So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 553: Relationship relaxation (4)

"Is this your daughter? It's so cute."

The female acquaintance pointed at the people sitting on Qi Helian's lap and praised sincerely.

Then he couldn't help but reached out and poked his fleshy cheek.

"Yeah." Qi Helian nodded first, and then added, "My **** daughter."

Ji Anning curled his lips and cast him a look that was about the same.

The couple came to say hello, and after a few greetings, they left. Qi Helian picked them up again, stood on his lap, and asked her to face him face to face.

"My dear, people praise you for being cute."

"Dad is handsome." One after another said while licking the cream on their fingers.

It means that my father is also very handsome.

It's so small, it'll coax people, who did you learn it from? Ji Anning frowned and glanced at him, and then smiled at the director Piccolo.

Qi Helian asked again: "Who is more handsome, Dad and Ji Chicheng?"

With such a deep, so worthy question, many children did not even think about it, and directly took an important word in the question and responded: "Handsome."

"I ask you who is more handsome?"

Young Master Qi asked again and again, before answering one after another, a cold and gloomy voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Qi Helian, do you want to go to heaven?"

Qi Helian stunned suddenly, his expression stiffened, and then he turned his head pretending to be surprised, "What day is today? Is the world day?"

The visitor still looked at Qi Helian with a cold face, and a faintly dangerous aura radiated from his body. Qi Helian was not afraid, and continued to ridicule him without fear of death, "I just sent away two acquaintances and met good brothers."

When he finished, he looked at the people he was holding, with a petting look, "Fang, do you think he is handsome or his father is handsome?"

"Dad." Pouting their mouths one after another, immersed in the deliciousness of the little cream on their fingers.

There is cream all over the mouth.

Anyway, both of them called Dad, and didn't know who was praised, Qi Helian took the seat, "Awesome."

He took a sip on his face.

Ji Chicheng had a handsome face, as black as the bottom of a pot, and didn't pay any attention to Master Qi. With his long arms, he grabbed one of his arms and picked her up easily and quickly caught her in his arms.

Turn around and leave.


I don’t know where Ji Chicheng will take them. Ji Anning stood up and followed, "Uncle, why are you here? Where are you going to take them?"


Ji Chicheng returned Ji Anning expressionlessly, without stopping.

Ji Anning frowned dissatisfied when he heard the words, but his tone was only convincing, "I...I didn't say that, have you eaten with me tonight?"

When he went out, he didn't object, and he chased him into the restaurant at this moment. In front of the director of the National People's Congress, it was too bad for him.

"I don't mind an extra pair of cutlery on the table." Ji Chicheng stopped, glanced at Ji Anning, and then raised his foot to continue walking.

The little girl in her arms is very peaceful, and even enjoys father's overbearing president's baby-holding posture, making faces to Ji Anning from time to time.

He was eating with that beauty Korea.

Ji Anning couldn't help flashing in her mind the pictures of Korea getting along with one after another, as well as the liking for Korea, she felt a little uncomfortable...not some, it was very uncomfortable.

Thinking about it, her brain was enthusiastic, and she said to Ji Chicheng: "Uncle, you can eat by yourself. I have eaten half of it with others. You take them away like this, so I lose face?"