are wars and chaos? Make a good needlework at home. When your eldest sister gets married, my mother still expects you to help me organize the house."

Listening to the noise of his wife and daughter, Lao Wang\'s eyebrows and eyes smiled like his second daughter. He was tired and tired outside. He just wanted to make their mother four live a good life. He watched two nines and three nines drooling around the barbecue, and Dani helped her cook. Lao Wang\'s dark face was warm in his heart.

"Send a piece of meat to Grandpa."

Lao Wang told Erni to sit on the stool. Lao Wang has the style of the head of the family. After looking at the busy woman beside the stove, she added:

"Your grandpa also sent one over."

The woman who was cooking the pot was also happy. She patted her hands on her clothes and said:

"Old three, you dare to try. Take care of your skin. I\'ll divide it. You don\'t worry."

Although she was scolding, old lady Wang\'s eyes were full of smiles. When was the last time there was so much meat at home?

In the year of marriage, my mother-in-law borrowed a flood of famine and didn\'t seem to buy so much meat.

Our old Wang has suffered.

After dinner, Lao Wang lay on the Kang. His mother-in-law\'s strength made him irritable and tight. He stretched out his hand and slapped her on the ass: "what\'s the noise? Don\'t go to bed quickly."

"I can\'t sleep."

"You\'re so tired. We slept under Erlong mountain bandit stronghold last night. Su Xiaowei of the guard was on duty and didn\'t dare to close his eyes all night. Today he took my car back to Beiyang and didn\'t even open his eyes all the way."

"As the head of the family, can we take such a turn?"

Mrs. Wang finally asked her heart. She ate a lot of barbecue tonight. It tastes delicious.

Mrs. Wang had been calculating for a long time. She felt that although the business was far away, she made enough money. There was also that bag of grain. If it was a famine year, this bag of grain would be worth Lao Wang\'s money.

Lao Wang smiled and didn\'t speak. Before he left, he really listened. Su Duwei told him to gather in Nanguan camp in two days. He can at least take such money again.

And these days, he used his sleepy time to annoy Lieutenant Su Du, in order to make him remember himself. Even if he can\'t join the guard, he can follow him every time.

Lao Wang\'s daughter-in-law misunderstood him and sighed with disappointment:

"If it\'s gone, it\'s gone. Don\'t run in Beizheng. According to Li Zheng in my aunt\'s village, there are four or five young students in beisanli who are on the way to Beizheng, and the pack horses can\'t stay. I was worried at that time. I\'m afraid you might meet those bandits."

Lao Wang was excited when he heard the speech and said happily, "I met those bandits, too."

This time, not only Lao Wang\'s mother was afraid, but also the three little girls eavesdropping in the next room cried out in fear.

Lao Wang held down the woman who wanted to teach Nizi a lesson with the soles of her shoes and said happily:

"Otherwise, how do you think that bag of grain came from? Lieutenant Su Duwei took out the bandit\'s nest and gave us one bag for each of us. The accompanying guards had two bags for each of us."

"The treatment of the guards is also very good." Lao Wang\'s heart was sour.

Lao Wang lay down and began to get confused: "well, tomorrow you pick up some eggs. I\'ll take danizi and go to Duwei. Duwei hasn\'t got a wife yet. If Duwei can answer and let me join the guard, it\'s best. If you can\'t, you can see Dani, and we\'ll make a lot of money."

"Why join the guard..."

When Lao Wang heard the snoring, she subconsciously swallowed the words behind her, got up, covered Lao Wang\'s stomach, and lay down herself. However, her heart was full of Lao Wang\'s words and joined the guard.

The next day, Lao Wang told his mother-in-law the benefits of joining the guard. Her eyes were straight.

"Can you get five hundred taels if you die?"

"My dear mother, how can I take so many miles? I don\'t believe it. The five hundred taels of silver didn\'t come from the strong wind. He can take it out casually when he patrols the City camp."

Lao Wang urged Dani to put eggs in the basket and stared at her mother:

"I heard it with my own ears. Can there be a fake? Er Hao of dongjiazhuang in the west of the city died in the suppression of bandits, so he took 500 Liang. I\'ll ask when I pass by dongjiazhuang today."

"Dead girl, why are you so stingy with three or two eggs?"

Lao Wang scolded his eldest daughter and wanted to do it by herself. Although Lao Wang said she didn\'t believe it, she still did it by herself and put all the eggs in the basket. This is a great good thing about the family.


As soon as Su Lu got up, he heard a familiar loud voice in the yard.

"Big Nizi, pick up the broom quickly. How can we let adult soldiers sweep the floor? We can just do such rough work."

Su Lu wondered if Su Yun hired a servant when he was not at home?

But how can this sound familiar? It\'s like Lao Wang chasing after him to join the guard these days.

Hallucination, it must be hallucination.