So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 797: Uncle National (4)

Ji Anning didn’t know what Ji Chicheng had just said to the group of girls, but saw that he was surrounded by a group of girls nympho, she was sour in her heart, standing at the door of the store to him Shouted loudly.

Hearing Ji Anning's crisp "Uncle", the girls exploded one by one.

"Gosh, it's as handsome as the legend."

"Uncle handsome, you just said that Li Nianjia is with her uncle. Are you saying that you are together?"


Everyone was chattering and screaming constantly. When the girls asked Ji Chicheng's questions, Ji Anning looked confused.

What do you mean?

She looked at Ji Chicheng with doubts.

Ji Chicheng also looked at her, raised his chin slightly, arrogantly, with a cool expression, standing outside the crowd with his hands in his trouser pockets, without intending to go in.

"If I have such a handsome uncle, even if he is a dear, I will go."

Ji Chicheng: "..."

He really mumbled the open-mindedness of modern girls, and blamed his good niece for being too reserved.

He...what did he say to them, Ji Anning stared at Ji Chicheng blankly, feeling up and down.

Seeing Ji Anning standing there indifferently, Ji Chicheng frowned impatiently, "Come here?"

After listening to Ji Chicheng, everyone consciously gave way for Ji Anning.

"Why do you want me to go over?" Ji Anning replied to Young Master Ji horizontally. Seeing his cold expression, she lost her confidence again and pouted ‘oh’.

Then she raised her foot, ready to walk over.

Suddenly I heard Ji Chicheng say: "Then don't move, I will go over."

Ji Anning paused, raised his head and looked over, the tall male figure gradually approached, and under the attention of everyone, he came with a halo of thousands of layers.

Is this man really her uncle?

Ji Anning opened her mouth slightly. She used to love his arrogance, but she never deliberately paid attention to his appearance. At this moment, she also seemed to say something like an idiot: Uncle is really handsome.

Ji Chicheng walked in front of Ji Anning until his toes touched her toes, then he stopped, looked down at her, and then reached out and raised her chin.

Bend over and kissed her lips.

Ji Anning was stunned, dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

"how romantic."

"What a cool uncle."

"I want a boy like this too."


There was a voice of envy all around.

Ji Anning felt that her heart was about to jump out. She lifted her hands on her legs slowly, but she didn't know how to place it.

In the end, she chose to hug.

Now that you have decided to be together, now that you have reached this point, what reason is there to push away?

Her hug caused a round of applause and whistles from all directions.

In Ji Anning's impression, this is Ji Chicheng's most tender kiss.

Because this is just a question to disclose their relationship.

Staring at that picture for a while, Qi Xiaoxiao turned to look at Qi Helian beside him.

He leaned lazily on the door frame, looking at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

A touch of distress flashed in Qi Xiaoxiao's eyes. She laughed and teased, "Son, my heart is bitter, your childhood sweetheart boyfriend has a girlfriend."

"It's my mother, you know what I feel in my heart." Qi Helian retracted his gaze from Ji Anning and the others, smiled back to Qi Xiaoxiao, and then looked down at the little girl holding his leg. Reached out and touched her head, "One after another, is your father ashamed?"