So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 893: What a big celebration party (1)

Ji Jingfeng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he did not deny what Yang Danning said, "It seems you know a lot."

"Xin Xiaoxiao has invited Lu Youtian to fight this lawsuit. Your plan to retaliate against Xin Xiaoxiao for the eighty-eight red envelopes has been ruined." Yang Danning's mouth evoked a sneer, "Your dignified JC president was threatened by a dead woman with a big brain. Even if you retaliate for eighty-eight thousand, you should have failed."

Her words finally angered Ji Jingfeng.


"You let me stay and I don't want to be with you."

Seeing Dao Ji Jingfeng turned into anger, Yang Danning finally found a sense of revenge in her heart. She snorted coldly, twisted her waist and turned away.

As soon as she left the house, there was the sound of falling cups and bowls behind her.

Yang Danning smacked her lips triumphantly, which was considered a nasty breath.


As the morning light shone, Wu Tezhu came to the hospital, but just stood at the door of the ward.

Ji Chicheng walked out with a bag of documents and handed it to Special Assistant Wu, "Take these to Xin Hailong's lawyer."

Wu Tezhu reached out his hands and took the document bag, then looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Young Master, won't you go to the company today?"

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Well, they have to remove gauze today."

As he said, he turned around and glanced at the hospital bed. They were already up, sitting on the bed, playing with his musical toys, and his fleshy little hands pressed different buttons and made different sounds.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help raising.

Wu Tezhu didn't ask any more, he nodded slightly, "I see, if there is anything else, I will call you."

Ji Chicheng let out a ‘um’, turned around and was about to enter the room, thinking of something, he looked at Wu Tezhu again.

These days he fought bad battles, and his old man seemed to have suffered a lot.

Ji Chicheng said faintly: "Let Qing Song come back. When it stabilizes, you can retire."

Wu Tezhu was taken aback, looked at Ji Chicheng, and asked uncertainly: "Young Master, do you want Qing Song to join the company?"

Ji Chicheng said: "The opportunities abroad are not necessarily bigger, and you don't want him to be buried."

Wu Tezhu laughed and nodded gratefully, "Thank you, young master."

Ji Chicheng put his hands in his home clothes pockets, leaned against the door frame, and smiled as he watched Wu Tezhu who left with joy.

"What are you looking at?"

Ji Anning came out of the bathroom and saw Ji Chicheng in a daze. He walked to him and asked curiously.

As he asked, he followed his gaze. There was no one on the corridor early in the morning.

Ji Chicheng retracted his gaze, put his arm around Ji Anning's waist, and walked into the room, "Wait for the second half of the year, and take you around the world."

Ji Anning frowned, "Think about something, travel around the world and stop working."

But traveling around the world... It's really tempting. I really want to travel around the world and take it to every corner of the world.

Ji Chicheng cast his eyes down and glanced at Ji peacefully, "My money can be enough for your grandson's grandson's grandson to squander."

Ji Anning blushed, "Bringing bragging and not drafting, if you meet a gambler, I will spend a few days on you."

Ji Chicheng said blankly: "It must be you who betrayed me."

Speaking of this, he loosened Ji Anning's waist, quickened his pace, walked to the bed first towards Ji Anning, bent over and sat down beside them.

Reach out and press the toy with her.