So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 584: His temperature (9)

His eyes passed by the door of another elevator inadvertently, and when he found something, he frowned and looked over.

A car key.

He strode over, bent over to pick up the car key, and took a closer look. He freed a hand, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Ji Anning's number.

The call was made, but no one answered until the voice prompts him to dial her number and no one answered temporarily.

Just as the elevator was coming, he hurried in.

"Mr. Ji, what happened?" Korea glanced at the car key in Ji Jicheng's hand, and asked while guessing.

"Nothing." Ji Chicheng returned to Korea lukewarm.

The high-speed elevator quickly reached the first floor. He strode out of the elevator and walked out the door of the building.

It was late at night, and it was cold outside. His coat was draped over him, and he was wearing a thin shirt. The moment he walked out, he had a cold war.

He hugged one after another, walked quickly to the parking lot, pressed the car key in his hand, and saw the flashing car, he walked over.

Look at the car, no one.

He looked around anxiously, but still did not see a figure he was familiar with.

Picking up the phone again, dialing Ji Anning's number, I could faintly hear the familiar ringtone of the phone, nearby.

Taking pictures around, Ji Chicheng looked into the car, the passenger seat was shining brightly.

That's... her cell phone.

This girl!

Where did the person go? The car key was dropped and the cell phone was not brought.

Ji Chicheng looked around anxiously, but still did not see Ji Anning. He simply pulled the back door of the car and put them on the safety chairs.

Then he opened the driver's door and greeted Korea, who was standing beside him, as he got into the car, "I'm leaving now."

After getting in the car, he immediately started the car.

Before Ji Chicheng got home, it started to rain heavily. He stopped the car against the steps of the gate, wrapped his car from head to toe into the house with his suit.

The lights in the living room were on and the sound of the TV came.

Ji Chicheng breathed a sigh of relief, he would put down one after another, poking his head in and taking a look.

However, it was not Ji Anning who sat on the sofa, but an aunt.

"Mr. Ji, you are back."

Hearing the movement, the aunt stood up and greeted the door, "The rain is so heavy, you are carrying a lot, I can't rest assured, just watch TV here and wait."

"Where is Ji Anning?" Ji Chicheng frowned.

He already realized that Ji Anning might not be back, and looked down at the shoe cabinet again. The pair of shoes she often wears is not in it.

He is more certain.

Before the aunt could answer, he immediately turned around, got in the car again in the heavy rain, and started the car.


Ji Anning didn't avoid the heavy rain, letting the freezing rain drown her thoroughly.

There are no cars on the wide road, but the street lights are very bright.

Dragging the exhausted pace, I don't know how long I have been walking and how long I can get home.

I don't know if he is awake now, and what his incumbents are doing.


Suddenly, a sports car drove past her with a ‘boom’. She was taken aback and stopped her thoughts.

In response, she raised her hands and beat her head vigorously, "Why, why?"

Why is it so raining? She is still not awake, she is still thinking about it, he has already found a woman who matches him, and has started his new life.