So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 568: Face-to-face with Char (4)

He stretched out his hand to grab Ji Anning’s arm, dragged her up, held her in one hand, and put his arm around Ji Anning’s waist, forcibly making her body tight to his own. Stick.

Ji Anning tilted her body, her mouth twitched.

To a certain extent, Ji Mingyue and Ji Chicheng's sister and brother are still very similar, such as poisonous tongue, such as...childishness.

Of course, Ji Chicheng only made naive actions when he was drunk, just like now.

But did he compete with Char for her?

Thinking of this, Ji Anning felt an uncontrollable sense of happiness in her heart, lowering her head and pursing her mouth.

It's kind of forgotten.

"Pay the bill." Ji Chicheng suddenly released his arm around Ji Anning's waist, took out his wallet from his pocket, spread it out on the table, drew out an international bank card, and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter did not reach out to take his card, smiled and nodded at him: "Mr. Shanchaer has already bought it."

What? Ji Chicheng frowned and looked at Char dissatisfiedly.

Char shrugged at him, in that way, in Ji Chicheng's eyes, he seemed to be waving the banner of victory.

While being annoyed, the opposite Charr smiled and said to him: "Little handsome guy, learn more, this is a routine."

Ji Chicheng sneered, "Do you think I left my job and came all the way to eat a meal you invited?"

He paused, and then suddenly colded his face, gritted his teeth fiercely, "I'm here to pay the bill. From now on, my daughter, don't intervene again."

"It's up to you." The smile on Char's face disappeared suddenly, and his face became cold. He said: "The last name is Char, I belong to Char's family. You want her unless you also have the last name Char. You."

When Ji Anning heard the words on the side, her face paled in shock.

She opened her mouth and looked nervously at Ji Chicheng's gradually **** face, "Little..."

As soon as she claimed that she hadn't yelled out, Ji Chicheng suddenly gave her what she was holding, and she instinctively reached out to catch it.

Before she could react, Ji Chicheng's angrily figure was already in front of Char. He reached out and grabbed Char by the collar, staring at him bitterly: "I tell you, I don't care if you are with her. What is the relationship? What is your past? The day she left, I would have regarded her as dead, and you have no right to interfere in my life."

she was!

Who is she?

No matter what your relationship is with him, what do you have in the past, the day she left, I would have regarded her as dead...

Are you talking about her?

Ji Anning had just had a little happiness, and instantly fell into the ice cellar.

He really gave up on her, otherwise, how could he say such things in front of Char.

With his character, if he still cares about her, even if he still hates her or is angry with her, it is impossible for him to say abandon her in front of his ‘rival in love’.

Heh, I gave up, don't want her completely, what kind of love rival is it?

"Your temper is really irritable." Char's faintly blue eyes stared at Ji Chicheng coldly.

The atmosphere suddenly became so tense that people dare not breathe.

Ji Anning looked at the two men with murderous aura in horror.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, "Don't..."

Char suddenly took out a small pistol from his pocket, raised it, the muzzle was against Ji Chicheng's temple: "I don't allow you to disrespect her so much, have you heard?"

Ji Chicheng twitched the corners of his mouth coldly, his chin slightly raised, not afraid of the gun dripping into his temple.