Soldiers Card System

Chapter 357

The four fields were dark, and only the glow of the torch at the head of the city lit up an inch of land at the root of the city wall.

The open city gate looks like a fierce beast that wants to choose people, with a big black mouth, waiting for the Anzhou army to rush out.

Tian Heng\'s heart was filled with a creepy feeling. He only felt that the new prince was extremely unreliable. He had to pull himself and the Anzhou army who had escaped hard to die.

What if it\'s dark? The fierce and smelly wolf clan won\'t tell you this.

In his ear, the voice of the king\'s cry to kill sounded. Tian Heng felt a warm heart, as if a warm current gushed from his heart and lungs and rushed to his limbs and bones, with the courage of the whole person.

it seems that

It\'s not so terrible outside the city, and the barbarians... Are still so fierce.

The striker began to move and walked out of the city.

Tian Heng was surprised. These losers are rarely so loyal and brave. During the day, they see barbarians running faster than rabbits. What\'s the situation now? Summon Yu Yong?


There was a neat cry of killing in the middle of the team, and Tian Heng couldn\'t help shouting. At the same time, he walked towards the outside of the city with neat steps.

Su Lu\'s voice also fell in his ears.

"Just nine hundred barbarians, one-on-one, we can kill them cleanly."

Listening to Su Lu\'s words, Tian Heng felt very arrogant. Son, you have never seen the horror of barbarians.

Hold the long Qi in your hand ā Ng, Tian Heng finally stepped out of the city and saw the blacker four fields, the barbarians rushing along the root of the wall, and the earth almost shaken.

Barbarians, coming!

Su Lu was stunned when he saw the barbarians. These people looked ugly. They were no taller than the Qin people. How could they scare the Qin people out of the city.

Scary, maybe the most terrible.

With this in mind, Su Lu chose to use level 3 Qi ā Ng bursts of cards, the target Anzhou army, shouted out at the same time.

"Gather troops and lift Qi ā ng。”

Such as Lin Chang Qi ā Ng was lifted, sharp and long Qi ā Ng pointed to the barbarian striker who pulled the growth line.

With the formation, Tian Heng suddenly felt excited, and his heart filled with infinite self-confidence, my Qi ā Ng, I\'m sure I can kill such barbarians.

Because of the long-distance running and feeling very tired, the body seems to become light, and the thick black in the hand is long Qi ā Ng is no longer so heavy, and the robes around him are no longer so timid.

"The left and right wings spread out to meet the enemy."

In the heavy roar, Tian Heng took the Chinese Army forward and blocked the gap left by the opening of the left wing.

At the next moment, the barbarian with flashing red eyes hit his Qi ā Above the front.

"Poof poof"

The sound of metal piercing into the human body sounded.

The barbarians who were once arrogant were long Qi ā Ng pierced the body, and the blood followed the long Qi pulled out ā Ng gushed out, fell back and opened his eyes. It seemed that he couldn\'t believe that these guys who were chased by themselves dared to turn back and resist.

In the first confrontation, dozens of bodies were fallen by the barbarians, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

As soon as Su Lu\'s hand rises, the rear captain Qi ā I pressed it on.

Although the barbarians are called barbarians, their clothes and armor are solid. The charge just now didn\'t stab the neck or the gap between the armor pages. Most of them didn\'t get credit. On the contrary, they were cut off by the barbarian sword Qi ā ng。

The barbarian armour is much sharper and easier to use than that of the Qin army.

"Surround the left and right wings and lift Qi ā ng。”

Su Lu gave an order, and the two prominent wings tightened inward. The rushing barbarians turned into three enemies, the only one, and their own people continued to rush forward.


Su Lu issued a military order to attack on his own initiative.

Long Qi ā Ng array and night attack card are double blessings. The individual quality of Qin army is very high. This barbarian vanguard is not good enough, as long as they are not rough and thick Qi ā If you can\'t break the defense, you have to die.

The Qin army moved.

