So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 945: There is no time for **** (2)


When the little nurse went out and closed the door, Xiang Yiqing reached out and touched the medical record folder on the table, and slammed it to the floor to vent.

Then he picked up the water glass and prepared to drink some water to lower the fire. He didn't expect the water glass to be against him. There was no water in it, so he would throw it up.

But when I was about to let go, I realized that it was a cup. It would not only make a lot of noise when it was broken, but also clean it up, so I stopped at a critical juncture.

He threw the cup on the table heavily, rolled it twice, and almost rolled to the ground. A burst of anger did not vent, he could not calm down, and stretched out his hand to pull the collar vigorously.

All the buttons on the white shirt in the white lab coat were torn off.

Then he looked at the water glass with his hands on his hips, gritted his teeth for a moment, then picked it up and poured water.

"Doctor Xiang."

Suddenly, the office door opened again, and a woman's head came in. Her long black hair poured out like a waterfall with her tilting her neck. She looked at Xiang Yiqing with bright eyes and winked mischievously at him. .

It is extremely inconsistent with her charming and enchanting "Doctor Xiang".

Xiang Yiqing looked at the visitor, speechless.

When he had lunch by himself today, he was still thinking that he finally asked this little girl.

Sure enough, I can't be happy too early.

Xin Xiaoxiao stood at the door, greeted Xiang Yiqing artificially, and then jumped into the room, very active.

She turned and closed the door.

Xiang Yiqing pointed her finger at her and warned solemnly: "I warn you, I am very hot now, don't bother me."

It just so happens that he has nowhere to send it.

Xin Xiaoxiao was not afraid of Xiang Yiqing's seriousness, staring at him innocently, and nodded vigorously at him, "Hmm, I know, so many fans who come here, you can't stand it, you got angry, right.

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

In fact, it was quite a normal sentence, but when it came out of her mouth, it became very insignificant.

Taking advantage of Xiang Yiqing's speechless effort, Xin Xiaoxiao rubbed against him, and pushed him with his arms, "Brother Xiang, I want to ask you, not because of my contempt, you Go to open Weibo?"

She stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and after asking, she raised her head and looked at Xiang Yiqing with a big smile.

Xiang Yiqing tried his best to restrain the gentleman's bottom line, not to get angry with her, "I am very busy now, please go away."

He pointed to the door with an unquestionable attitude.

Not only did Xin Xiaoxiao not leave, but instead reached out and hugged his arm, twisted his waist, "Don't be so ruthless, I slept in your bed anyway."

After speaking, she glared at him enchantingly.

Xiang Yi sighed lightly and couldn't bear it. Just about to vent, the door suddenly opened again.

The visitor was a young nurse who had just left. He opened the door without knocking. He was lying on the door and panting. Xiang Yi said lightly, "Doctor Xiang, there are more and more people at the door, most of them are women. The level ranges from fourteen to five to sixty and seventy."

Xiang Yi heard the words lightly, and his fists clenched his hands.

A bite of white teeth was almost crushed.


Suddenly, Xin Xiaoxiao bent over and laughed. While smiling, she looked at Xiang Yiqing, out of breath and said, "Brother Xiang, your hospital's business is really good, but can you take so many customers? "

Someone was there, Xiang Yiqing didn't want to talk to her too much, so he endured it first, and told the little nurse who came to report: "You go first, I'll go see it now."