So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 765: Use her cornea (eight)

Ji Chicheng just turned around and caught her little move. She quickly retracted her eyes and blushed.

Ji Chicheng frowned, "Why are you awkward there?"

This man!

Knowing that she was awkward and shy, he was still a little bit stunned. He was really incomprehensible and furious.

Ji Anning pouted and turned around, carrying her fried pan to enjoy alone.

In the evening, Ji Chicheng dismissed Mrs. Wu, and then the family of three went downstairs for a walk.

This is an eye hospital, near the sea, and the air is particularly good, but just after the first month, the weather is still very cold, one after another wearing thick down jackets walking in front.

The gauze wrapped around her forehead did not affect her playful mood at all.

On the irregular cobblestone trails, one after another ran on them, with her small body swaying on both sides. For fear of her falling, Ji Anning always followed her nervously.

Occasionally, they turned their heads and hugged her one after another. Their mother and daughter, joyous laughter echoed in Ji Chicheng's ears.

Ji Chicheng walked in public places rarely, with a smile on Jun's face.

So beautiful, so satisfying.

"Be careful."

Ji Anning walked in front with them, reaching a round-island-shaped green belt. There was a blind spot in the line of sight. Suddenly a little boy who was slightly bigger than the other side ran over, and he was about to hit him.

Ji Anning gave a nervous reminder, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull them apart, but it was still a step too late and the two children ran into each other.


The little boy was obviously older, but he bumped into him. They just stepped back two steps before being held by Ji Anning.

Ji Anning glanced at them. The little girl was just a little frightened and was not injured. Ji Anning hurriedly went to care for the little boy who fell. "My kid, did you fall where?"

She stretched out a hand to help the little boy up. At this moment, Ji Chicheng also rushed over, bending over to pick him up.

Ji Anning wholeheartedly checked whether the little boy was injured.

"No, sister, I'm fine."

The little boy shook his head, his slightly dark face with a cheerful smile.

As he talked, he patted a few dead leaves on his clothes, his movements were quick, without the squeamishness of an older child.

Feeling very strong, Ji Anning stretched out his hand, touched his little head with a slight smile, "My kid, you are really strong."

"Sister, my glasses have fallen out, can you find them for me?"

The little boy searched on the ground while talking.

Ji Anning only noticed that his eyes didn't seem to be very good, and he was still walking around in circles.

She immediately thought that this is a hospital that specializes in ophthalmology. Most of the people who come here have eye problems. She hurriedly reached out, took the little boy by one arm, and supported him, "Don't worry, I'll help you find it."

"Thank you sister."

The little boy politely thanked Ji Anning, with a cheerful smile on his face that made people happy.

Ji Anning smiled slightly, swept her eyes around the ground, and found a pair of glasses on the edge of the flower bed. She picked it up and put on the little boy, "I found my eyes, and see if they fit."

The boy touched his glasses, then nodded affirmatively, "It's mine, thank you sister."

He looked at Ji Anning with a pair of shining eyes. Although the focus was not so right, he was also very energetic. Ji Anning was a little curious about what was wrong with his eyes.

(Brother Yang is not on time in the update today. He has been slapped all day, and his face is so painful. Come and rub him, but he insisted on adding two chapters and still 4D. You can't bear to vote? No? Take a look at the top comments of the book. You really don’t need money to buy a monthly pass. If you pay to subscribe to the book, the system will send you the corresponding number of votes. Everyone habitually sees if there is any, and vote if there is any. Good night...)