So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 634: You are not welcome (1)

Shao Ye Ji has a proud face and rolls his eyes at her.


They have been playing in the hot spring resort until more than eight o'clock in the evening before rushing to the city.

After going crazy for a day, I fell asleep in the car.

Ji Anning is also very sleepy, but there is a distance from here to the city. She is afraid that Ji Chicheng will be sleepy and dare not speak.

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the screen, it was Xiang Yiqing's call, afraid of waking up, he quickly picked up the phone and put on the Bluetooth headset.

Ji Anning didn't know what Xiang Yiqing had said, but saw Ji Chicheng's face suddenly changed, and he immediately drove the car to the side of the road and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ji Anning asked him nervously.

The call with Xiang Yiqing just ended. Ji Chicheng took off the Bluetooth headset and turned to look at Ji Anning, "C City Nursing Home says that I can't call you."

His calm tone and calm expression made Ji Anning even more nervous, "Fa...what happened?"

Anticipating that something bad must have happened, her hands tightly grasped the small hands.

Ji Chicheng said, "Your father is gone."

His tone was still calm.

Ji Anning's eyes were sore and her mouth was open. After a while, she nodded gently, "I see."

I was always afraid of paying him medical bills because she didn't have the money. Now that she heard the news that he was gone, her heart hadn't been stirred up.

Instead, I felt relieved.

For her, for the father, and for the mother, it was a relief.

She knew that if her father left because she didn't have the money to pay for medical expenses, she would definitely not be so peaceful.

Surely not so at ease.

So, for some things, even if you know the ending is still a failure, you will not regret if you work hard.

The car drove directly to City C, and they brought Ji Anning's assistant on the way. Because they went there to arrange the funeral of their father, they must be looked after.

They rushed to the nursing home, and the mother had made arrangements to dress the father.

His mother was not as sad as Ji Anning imagined, her eyes were red, but she was calm, and she knew what to do.

It's just that the whole person looks very tired.

She keeps herself busy, and she has to worry about everything herself.

My father has lived in a nursing home all these years. Basically, he has no belongings at home. Just a few clothes that he wore before the car accident. The mother folded them one by one and put them in the box where she was married. Arrived at the father's mourning hall, ready to burn them together.

There is also a pile of calligraphy that my father collected when he was young.

Putting it next to the crystal coffin, he greeted the staff: "You have to be careful when you burn them. Don't break them. He liked these things the most during his lifetime."

After speaking, she reached out and rubbed her temples, as if she had forgotten something, thinking hard.

Ji Anning had been paying attention to her a long time ago, and felt that her condition was a bit wrong, so she quickly walked over, grabbed her arm, and supported her and said, "Mom, you go take a rest."

"I'm not tired." The mother shook her head, and then continued to think.

Ji Anning frowned, and lightly blamed: "You look collapsed and you are not tired."

"I'm really not tired." Mother also smiled, and then she looked at Ji Chicheng, who had been with Ji Anning, before she remembered and asked, "Isn't this Uncle Jing Feng? Why is he here? Jing Feng Why not come?"