So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 949: There is no time for **** (6)

There were a few little nurses standing beside him, one by one looking at Xin Xiaoxiao with admiration.

"This Miss Xin is really amazing. With so many jobs that security guards can't handle, she can do it so easily."

"Yes, those people actually believe it."

Hearing the nurses' discussion, Xiang Yi couldn't help but answered, "Huh, a horrible idea."

"Wow, Doctor Xiang has such a pampering tone."

"More than just the tone, are the eyes full of indulgence?"

Spoiled? spoil? Have it?

Xiang Yiqing immediately put away the involuntary smile at the corner of his mouth, put on a serious face, looked at the nurses, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you all done?"

"Now go."

The little nurses ran away, and Xiang Yi lightly looked at Xin Xiaoxiao again.

Xin Xiaoxiao has loosened the fat doctor's arm.

"Man, I think if I recommend you to Qi Helian, you will be more promising."

She stretched out her hand and patted the fat doctor's shoulder hard.

What do you mean?

The fat doctor looked at Xin Xiaoxiao with a puzzled expression.

It seems to say: people read less, don't lie to them.

Xin Xiaoxiao ignored her doubts, and then continued: "Thank you, I will report to your dean and give you first-class merit."

As she said, she moved her hand to the fat doctor's chest again, and helped him sort out the intern's badge.

The fat doctor nodded gratefully to Xin Xiaoxiao, "Thank you beautiful lady."

Of the batch of interns who come to Fengming Hospital for internship every year, it is not bad that three of them can become positive.

With this sudden opportunity to become a positive, anyone who changes will be excited and excited.

Xin Xiaoxiao waved to the fat doctor and watched him go away. Then she retracted her gaze, raised her head, and met Xiang Yi's gaze that despised her.

She curled her red lips stubbornly, enchanting and charming, yet playful.

For Xiang Yiqing, her gaze came without warning.

As if he had known him on it a long time ago.

He sank, frowned, hesitating whether to go down and say thank you, or turn around to avoid her.

However, Xin Xiaoxiao didn't give him too much time to hesitate, and waved his hand wanton at him below, "Brother Xiang."

Xiang Yiqing had a black face and quickly turned and fled.

"Say yes, I succeeded, you kiss me as a reward."

Seeing Xiang Yi and running away lightly, Xin Xiaoxiao rushed directly up and down the escalator without thinking about it, and climbed backwards.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Yi stopped and shouted at Xin Xiaoxiao nervously, "What are you doing? Get it down to me."

Xin Xiaoxiao pouted, "Then you come down too."

She also climbed up while talking, still wearing high heels, looking at the extra danger.


Xiang Yiqing had no choice but to promise her, "Hurry up and I will go down too."

"it is good."

Xin Xiaoxiao nodded and turned around happily.

When she nodded, Xiang Yiqing went down afterwards.

She immediately leaned over to him, took his arm, and looked at Xiang Yiqing's horrified face, she said amusedly: "Don't kiss me anymore, let me have dinner with me."

After speaking, she whispered again, "In such a society full of temptations, there is still a handsome man as ‘honest’ like you."

Xiang Yiqing ignored the words that followed her and picked up her first sentence, "I haven't gotten off work yet."

Xin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said, "I'm waiting for you, anyway, I'm very boring."

Xiang Yiqing asked: "You don't care about your hotel?"

Xin Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, "He has a son in charge, why should I care?"