So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 605: Returning home show show show (5)

The car stopped by the fountain in front of the hotel. She hurriedly walked over and opened the passenger's door. It was cold outside, and she quickly bent over and got into the car.


Suddenly, a familiar and tender voice came from behind.

Ji Anning was taken aback. Is it her hallucinations?


The immature voice sounded again. Ji Anning's eyes lit up and turned around. The little person who had not seen her for three months appeared in front of her, and tears filled her eyes with excitement.

"One after another." Ji Anning leaned forward, reached out his hand to hug the little girl, and kissed her pink cheek again and again.

"Who brought you here?"

It took a long time for Ji Anning to think of this question, and after asking one after another, she suddenly raised her head, facing the man's cold eyes, her heart was stirred up.

Excited a little incoherent, "Uncle, you... why are you here?"

When this question was asked, the assistant on the side was anxious for her.

Why are they here? Of course people came because of you. Do you still have to ask?

The man sat there lazily, saying nothing, there was no light in the car, and Ji Anning couldn't see what he was thinking or what his expression was.

The atmosphere was silent.

The silence is depressing.

"Sister Nian, are we going to the airport now?"

The assistant spoke, breaking the silence.

amount! This question is really...too bad, isn't it pushing her into embarrassment?

She quietly booked a plane ticket, ready to go back and give them a surprise, but now they gave her a surprise instead.

She could have pretended to be high-powered...

Ji Anning frowned and cast a gloomy look at the assistant and waved at her, "Not going anymore."

"Where to go?" the assistant asked again.

Where to go... She really didn't think about it. Ji Anning turned to look at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Uncle, have you had dinner?"

"Go to Lido." Ji Chicheng did not respond to Ji Anning, and told his assistant.

Lido is a very famous hotel in Kyoto. Ji Anning has lived in Lido these days, and the assistant is very familiar with it.

She nodded and immediately started the car.

At this point, the traffic in Kyoto is very congested. Ji Anning just drank a few glasses of champagne. At the moment, she felt a little motion sickness. She put her head on the car window and went silent all the way to the hotel.

In the morning, I went out and loaded the luggage on the car, unloaded them all, and dragged them into the hotel.

"Hello, Miss Li."

From afar, the front desk smiled slightly and waited to greet Ji Anning.

"Two rooms." Ji Anning handed her ID card to the front desk, and then she looked at Ji Chicheng who was standing one meter away, "Uncle, where's your ID card?"

Ji Chicheng frowned slightly, ignoring Ji Anning, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Ji Anning was depressed by his impoliteness, and suddenly heard the front desk say: "Miss Li, Mr. Ji has booked a room."

"Oh." Ji Anning nodded, taking away his gaze from Ji Chicheng.

Turning to the assistant again, he said, "Take my credentials and go to the room first."

Then she raised her foot and quickly chased Ji Chicheng, "Uncle, are you going to eat first with you?"

"The Chinese restaurant on the second floor tastes good."

"Crab meat is particularly plentiful, and tiramisu is a favorite."

"The western restaurant is also on the second floor."

Ji Anning Barabala introduced the food to Ji Chicheng, but he didn't even see Ji Chicheng's face getting darker and darker.