So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 637: You are not welcome (four)

One after another was frightened by Ji Jingfeng's sudden actions, and repelled him very much, twisting restlessly on her, calling ‘Mummy’.

Not wanting to quarrel in front of his father's mourning hall, Ji Anning suppressed the anger in his heart and coldly said to Ji Jingfeng: "Ji Jingfeng, this is my father's mourning hall, please be serious and give them to me."

As she stretched out her hand, the tough will robbed them one after another.

Then she immediately called to the assistant to come over, but she was a step ahead of her father's voice, "Wu Special help, take the child out to play for a while."

Wu Tezhu received the old man's order, but he didn't respond, and immediately went to Ji Anning to hug him.

They were so scared that they hid in Ji Anning's arms. A pair of small hands held Ji Anning's clothes tightly. They didn't dare to cry loudly, "Mommy, I want Mommy."

"Mommy, don't give it to others." Ji Anning patted her back, soothed her, then looked at Ji Zhengdao, smiled coldly, "Chairman Ji, you came all the way back, thank you so much. Up."

She made a very insincere courtesy, and then she passed them to the assistant directly.

Wu Tezhu still wanted to fight with the assistants. She glanced at Wu Tezhu with a fierce look, "Wu Tezhu, don't you see that children are scared of giving birth?"

After speaking, she coldly retracted her eyes.

Wu Tezhu was taken aback, looking at Ji Anning, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little more jealous.

But I'm not surprised, just not accustomed to such a sharp Ji Anning.

"Chairman Ji, the deceased is the oldest. Since he is here, let's give my father a stick of incense." Ji Anning took three incense sticks and handed them to Ji Zhengdao.

Unfamiliar and polite.

Ji Zhengdao frowned, "An Ning, are you so strange to Grandpa?"

His expression and tone both sent out unpleasant signals.

The mother hurriedly scolded Ji Anning, "That's right, this kid is too naive."

Ji Anning ignored her mother's reproach, and said to her: "Mom, you are here to greet, I will go to the lounge to see if there is any trouble."

She was still worried, fearing that the old man would have any premeditated plans.

"Isn't Uncle Jing Feng in the lounge? They went over and disturbed the uncle's rest." The mother frowned and said, after thinking about it, she continued: "You should let your assistant go to other places one after another. Place to play."

Hearing this, Ji Zhengdao's face suddenly changed for a moment, with his hands behind him, clenching his fists tightly.

But the tone was very indifferent and generous to Ji Anning’s mother: “It’s okay. Jing Feng was injured yesterday and couldn’t immediately accompany Anning to make arrangements. So I asked his uncle to come and help Zhang Luo first. Go back with me."

"That's it." As if a cloud of fog was unraveled, the mother nodded suddenly, "I said, how am I ashamed to trouble my uncle to stay here all the time."

Then she looked at Ji Zhengdao again and added, "I'm really sorry to trouble you all the time."

"Nothing to be embarrassed, it's all a family." Ji Zhengdao replied to Ji Anning's mother, then walked over, lit the three incense in his hand, and offered it.

Then he turned around and said to Ji Jingfeng: "Jing Feng, you can also put incense on your father-in-law."

"Okay." Ji Jingfeng readily agreed, walked over and stared at the portrait of Ji Anning's father, with a cold smile across his eyes, "Father-in-law, don't worry, I will take good care of peace and prosperity."