So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 839: Trade a man (6)

Ji Anning raised her chin slightly and replied with a smile: "That's for sure, the tide will rise, and the voice will naturally increase."

She hates men's involvement in women's wars most.

Of course, to exclude her uncle who is very protective of the calf in front of anyone.

Lin Shaotong's gaze continued to look presumptuously on Ji Anning, the appreciation and unwillingness in his eyes betrayed the ridicule at the corner of his mouth that seemed to look down upon Ji Anning.

Ji Anning began to change a lot when she was in junior high school, becoming more and more beautiful. Junior high and high schools were all school girls. At that time, few people knew that she was the daughter-in-law of Ji Jiatong.

So naturally many people chase her.

He was one of them back then. At that time, because she was the granddaughter-in-law of the Ji family, she had to cut off her thoughts of her abruptly. Unexpectedly, she was still not with Ji Jingfeng.

Moreover, he secretly got into a position with Ji Chicheng. Because of this incident, Lin Yanqin and everyone in the Lin family gave him a severe lesson, and then sent him out of the country.

"In the end, didn't you follow Ji Jingfeng's **** and stole the man from the house?"

Unpleasant words came out of Lin Shaotong's mouth.

Without waiting for Ji Anning's reaction, the young woman wearing a Chanel trench coat next to Lin Shaotong looked at what Ji Anning was holding in her arms and asked: "Is this the child of you and Uncle Ji?"

After asking, she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of them.

Ji Anning's face sank, and coldly said to the woman who was talking, "Lin Kexin, be careful when you speak."

This is the daughter of Uncle Ji Xiangting's family, and Lin Shaotong is a sibling. Like Ji Ruoqian, she is arrogant and arrogant.

It is a common problem of their Lin bloodline.

Ji Anning suddenly turned his face, and the Lin brothers and sisters were a little surprised.

Lin Kexin retracted her hand, and angered Ji Anning, "What is it so fierce? Isn't the child blind? Did I make a mistake?"

At this moment, a familiar voice called Ji Anning.


Jin Yuanyuan is here.

Ji Anning and one after another looked at the direction of the sound at the same time.

Jin Yuanyuan held Zhen Cheng by hand, and walked towards them suspiciously, wondering about the group of people standing in front of Ji Anning.

"Brother Zhencheng."

Seeing Zhen Cheng very happy one after another, struggling to get off Ji Anning.

Ji Anning had to bend down to put her down and let her and Zhen Cheng hold hands.

"Golden Yuanyuan?"

Ji Xiangting stared at Jin Yuanyuan for a while before recognizing her.

Because she is really skinny now, and her skin that used to be fair is gone, a bit wheatish.

Recognizing it was Jin Yuanyuan, Ji Xiangting's eyes immediately became unfriendly.

Jin Yuanyuan nodded and greeted her lightly, "Ji Xiangting."

Ji Xiangting has no good feelings in Jin Yuanyuan's heart.

She didn't know why Ji Anning was with Ji Xiangting and the others, thinking they had something to do, so she looked at Ji Anning again and said, "Are you okay Anning? If something happens, I will bring Zhen Cheng to you later.

Ji Anning shook his head, "It's okay, let's go eat."

She said she was about to leave with her arm in Jin Yuanyuan.

Ji Xiangting suddenly cursed: "Ji Anning, you eat something inside and out, you are happy in your heart against me, right?"

Ji Anning stopped and turned back to give Ji Xiangting a sneer, "Ji Xiangting, you don't eat anything, why are you going against me?"