So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 650: Persecution of the birth mother (6)

The share transfer letter, his old man had already prepared, and the contract on the right to use the shares.

Ji Anning probably took a look, which means that the shares have only been transferred to her now, but her real right to use and make decisions is after the father's death.

Now she can't be the master by herself.

Ji Anning knew that his old man was afraid that she would give Ji Jingfeng the shares regardless of anything for Ji Chicheng.

But no matter what, even if she knew it was a grave and a big pit, she had to jump into it.

Because Char is more threatening.

After signing the word, Ji Anning didn't stop for a moment. From signing to leaving, her eyepieces were never down.

Except for the J.C door, she dialed Char's number, rang for a while, and answered the phone. Char himself was the one who answered the phone.

Hearing Char's voice, Ji Anning immediately said: "Mr. Char, I have already signed the share transfer letter. Can I send it back with my uncle?"

Char said: "They have gone back. Although I am very reluctant, but the little handsome guy is too grumpy. I can't do anything with him."

Ji Anning was a little speechless, "..."

She is very angry now, is she discussing serious issues with him?

This uncle, why does his painting style always change when he says it changes?

When I called him before and threatened him, the devil got into the cold and drilled into her bones, now...

Ji Anning was really angry, and hung up the phone directly. Anyway, her daughter and brother-in-law have already returned, and she has nothing to fear from him for the time being.

When she reached the intersection, she reached out to stop the taxi while calling Ji Chicheng, but she still prompted that the number she was calling was on the phone.

"Is this blacklisting me?"

Ji Anning frowned and glanced at the phone screen depressedly. The taxi came again. She temporarily put away the phone and got into the taxi.

Go directly to Ji Chicheng’s apartment in Haishi.


"I only glanced at the contract secretly. The time was too short. I couldn't look at it carefully. I only learned the outline. All the shares were transferred to Miss An Ning's name. But while the chairman is still alive, Miss An Ning She has no right to distribute those shares. She has the right to distribute only when the chairman is gone."

"Lawyer Wang and Special Assistant Wu are both close friends of the chairman, and they are all loyal to the chairman. They have no way to start."

"In addition, Yang Yufang also attended today's press conference and sat next to Ji Jingfeng."

Ji Chicheng sat in the back seat, holding a mobile phone in one hand, and sleeping on his lap with his arm in the other.

Listening to the people on the phone reporting to him, he curled his eyebrows in thought.

"Also, Miss An Ning and Yang Yufang had a simple exchange at the door of the meeting room, but they were too far away and their voices were very low. I didn't hear what they were talking about."

"Little Master, these are the conditions at the moment. If there is any new situation, I will report to you as soon as possible."

When everyone over there finished the report, Ji Chicheng moved a little bit, and hung up the phone with a very light ‘um’.

There is no right to allocate those shares while still alive...

Ji Chicheng recalled what the person had reported to him just now, frowning and couldn't understand why the old man had to transfer all the shares in his name to Ji Anning.

(The lock black house just came out, the update is late, and then you shamelessly ask for a monthly pass. The competition at the end of the month is too big. Please allow me to ask for votes. We have been the first in the new book monthly ticket list for 25 days. You can’t be overtaken in the last few days. First, what a glorious position. Everyone, please help Yang Ge, okay? There is no money for monthly tickets. As long as you spend money to read books, the system will give you tickets. No See the top comments for voting, there are voting guides......)