So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 661: I slept with her, what is it? (One)

Not to mention just now, they have not paid attention to Ji Anning. At the moment, they have paid attention to her and talked about it.

Ji Anning originally just wanted to come and worship, and now she wants to go even more.

She did not say hello, turned around and left.

But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly heard a cold warning from a man behind him, "Who let you go? Who made you get up?"

Ji Anning instinctively stopped and turned his head, the man's angry footsteps had already reached her.

Without giving her a chance to react, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her back to the old man's grave, making her kneel, "You can't get up without my order."

His voice was cold and angry, but there was no hatred.

Like a child who didn't dare to violate the words of his parents, Ji Anning bent down on his knees, bowed his head aggrieved, and said nothing.

Ji Chicheng glanced down at her, and his anger seemed to be much smaller. The old men present had all experienced ups and downs in the mall, and they could see things in their eyes.

This situation is obviously a family dispute, and they immediately find a reason to leave.

"Yanqin, Chicheng, the children are still waiting for me to join relatives. I'm leaving now."

"I'm leaving too." Watching one person walk, the other followed and said to Ji Chicheng: "Your father kicked away with these two feet. You will have to worry about this family in the future."

Someone immediately agreed, "Yes, your father loved you the most during his lifetime, and he often praised you for your ability."

These are the best old men that the old man played during his lifetime, so in this case, Ji Chicheng didn't look at the monk's face, but also looked at it. How many times gave them a little face.

Nodded slightly to them, but never spoke to them.

Then everyone bowed deeply to the old man's tombstone, and then left one after another.

Looking at the back of those old men leaving, Ji Jingfeng gritted his teeth and snorted in resentment until he sent away the last guest of the day.

He turned around, went back to Ji Chicheng and knelt down, put a few sheets of paper into the bowl of burning paper money in front of him, and burned it while looking at Ji Chicheng and said, "Uncle, now my grandpa is gone, I will manage the company in the future. , I still need your help."

Upon hearing this, Ji Chicheng raised his head and looked at Ji Jingfeng with a sneer: "Do you manage the company?"

Ji Jingfeng raised his chin confidently, "Grandpa handed over the company to me before he died. This is witnessed by many media."

Ji Chicheng asked: "Do you have a 0.1% share or something?"

"Grandpa transferred all the shares of the company to Anning before his death." Ji Chicheng was still confident. She said, "I and Anning have been engaged. Since childhood, there is no difference between giving it to her and giving it to me."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Yanqin at the side was not calm, "What are you talking about? The old man gave all the remaining shares of J.C to Ji Anning?"

She cannot accept this fact.

The old man gave way to Ji Jingfeng and she couldn't accept it, and gave him all the shares.

Is it tolerable or unbearable.

Ji Chicheng ignored Lin Yanqin's question and raised his mouth to Ji Jingfeng disdainfully, "You and her are engaged, regardless of each other, then I slept with her and have children, so what is it?"

Hearing that, everyone present, including Ji Jingfeng and Ji Anning, were shocked.

(Today is too sleepy, two chapters in the early morning, and during the rest of the day, the monthly pass is one hundred and one chapter. Come on, everyone, the following books are chasing too hard, my uncle and Anning will soon be crushed Come on, everyone, come on...)