So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 688: We are nephews and uncles (8)

She stretched out her hand to pick up her bag, touched her head with the other hand, glanced at the little girl reluctantly, and then lifted her foot away.

At the door, put on your shoes.

She opened the door, bowed her head, and stepped out of the door with one foot. Suddenly she stopped and turned to look at Ji Chicheng and said, "My name is Li Nianjia, and both my household registration and ID card are Li Nianjia, but my grandfather gave me shares. I signed Ji Anning, I signed Ji Jingfeng, and I signed Ji Anning."

And Ji Anning, in this world, no longer exists.

So what the old man had to entrust to her before his death was not that the shares could not be given to Ji Jingfeng. It was a pity that she did not understand what it was and what he wanted to say.

I thought Ji Chicheng had heard about this, even if he wasn't excited, he would at least be a little surprised, but he didn't expect that there would be no waves on his Jun face.

He nodded to her gently, "I know."

Turns out... he knew it all.

Ji Anning was stunned for a moment, then curled his lips and laughed at herself, plucking up the courage to wash herself white, but it was so redundant.

Yes, she could think of it, how could he not think of it, as expected, he was too stupid.

"Actually, you know, you know everything, you know that Grandpa didn't kill me, you know that Grandpa didn't give me shares at all, so you just don't want to be with me anymore?"

Ji Anning looked at Ji Chicheng, and when he nodded, she couldn't help but turned around and heard him say "Yes" crisply and without hesitation.

Knowing the answer will make her sad and hurt her self-esteem, so why should she ask, the true typical is less than Huanghe not giving up.

With snowflakes floating outside, Ji Anning couldn't feel the cold. She put her hands in the pockets of the down jacket, and walked fast, walking out of Ji Chicheng's community.

The man leaned on the glass window, his head against the window glass, watching the falling snow outside, he frowned slightly, his eyebrows piled up with gloom.

Xin Xiaoxiao walked up to him, stared at his melancholy handsome face for a while, pursing the corners of his mouth helplessly, "It seems that you don't have the mind to work tonight, or I will come back to you another day."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded.

Xin Xiaoxiao turned around and walked towards the door. Ji Chicheng suddenly turned his head and looked at her and said, "I will see you off."

Speaking, he straightened up, strode to the door, picked up his jacket, and walked out of the door towards Xin Xiaoxiao.

Xin Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "The snow outside is very heavy, you can send me away, or I, a girl, must guard against unscrupulous drivers and slippery roads."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand to press the elevator and paused.

Xin Xiaoxiao walked up to him, glanced at him with a smile, and said nothing.

The snow outside was indeed a bit heavier than in the evening, and the car drove out of the underground parking garage to the front entrance of the community.

The girl's footsteps stopped and looked at both sides of the road. Without a car, she continued walking again, slowly.

The car slowly approached her. When she was next to her, without waiting for Ji Chicheng to do anything, Xin Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the back seat, opened the door directly, and Ji Chicheng frowned.

Xin Xiaoxiao's head has been sticking out of the car, smiling at Ji Anning and said: "Beauty, we are going out for supper, where are you going, we will pick you up."

Without waiting for Ji Anning's reaction and response, Xin Xiaoxiao got up, arched his waist, climbed directly from the back seat to the passenger seat, and then looked at Ji Anning.