"Poof poof"

The sound of the barbarians being stabbed down sounded again and surrounded on three sides. The barbarians who had charged quickly finally stopped, and the bodies of dozens of companions were reminding them.

This Qin army is not a lamb to be slaughtered by them.

"Yahoo hehe"

The barbarian leader made a harsh cry. Among the messy syllables, the barbarian who had some low morale suddenly became more energetic and bumped into the Qi of the Anzhou army with flesh and blood again ā Ng head.

Half an hour later.

At the head of the city, Zhao Shuo, a group of generals, looked at the 900 barbarian pioneers who were surrounded and killed, and a dissatisfied guard camp, so they hit hard and killed the barbarian vanguard.

Was I dazzled, or did the barbarians suddenly weaken and bleed on the ground?

Zhao Shuo didn\'t believe it. It was impossible for the Soviet Union army to encircle and annihilate the barbarian vanguard.

When did the Anzhou army become so strong? If Tian Heng really has the ability to unify the army, I, the governor of the western Liaoning Province, will let him do it.

At the foot of the city, two riders came quickly, and the knight on the horse fell on the horse, unaware of life and death.

Anzhou army greeted him.

"When the enemy attacks, the barbarian outpost is about 900. Please prepare quickly."

When the knight on horseback saw his family, he was still outside the city so late. Although he was a little puzzled, he still gave a warning, and another sentry of the barbarian came.

Su Lu waved his hand, "Tian Heng, gather troops and prepare for the battle."

Tian Heng\'s heart was so hot that he almost shouted at his throat: "boys, gather troops and let these barbarians see. We\'re not giving it in vain."

After several charges, he defeated a group of barbarians and killed more than 900 barbarians, but his family was only 100 dead and injured. Tian Heng\'s heart became hot.

Lao Tzu\'s Anzhou army can be so powerful. It seems that the barbarians who are described as demons are not so terrible and can be killed.

I have a chance to make a contribution.

"Hold the Qi in your hand ā Ng, boys, the chance to avenge the villagers and the dead robes is coming. Let them know that we are not easy to mess with. "

With this saying, the morale around him became higher and higher.

After half a column of incense, dull footsteps sounded in the distance, and a group of barbarians marched to the.

Looking at the Anzhou army, the barbarians of the unified army were stunned for a moment. What\'s the situation? The Qin army dared to resist the enemy in the field. Is it Lao Tzu\'s lack of food or the support of the Qin army.

Thinking of the several defeats last month, the barbarian leader became cautious.

"Yes, hey, hey"

The warriors under them made a sound of urging the attack. There was good food. These guys couldn\'t wait.

When the command of charging was issued, the barbarian leader released the control of the mount, grasped the big axe in his hand and prepared to attack the enemy array.

In the night battle outside the city, when did the wolves fear the Qin army? Countless battles show that the Qin army can only defend the city if it wants to win the barbarians. In the night battle outside the city, the Qin army can only be eaten.

In the tsunami like cry, his son rushed to the Qin army and hit the Qi held high ā Ng Feng.


The cold voice stunned the barbarian leader. The next moment, he saw that the boy who rushed to the enemy array was picked up. The warrior seemed to have become a pig in the tribal captivity. After being thrown by the people who stole food, he hit the cliff and fell to pieces.

In one charge, all his people... Fell down.

The barbarian leader looked at the Qin army who crushed the people, and an idea came to his mind: am I dazzled.

At the head of the city, Zhao Shuo looked at the barbarian corpses all over the ground. Is this still the invincible, fierce and terrible barbarian?

The Qin army was not replaced by the skin. How could it become so easy to be killed?

His eyes fell on Su Lu in the back array. Zhao Shuo fought a fierce spirit. He was indeed floating. It was not that he had never fought with the barbarians. The fierce barbarians took one as ten, and his subordinates didn\'t even have the strength to fight back.

Two battles and two victories, this is the strength of a famous general!

It has nothing to do with the sergeant. This is the strength interpretation of the general of the unified army!

Zhao Shuo looked at Su Lu\'s back. In his eyes, there was only admiration and admiration.

This is the real strong man!

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