Soccer Card System

Chapter 791: Only the anger of the winner will be heard

? Manchester City\'s first few games at the beginning of the season are not too strong opponents for Manchester City.

Therefore, although many media have praised Manchester City\'s consecutive victories, there are of course mavericks.

Some media believe that for Manchester City, the current results do not explain much.

Look at their opponents since the start of the season.

The Premier League has started four rounds, and the opponents are Newcastle, Cardiff City, Hull City, Stoke City. They are all teams in the middle and lower reaches, and even the relegation zone.

The Champions League opponent Pearson, and even the European Super Cup opponent Benfica, are not too strong teams.

"In the first game of the season, the Community Shield game may have real reference value. Manchester City\'s opponent in that game was Manchester United. Although Manchester City won the Community Shield game in the end, they ended up playing with Manchester United. It was a draw, and then it was a penalty shootout that finally won the championship! Manchester City did not continue their strength against the strong team last season. They won several weak teams in the first few rounds, which does not explain any problem!"

Suddenly, Manchester City has been winning five games in a row since the start of the game, as if it had suffered a five-game losing streak.

The media began to discuss the issue of Manchester City\'s ability against strong teams.

The draw of the Community Shield Cup has been constantly hyped up.

The wind direction of the media went off overnight.

So when Gao Bo got up the next day, he saw the news and thought that his team had collapsed and was at stake.

"Sickness of scabies!" Gao Bo threw the newspaper on the table, then went to wash and prepare for a day of training.

This is already the second day they came back from the Czech Republic. The team had a day off and then immediately began to prepare for the game.

Gao Bo is also an experienced coach. He naturally knows that the intensive hype about Manchester City at this moment is related to the team\'s next game.

Manchester City\'s next game is on September 22, at home against Manchester United!

The focus of the fifth round of the Premier League!

For both teams that participated in the Midweek Champions League, this game is not easy to play.

However, relatively speaking, Manchester City will go to Eastern Europe to play away, while Manchester United will play against Bayer Leverkusen at home. Although Manchester United’s opponents are stronger, Manchester United is spared the fatigue of long-distance travel.

Therefore, in this Manchester Derby, even if Manchester City are fighting at home, it is generally believed that Manchester United is waiting for work.

And the media that has frequently hyped up recently is naturally aimed at this game.

In the press conference before the game, Gao Bo was asked about Manchester City\'s "face the strong team."

This is the case with the media. If there are no "problems", they will often create problems for you.

Gao Bo\'s answer is also very simple: "Regardless of the strength of the opponent, we are all based on me and play the football we want."

At the press conference on Guardiola\'s side, no reporter asked him this question.

Because this problem has little to do with Manchester United, in fact, Manchester United is now in a state of desperation.

After four rounds, Manchester United only scored seven points!

Fully five points behind Manchester City.

With such a gap in points, if this game is lost again, it will be eight points behind in just five league rounds!

I believe most people know very well what this result means.

"Although it is only the fifth round of the game, for Manchester United, this is an extremely crucial game. We must strive to win in the game to make us feel better at the beginning of the season, and if we lose The consequences of this game are unbearable for us!" Guardiola said when facing media reporters.


For Gao Bo, what he hopes more is that the players can maintain a calm mind to deal with Manchester United.

After all, the current consultation is so advanced, and everyone has seen relevant media reports. And this kind of public opinion environment may have an impact on the players everywhere.

Perhaps some players will feel very unconvinced, which will affect the mood in the game.

Perhaps some players will be irritated.

In the case of modern social information development, players\' emotions are affected by public opinion, which is very avoidable.

Gao Bo needs to consider all issues.

The influence of emotions on the results of a football match is obvious. The current media reports have unpredictable pros and cons for Manchester City. What Gao Bo has to do is to eliminate the influence of public opinion on the emotions of players, so that the players can Focus on the game.

In the locker room before the game, the players were discussing this issue.

"Those paparazzi are really funny. We won five games in a row, and they said it was like we lost." Vardy said in the locker room.

"They just rely on these things for grandstanding!"

"In the game today, we will let them see if we are facing the so-called strong team as they expected!"

"We must beat Manchester United today and slap those guys in the face!"

Hearing the obviously emotional expressions from the players, Gao Bo frowned.

Then he motioned everyone to be quiet.

"Stop talking about this. This is just a boring media hype. You should focus on the game!"

"On the court, we need passion, but we need to pay attention to that we can’t let this torch light ourselves. We can’t play with a sense of anger. We don’t play for their media. , We are for ourselves, for victory!"

"In any case, we need to stay calm and always think about the way we play, how to move, how to pass, how to shoot, how to score goals!!!"

"Score the first goal, then the second goal!"

"Don\'t think about how much we have to win!"

"We just have to remember and think about how to score the next goal!!"

Gao Bo said solemnly.

"I understand everyone\'s irritation, but if we can\'t win this game, won\'t we just let the argument of being made stand up? Even if you are angry, it won\'t help."

"Everyone will only cheer for the victory, and don\'t care about the feelings of the loser. If we want to express our anger, the best way is after the game is over-before that, the first thing we need to do is to win the game. !!!"

After Gao Bo finished speaking, the players in the locker room calmed down.

Soon, the players methodically did all the preparations before the game.

And when they are ready.

Gao Bo announced his appearance!