So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 733: To want you to want you is to want you (11)

Ji Mingyue kept her face cold, ignoring Xin Xiaoxiao, and the wheelchair speed continued to increase.

Xin Xiaoxiao was not annoyed, and patiently quickened her pace. She stopped talking, and followed Ji Mingyue all the way to the bathroom.

Ji Mingyue stopped at the door of the bathroom, and Xin Xiaoxiao looked at her suspiciously, "Sister Si, why didn't you go in?"

Without waiting for Ji Mingyue's answer, she tried to push her in.

Ji Mingyue looked at her annoyed, "Are you going to follow me into the toilet?"

"I have to support you." Xin Xiaoxiao looked blank and innocent.

The expression is clear, let me say, I don't push you in, how do you go to the bathroom like this, in fact, even if she asks this, it is normal, after all, it is like that.

But Ji Mingyue was annoyed. She stretched out her hand and pushed Xin Xiaoxiao hard, and yelled at her, "Go, go, leave it alone."

She blushed, and after roaring, she started the wheelchair again and went into the bathroom.

Just now she was crazy, and Xin Xiaoxiao didn't expect it at all. She staggered a few steps back when she was pushed, standing still in a daze.

At this moment, Ji Chicheng and Xiang Yiqing rushed over.

"what happened?"

Xiang Yiqing ran a step ahead of Ji Chicheng. He saw Ji Mingyue entering the women's bathroom and chased after her. She had already entered. He quickly told the nurse: "Go in."

Then he looked at Xin Xiaoxiao with regret, "Miss Xin, sorry."

"It's okay." Xin Xiaoxiao shook her head and stroked her hair.

Ji Chicheng ran over, looked inside the women's bathroom, and then looked at Xin Xiaoxiao.

Xin Xiaoxiao pouted, showing aggrieved expression, "I'm thinking, if I marry you in the future, it will be hard for me to be a stepmother of a three-year-old child, and such a grumpy sister to take care of, really..."

Before she finished her complaint, Ji Chicheng interrupted her, "You have enough, you can go away."

The cold voice, mercilessly.

After speaking, he moved his gaze away indifferently and waited for Ji Mingyue to come out of the bathroom with Xiang Yiqing.

"Hey, Ji Chicheng, can't you speak more politely?" Xin Xiaoxiao felt that her self-esteem had been greatly affected, and she reached out and grabbed Ji Chicheng's arm.

Before he had time to pull, Ji Chicheng raised his arm and shook her hand away, "Xin Xiaoxiao, persuade you to stop following me."

His face was green and he gave a cold warning.

Seeing him in a hurry, Xin Xiaoxiao smiled instead. She folded her hands on her chest, with a wicked smile at the corners of her mouth, and raised her eyebrows at Ji Chicheng, "You think you are handsome, so I followed you." ?"

Ji Chicheng was too lazy to pay attention to her, turned his head and continued to see if Ji Mingyue had come out.

Xin Xiaoxiao's voice sounded again, "No, you are wrong, because you are very handsome."

When Ji Chicheng heard Xin Xiaoxiao's question and answer, there was no response, but Xiang Yiqing's mouth twitched silently. He looked sideways at a high-profile Xin Xiaoxiao and hooked his lips with interest.

He leaned to Ji Chicheng's ear and whispered: "You are very attached to women."

Ji Chicheng glanced at him arrogantly, then looked at the door of the women's bathroom, Ji Mingyue had come out of it, and the little nurse followed her with a grievance on his face.

Obviously he was scolded again.

"Bright Moon."

Xiang Yiqing hurriedly greeted him, and the nurse gave way automatically.