So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 686: We are nephew and uncle (6)

"That's right." Attorney Liu suddenly thought of something, "There is one more thing Young Master, you have to beware."

Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows slightly and motioned for him to continue.

Lawyer Liu continued: “Jia Qiting asked me about the age of his shares before. I think Master Jing Feng is likely to acquire shares from other shareholders, but he will definitely not be able to implement it within a year or two. Because he has no funds in his hands."

Ji Chicheng was not surprised at all. All this was expected. He nodded to Lawyer Liu, indicating that he knew it.

Then he told Lawyer Liu: "My father's will, don't tell anyone about it."

Lawyer Liu nodded, "I know, but the eldest lady has to go to the company every day to make trouble these days.

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng said: "Then tell her what you gave her. As for Mingyue's, hold it with you first. Don't tell her. My father left Garden Island to her."

As he said, he converged his eyes, and after a moment of thought, he looked at Wu Tezhu again, "You will give me a copy of the project that the company is currently working on and the project that is being planned."

These two people can be regarded as the most trusted people in the father's life.

So he can trust it.

In the sea city of the first month, there was little snow again. After more than a week, Ji Anning couldn't help but came to Ji Chicheng's apartment.

Today, she had better luck. She only climbed three flights of stairs when she met one who was on the fortieth floor. She was afraid that Ji Chicheng would not be home during the day. She specially chose to come at night, but when she looked at the windows, there was still no light in the house.

Qi Helian clearly told her that my uncle lives here.

Ji Anning was frowning and muttering depressed in her heart. The elevator door behind her suddenly opened. She heard the sound, nervous and excited. Listening to the familiar footsteps of men, she did not dare to look back.


Seeing Ji Anning, they were so excited, they opened their arms, eager to hug her.

The shout of the little girl gave Ji Anning the courage to turn around. She turned around and looked at each other. She wanted to reach out and hug her, but she was a little nervous.

She pressed her lips tightly and looked at Ji Chicheng: "I'll take a look."

"Yes." Ji Chicheng responded coldly to Ji Anning, and walked a little closer in front of Ji Anning with his long legs.

Ji Anning was very happy, and quickly reached out and hugged them in his arms.

Ji Chicheng didn't look at her. He walked past her and walked to the door of the house. Ji Anning turned to look at him, and glanced at his hand that was entering the lock code.

Seeing the password he had entered, she opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

Didn’t you change the lock? Why is it still that password?

Surprised and puzzled, Ji Chicheng had opened the door. His tall body entered the door and changed his shoes. Ji Anning was stunned before he followed in, standing at the door, a little bit lame.

"Mummy, it's delicious."

The people in his arms suddenly pointed to Ji Chicheng's bag that was placed on the dining table and said to Ji Anning.

Ji Anning smiled and nodded, "Okay."

She bent down to put them down one after another and took off her shoes. Today, she was wearing sneakers. With thick socks and floor heating, she didn't wear slippers.

After Ji Chicheng entered the door, the phone rang, and when he answered the phone on the balcony, Ji Anning sat down at the dining table in his arms, letting them open the bags Ji Chicheng had brought back.

She glanced at the bag, which was full of snacks.

"I'll come down to pick you up."

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng walked over from the balcony, talking on the phone as he walked.