So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 750: Good, let uncle love you well (3)

Ji Anning's heart trembled, nodding to answer him hoarsely, "Yeah."

The movement of her hand stopped and she looked at him, his deep black eyes, like two deep vortexes, she was sucked in and couldn't get out.

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and took her into his arms, his arms tightening constantly.

He was looking for a sense of steadiness, not hugging the quilt, not hugging the pillow, not hugging the imagination, but firmly hugging the peace, the peace he wanted.

"Your wounds." Ji Anning was worried about the injuries on Ji Chicheng's body, raised his neck and looked at him nervously.

He wanted to get up, but he held it too tightly.

Ji Chicheng shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

Then the other hand clasped the back of Ji Anning's head and let her face stick to his chest. With his breathing, his heart beats up and down.

The hospital gown on his body had a few buttons on the collar open, and Ji Anning's gaze was directly facing the scars of various shades on his left collarbone.

His skin was fair, so it was exceptionally clear and shocking. She stretched out her hand, touched it gently, and asked distressedly, "Uncle, why is there such a scar on your waist?"

She asked him to show it to her before, but he refused. He wiped his body for the past two days and finally saw it.

There is indeed a tattoo on that piece, but it is obviously to cover the scar, because the tattoo is very good, and it is hard to see how it hurts.

Ji Chicheng's body stiffened without a trace, and his expression paused. Then he smiled and replied to Ji Anning, "When I was going to school in Country M, there was an accident when I went out to explore."

"Oh." Ji Anning nodded, her other hand was stuffed into the quilt, she touched Ji Chicheng's waist, touched the uneven part, and she asked: "Is the injury serious? Who will take care of it? Yours? Why didn't you hear Grandpa and the others talk about it at home?"

She raised her head again, Shui Ling's eyes looked at Ji Chicheng without blinking, full of distress.

Ji Chicheng rubbed her head pamperingly, "It's a bit serious. A very beautiful person took care of me."

He answered Ji Anning's first two questions and ignored her last question.

Ji Anning also didn't notice, because he used a "beautiful" and successfully diverted Ji Anning's attention. The beautiful person must be a girl.

Taking care of him when he was injured, will it be the same as now?

The more Ji Anning thought about it, the more sour her heart became. She pouted and asked, "Are you a classmate in country M?"

"Are you jealous?" Young Master Ji was very impersonal, and his words broke Ji Anning's mind.

Ji Anning did not deny, "I would have gone if I knew it."

She said that she hugged Ji Chicheng with her hands tightly, her face pressed against his chest, and while listening to his heartbeat, she murmured: "After you go, I miss you, I can't see you, I really want to go The country is looking for you, but I will ask for a flight ticket to N City, which costs several thousand dollars, and then I will go to the country to make money to buy a ticket."

When Ji Chicheng heard the words, the fingers of the hand resting on Ji Anning's head twitched abruptly.

The peace at that time, how much bitter did it suffer.

From the time she gave him the card and told him that there was 50,000 yuan in it, he knew that she must have suffered a lot in those years.

If you knew it, if you knew it, but if you didn't, they had been missing it before.