So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 694: We are nephew and uncle (14)

"This little thing runs faster than me."

Ji Anning didn't notice Xin Xiaoxiao who was behind them, and when she heard her talking, she raised her head and Xin Xiaoxiao walked over gracefully.

She was holding the bag in both hands, pursing the corner of her mouth, smiling gently and generously.

The smile on Ji Anning's face was stiff. She was not ready to say hello to Xin Xiaoxiao. She was about to lower her head to look at the crowds. Suddenly Xin Xiaoxiao pointed her face and said in shock: "Your face is bleeding."

"It's okay." Ji Anning replied to Xin Xiaoxiao coldly, lowered his head and smiled at each other, "Have you ever seen a doctor? Have doctors boasted that they have grown up?"

Pouting one after another, shook their heads.

Immediately afterwards, Xin Xiaoxiao's voice sounded again, "In fact, we just arrived at the hospital and encountered an emergency. The attending doctor is not in the consulting room now."

Ji Anning just gave a faint "Oh" without looking at Xin Xiaoxiao.

"Mummy takes you to see if the doctor is here."

Not wanting to stay here, Ji Anning hugged and left. She used to come to this hospital often and was familiar with it.


"Ji Chicheng, unless you take back 32% of J.C's shares from that woman Ji Anning and send her to jail, we will break the relationship."

Ji Mingyue couldn't hear any explanation from Ji Chicheng, it was as if he had been brainwashed.

She also didn't want to see Ji Chicheng, and asked him to choose one of Ji Anning and her sister.

But compared to when Ji Anning was just now, her mood is much better, just lying there angry.

Ji Chicheng didn't approach her anymore, just stood by the bed and looked down at her sadly.

At this time, Char, who had been standing by and watching the good show, walked to the head of the bed, bent over to get close to Ji Mingyue, and smiled gently at her: "Mingyue, Chicheng is your younger brother."

Ji Mingyue gave him a cold eye, "Mr. Char, please leave with you."

Cold voice, cold attitude.

Char straightened his waist and shrugged helplessly at Ji Chicheng. Ji Chicheng also gave him a cold eye, and then retracted his gaze without giving him one more look.

"Mr. Char, I heard that you are here, it's really an honor to see you again."

Just as Ji Chicheng turned around and was about to leave, a middle-aged male doctor in a white coat in a hospital suddenly came in outside the door, and he smiled enthusiastically and greeted Char.

Charr nodded to the visitor, "Doctor Sco, long time no see."

Dr. Scott walked to Char and shook his hand and said, "I just ran into Miss Niannian when I came here. I haven't seen each other for half a year, and they have all grown up."

Speaking of one after another, Char is also a face of doting, he nodded: "Yes, it's almost three years old."

As he said, he caught Ji Chicheng who was about to leave, and immediately shouted to him: "Little handsome guy, this is Doctor Sco who is in charge of obstetrics and delivery."

Ji Chicheng had to admit that he was attracted by Char's introduction, birth check and delivery... What kind of process was that? When he learned that he had such a daughter, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes to imagine, holding up. What is the peace of a pregnant belly?

At this moment, he couldn't help but think again, his heart trembling slightly.

"This is..." Doctor Scott pointed to Ji Chicheng and asked Char curiously.

Char said: "This is the father of one after another."

When Dr. Scott heard this, he was very surprised. He opened his mouth and walked towards Ji Chicheng, looking at his face.