So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 627: Tsundere men are not easy to coax (6)

Ji Chicheng on the side finally had a reaction, he stopped chewing in his mouth, raised his eyelids, and looked at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning didn't notice him, and responded with a smile to Qi Helian, "If I return to China, I will definitely count on Qi Shao to give me more money-making dramas."

It's just a joke.

She has never thought of coming back. If possible, she would like to never come back, and start over again in a foreign country, living a simple life without worrying about it.

Her words are very unconcerned.

Everyone here could hear that Qi Helian didn't take it seriously, and Ji Chicheng naturally did the same. He looked back.

When Ji Anning looked at him, he caught the slight smile that passed through his eyes.

The corners of her lips could not help but curl up.

Ji Chicheng did not agree or disagree about going to the hot spring, and Ji Anning did not dare to follow Qi Helian and the others without authorization.

After all, what happened yesterday, he should be still in anger, and she is not really interested in hot springs.

"He always talks less, boring~sao~pretend~B, you don't know, go."

Qi Helian hugged them and walked past Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, wickedly curling his lips.

When he waited out the door, he put the eyepieces on the bridge of his nose, then lifted them up, sat on his shoulders, and ran out quickly, "Take us to the hot springs."

"Let's go."

Xiang Yiqing changed his clothes and went downstairs, walked to Ji Chicheng, and directly hooked his neck and dragged him away.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head and winked at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning rolled her eyes helplessly. In fact, she didn't want to go either.

The two of them, Qi Helian and Xiang Yiqing, half pushed and half walked to the hot spring resort. They were just built beside the sea-crossing bridge leading to another city. The environment and facilities are very good and advanced.

Qi Helian's face is a universal VVVP card. He can give priority to any place, and someone will pass him the room card when he enters the door.

"I wish a few young masters a good time."

Qi Helian reached out and took the two and let go, took out one of them, and put it in Ji Chicheng’s trouser pocket. "This room card, here is for you. The two rooms are next to each other. The swimsuit is ready for you. In the room, you can change it in a while, just wait at the door."

As he said, he turned around and hooked Xiang Yiqing's neck, and walked first.

Ji Chicheng frowned and watched them for a short while, he took out his hand in his pocket and took out the room card that Qi Helian had given him.

He looked down.

Ji Anning's voice rang in his ears, "Uncle, maybe you share a room with them, I... I will take them to change clothes."


Ji Chicheng faintly returned to Ji Anning, raised his foot, and walked past her, leaving Ji Anning with a cold wind.

Ji Anning sticks out his tongue at his tall and cold back, always inexplicably angry, really.

She hugged them and quickly followed.

The super large sea view room and the wide view make people feel relaxed and happy.

Ji Anning put down one after another, walked to the window, put his hands on the glass, and looked outside excitedly, "It's so beautiful."

It was just a sigh, not thinking that Ji Chicheng would respond to her.

"One after another, come and see, there is also a playground..." Ji Anning discovered the children's amusement park area in the resort, and she turned and shouted.

Before she finished speaking, her voice stopped abruptly.