So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 776: Who is the master of Ji's house? (six)

It is impossible to leave that home to Ji Jingfeng casually.

On the way home, Ji Anning was still very heavy and worried.

She thought, what capacity do they want to get along at that home when they go back?

First of all, Ji Mingyue will not be better off.

The car slowly drove into the large courtyard of the Ji's family. The fountain at the door was open, water sprayed, and the car passed around, happily standing up and lying on the window.

Ji Anning leaned over, hugged her and asked, "Is it so happy to go home?"

"I miss grandma." They cocked their mouths and looked at the door, anxiously wanting to go home.

Seeing that Ji Mingyue missed Ji Mingyue so much, Ji Anning's heart couldn't help being touched by more points, and she was a little relieved.

The car stopped under the steps at the door. Ji Chicheng first drove the door and got out of the car. They couldn't wait to follow him and climbed out of the car by themselves.

Don't hold Ji Chicheng, two short legs quickly ran into the house.

Ji Anning sat in the car, a little nervous, Ji Chicheng patiently waited for her outside the car door.

"My uncle is back."

Suddenly, there was another car parked behind, a white Audi TT, and Ji Xiangting came out of the driver's seat. She was carrying a red Chanel bag, and when she saw Ji Chicheng, she greeted her with a slight smile, and then she swayed. Walk to him.

Ji Anning just got out of the car and heard Ji Xiangting's voice, she paused, and raised her head to meet her gaze.

Just a second glance, Ji Anning immediately looked down, not wanting to intersect with her sharply.

She got out of the car, but under Ji Xiangting's gaze, she became natural, straightened up, winked at Ji Chicheng and motioned for him to go first.

Ji Xiangting didn't catch Ji Anning's subtle behavior from the side, and smiled at her and said, "Anning, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Ji Anning was a little surprised. After all, he had torn his face with their mother and daughter before, and now there is no father to hold him down, Ji Xiangting has no need to be friendly to her.

But when someone greeted her, she didn't respond. It was because she was too cautious and would continue to live in this home. Even if it was for Ji Mingyue's mood, they should try to live together peacefully.

"Yes, big..."

Ji Anning opened her mouth. Before she uttered the word ‘Sister’, Ji Chicheng suddenly stretched out his hand, clasped her wrist, and led her into the house.

The domineering did not leave her a little room for struggle.

They just held hands like this and walked into the door of Ji's house under Ji Xiangting's eyes.

In Ji Chicheng's movements, Ji Anning felt his determination, but the laughter from the room made her more or less scrupulous. When changing shoes, she forcefully broke away Ji Chicheng's hand.

The two were blocked by the hallway, and the people inside couldn't see them yet.

Ji Chicheng cast a warning look at Ji Anning. Ji Anning stepped on his feet and kissed the corner of his mouth in kindness, "Uncle, as the saying goes, Xiu Enqing die quickly, let's keep a low profile."

She grinned and smiled naughty and cute.

Ji Chicheng rolled her eyes, ignored her, turned and entered the house.

Ji Anning poked his head out of the hallway and watched Ji Chicheng walk into the living room. A group of people in the living room, as if staring at him back, greeted him one by one.

One of the strange faces should be Ji Jingfeng's girlfriend. The bronzed shoulder-length hair and the cute and playful little pear blossoms are perm. The makeup is a bit thick, but the foundation should be very good. .