So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 935: Meet the rival again (8)

Mrs. Xiang thought for a while, turned out the mobile phone from her bag, input a familiar number to dial out, and put the mobile phone to the ear of anti-theft.

"The girl who wished your son's dormitory last night, do you know her origin?"

"I can see it. It looks good and has a lively personality. It just complements your son..."



A lot of reporters squatted all day in the inpatient department of the hospital, and some people came to change shifts in the evening.

Ji Anning didn't go out all day and night.

She didn't fall asleep until late at night, and when she woke up, she was still empty beside her, and she did not see the familiar tall figure on the sofa.

The sky outside was just bright, and a ray of morning light came in through the curtains.

The little girl beside her was still asleep.

She lifted the quilt, got out of bed lightly, opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out the phone, opened it, and walked to the window.

"Wife, good morning."

Pressing the screen brightly, the four words that came into view made Ji Anning's nose sore, and a touch of shame.

She smirked and replied: "Good morning, uncle."

Ji Chicheng did not reply to her again.

She walked to the window, stretched out her hand to open the curtains a little, looked down, and the reporter squatted below.

Hey, when will it be peaceful?

'Tuk tuk tuk'

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Who is it so early?

While wondering, Ji Anning walked to the door and opened the door.

"Miss Anning, the second lady, she..."

It was Sister Zhang who was waiting for Yang Yufang. She should have come here, out of breath, and she spoke intermittently.

She looked worried, what happened?

Ji Anning was also nervous by her appearance, "What's the matter?"

Mrs. Zhang said: “The bottom is all reporters. The second lady is thinking about what you will eat for a while, Miss Anning. She dragged me downstairs to buy you breakfast. I didn’t expect the reporters to recognize her. Now the second lady is surrounded by a group of reporters. It was blocked, and more and more people were onlookers. The hospital sent two security guards over, and there was no way to manage order."

Hearing this, Ji Anning moved uncontrollably for a moment, then clenched his fists again, and asked coldly, "What does it have to do with me?"

Aunt Zhang was surprised at Ji Anning's reaction, and then nodded discouragedly, "I...I know, I'm going to think of another way."

Then she quickly turned around, and hurriedly walked out of Ji Anning's sight.

Ji Anning turned to enter the room, closed the door, walked slowly toward the window, opened the curtains, and looked down at the downstairs. The few suspected reporters she saw just now disappeared, and people kept coming. Run to the right.

There is the direction of the hospital cafeteria, are they rushing to watch the excitement?

Ji Anning's hand clenched the curtains unconsciously.

"Miss Anning, you are awake."

Suddenly, Sister Wu's voice came from behind.

She turned around, Sister Wu had already arrived behind her, she didn't feel at all when she came in.

Aunt Wu smiled and explained slightly: "I knocked on the door gently, no one returned me, I thought you weren't awake yet."

Ji Anning also smiled faintly, and absently replied to Wu's wife, "It's okay."

Sister Wu said: "I'll take out the breakfast now. If you haven't washed it, then go wash it."

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes."

She loosened the curtain, and looked at the curtain again, which was crumpled by her.

Sister Wu suddenly thought of something, and reminded Ji Anning: "The second lady was surrounded by reporters downstairs. Now the hospital security is evacuating the crowd. Don't go down now."