So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 571: His new life (2)

Suddenly, the burly foreign man behind Yang Danning stepped behind Yang Danning, grabbed her hair, and slammed her against the wall.


Yang Danning screamed in pain, without showing weakness, immediately raised his knees to kick the man's vitals.

The man reacted very sensitively, bent slightly, and escaped Yang Danning's attack, and then he pulled Yang Danning's hair vigorously, and Yang Danning's neck skewed in the direction he was pulling.

Ji Anning was stunned for a moment. After reacting, she quickly glanced down the ground, and did not find a suitable weapon. She lifted one foot, took off her high heels, raised it, rushed over, and slammed the man's forehead vigorously. ,"Let go, I let you let go."

She smashed and shouted.

"Shirt!" The man turned his head and cursed at Ji Anning, then freed up a hand to catch Ji Anning and Ji Anning avoided.

Subconsciously threw the shoes in his hands at the man.

No, this man is so burly, she and Yang Dan have no power to restrain the chicken, and they must be unable to compete.

Ji Anning thought, Yang Danning was in a ball with the man again, and the man's knee pressed against Yang Danning's abdomen several times.

She was anxious and turned to the restaurant door and shouted: "Police, there is a fight here."

There is a police booth not far from the restaurant.

"Ji...anning, don't shout."

Ji Anning shouted twice and prepared to continue shouting, but Yang Danning weakly stopped her behind him and told her not to shout.

She immediately realized that Yang Danning was afraid to enter the police station for investigation, but in this way, she would be killed. The man was obviously out of control and violent.

Ji Anning was anxiously overwhelmed, so he rushed forward, holding the man's arm, opening his mouth and biting down forcefully.

How much effort makes much effort.


The man screamed, his strong arm pushed hard, lifted Ji Anning and threw it far away.

Ji Anning fell to the ground, and Yang Danning took the opportunity to escape the man's control. The man didn't plan to let her go, he wanted to chase her and fight.

At this time, the hotel's security staff came over.

"Who is fighting."

The security guards here are all professionally trained, and they stopped the man who beat Yang Danning after coming over and out.

Ji Anning breathed a sigh of relief before realizing that he had suffered a lot of pain all over his body during the fall.

She bared her teeth and couldn't get up for a while.

"You all follow me."

The man had been taken away, and the security guard grabbed Yang Danning's arm again and wanted to take her away.

"I didn't participate, it was the two of them who fought, and I did it."

Yang Danning shook off the security guard's hand, a few steps behind his leg, pointed at Ji Anning, saying that Ji Anning was the perpetrator just now.

Ji Anning felt cold, raised his head and frowned at Yang Danning, "What did you say Yang Danning?"

She looked at Yang Danning's arrogant face, heartbroken. She didn't leave her a while ago and rescued him from the foreigner. Now she actually bit her in turn?

Is this the upright and righteous Yang Danning she knew?

Yang Danning raised his chin and said frankly and loudly: "I don't know what shameful deeds you did with him. I saw you fighting with him just now and I was going to pull you, but I couldn't hold you. Just admit it. "

Ji Anning's heart was completely cold, she sneered and nodded, "Okay, very good Yang Danning."