So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 763: Use her cornea (6)

"It’s better than when I first came back, but I’m a good person, originally alive and kicking, suddenly... suddenly disabled, it’s definitely hard to accept in my heart. If the master is here, I’ll definitely feel distressed. Die." Wu's wife also felt distressed for Ji Mingyue, her eyes turned red when she said, "But Jing Feng has a girlfriend now, Miss Si is quite satisfied, and now she comes to talk with Miss Si every day, and Miss Si occasionally also Will laugh."

Ji Anning was surprised, "Jing Feng...had he talked about a girlfriend?"

I took it home. It should be official.

Sister Wu nodded, "Yes, I heard that it is the daughter of the CEO of a film and television company. The girl has a very lively personality and is similar to Master Jing Feng's age. Although the family is not as good as Ji's, she is barely right. So Miss Four is very satisfied."

No wonder!

Ji Anning lowered her head and curled her lips and smiled coldly. The woman has a rich family background, and the right family can make them profitable. No wonder she agrees.

If she disagrees, it must be difficult for Ji Jingfeng to take the girl home.

‘Anning, what mom does is for your good. How many years can I live? ’

‘You and Jing Feng are together, and the whole Ji family will belong to us from now on. ’

‘Mom was forced to do it at the beginning, but in the end I still couldn’t bear it, I was reluctant to find a way to get you back. ’


"Miss Anning."

Ji Anning was dreaming of the sensational words Yang Yufang once had in her ear, Wu Sao suddenly called her to interrupt her memory.

Damn, why does she even think about that woman.

She quickly shook her head in her heart, shook off what she had just thought, raised her head and looked at Mrs. Wu, "What's the matter?"

Sister Wu, I asked, "What do you want to eat tonight? They bring food over tonight."

Ji Anning smiled slightly and replied: "I can eat whatever you want. Go and rest for a while. I will call you if I have anything to do."

"Okay, I'll go outside and buy some fruits by the way. She wakes up and eats later."

"it is good."

Ji Anning pursed the corner of her mouth and watched Sister Wu leave. When her old man went out and closed the door of the ward, she turned her head and looked again.

The little girl opened her eyes and looked at her in a blink of an eye, as if she didn't believe what she saw.

Ji Anning's heart was broken and it hurts. She bent over and hugged her, "One after another, miss Mommy."

If it wasn't because she had been away from her for too long, if it wasn't because she missed her but always couldn't see it, how could she feel unreal when she saw her.


Sure enough, the little girl was not sure if she was dreaming just now. At this moment, she was held by Ji Anning. She happily called to her, raising her arms around Ji Anning’s neck, "Mummy, think about it, head Think, think about it, and think in my heart."

The tender voice, crisp and sweet, makes people feel distressed.

Because he wanted to protect his eyes, Ji Anning held back her tears and held her arms tightly. "Mommies want to have them too, thinking about everything."

The little girl smashed her forehead, and because of a circle of gauze on the top of her head, she heard that she shed a lot of blood, so she had to stay in the hospital for a few days to infuse her for anti-inflammatory.

The adult feels distressed, but she herself is like nothing. She is alive and vigorous in the ward, and she has eaten a lot of the fruits that Sister Wu bought.

"Mummy, where's Daddy?"

Ji Anning lay on the bed to accompany the little girl to build blocks, read well, the little girl suddenly remembered Ji Chicheng.