So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 915: Let the world know about your disgusting relationship (13)

Xin Xiaoxiao is a frequent visitor here. With a small wave of her hand, the waiter immediately nodded, "I see."

Then she staggered with Xiang Yiqing and continued on.

"Hey, now the rich girls are looking for little white faces."

"Yeah, I'm still so young and good-looking, why didn't I have such good luck."

Behind him came the voice of the waiter and another waiter.

Little white face? Talk about him?

Xiang Yiqing stopped, frowned, thought about it, and probably understood why the two waiters said he was a little white face.

A man has self-esteem, not to mention that he is dignified, not just checking out alcohol and money.

He took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a card casually, and handed it to the two waiters, "No password."

The waiter immediately came over to catch him, and he muttered, "The treatment is really good. You can just swipe the card without the password."

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

He gritted his teeth angrily and squeezed Xin Xiaoxiao's arm, cursing in his heart, what did he do? He knew this evil...

All this is caused by Ji Chicheng, and Ji Chicheng will be here for a long time! ! !

"Open a room with me."

After walking out of the bar door, Xin Xiaoxiao climbed onto Xiang Yiqing's back and forced Xiang Yiqing to carry her on his back. Xiang Yiqing had no choice but to carry her.

She kept yelling to open a room with him.

Young Master Xiang was very embarrassed, his face flushed to the roots of his ears, Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly stretched out her hands, palms against Xiang Yiqing’s cheeks, and then laughed, "Hahaha, your face is so hot, you are shy, what's so shy about this? Yes, men and women are together, isn’t that the case?"

She said she seemed to be very experienced.

In fact, she may well be experienced.

Could it be... is he really too low in this regard?

Young Master Xiang began to doubt his life, whether he really couldn't keep up with the times and trends.

"Young Master, isn't that Young Master Xiang?"

After getting out of the car, Wu Tezhu looked up at Xiang Yiqing who came out of the bar, pointing in that direction, and facing Ji Chi City Road.

Because the light is very dim, he is not sure.

Ji Chicheng raised his head and looked over. He could still recognize his old friend of more than ten years.

It's Xiang Yiqing, but who is the woman behind him?

He didn't have much curiosity, if he was really Xiang Yiqing's girlfriend, he would know one day.

Now he still has important things to do, so he didn't think about saying hello to Xiang Yiqing in the past.

But Xiang Yiqing came towards them, and he was so annoyed by Xin Xiaoxiao that he didn't have the intention to look elsewhere, yet he had not found Ji Chicheng.

When the two were about to rub shoulders, he looked up and saw Ji Chicheng.

"Ji Chi City."

It happened to find him to settle accounts, and it happened.

Xiang Yiqing saw the hatred of killing his father and his enemies, but Ji Chicheng only gave a calm "um".

But his footsteps only paused, and immediately lifted up.

"Ex-boyfriend? Where is it?"

When Xin Xiaoxiao heard Xiang Yi's call to Ji Chicheng, she straightened her waist and drew her messy hair, shaking her head, searching around.

"Miss Xin?"

Wu Tezhu found out that Xin Xiaoxiao was behind Xiang Yiqing, a little surprised.

Xin Xiaoxiao was silent, Xiang Yiqing had forgotten, he quickly let go and put Xin Xiaoxiao down and pushed him to Ji Chicheng, "You have come just right, and the trouble you caused me is your turn to solve."