So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 551: Relationship relaxation (2)

She didn't even know.

But what reason does she have to know?

She is now... not one of his people, there is no reason to know his whereabouts, and what right to be jealous.

Ji Anning, why do you always forget your relationship with him?

Always worry about and entangle some things about him.

After blaming herself and laughing at herself for a moment, Ji Anning apologized to Korea and smiled, "But I want to take them out for dinner."

Upon hearing this, Korea said generously: "Then let's be together."

Ji Anning shook his head lightly, "No, you go and eat. I will take it with me. I have a friend from afar and I want to meet one after another."

She really said it to Qi Helian, and that day she also agreed to Director Bick, saying that when Qi Helian came, she would have a meal together.

Korea nodded, "Wait for Mr. Ji to come back then, you can discuss it again."

"I'll take them upstairs first." Ji Anning smiled at Korea, then hugged them and got up.

Just about to leave, a tall figure suddenly appeared at the door. Ji Anning and Korea looked at them at the same time, and the man stood indifferently at the door.

Still white shirt, black suit, with both hands in the pockets of trousers, looking at Ji Anning with cold eyes.

"Uh... Mr. Ji is back."

Korea spoke first and greeted Ji Chi Cheng.

I haven't seen it for five or six days, Ji Anning is a little excited, this kind of excitement is not within her rational range.

But after hearing Korea’s voice and realizing her existence, her face became cold involuntarily, and she said to Ji Chicheng stiffly: "Uncle, Qi Helian is here, and I want to see them. Tonight I Take one after another out for dinner. You and Miss Korea can go and eat alone. You can take one after another out the next day."

As she said, she raised her foot, ignoring Ji Chicheng's increasingly ugly expression, and walked towards the stairs without looking back.

They were wearing household clothes. When they went out, they always had to change out clothes. Ji Anning returned to the room, put them on the sofa, and went to the closet to find clothes.

But after looking around, she found that all the clothes in her cabinet were housewear, or pajamas.

The beautiful clothes that I wore out were all in Ji Chicheng.

She frowned. "Really."

With a depressed mutter, she turned and said to them: "One after another, Mommy will go to my father to get you clothes."

She walked out of the room, looked at the closed door of the opposite room, and looked at the direction of the stairs. She thought that Ji Chi Cheng might have gone with Korea at this moment, so she walked to the door of Ji Chi Cheng’s room in two steps and stretched out her hand to unscrew him. Door.

The room on this side faces south, and the light is much better than on her side. She entered the door and strode towards Ji Chicheng's bedroom.

For Ji Chicheng’s room, every corner is a landscape, a landscape that makes her physically and mentally comfortable, but what she never expected is that there is another landscape in the bedroom...

She stepped into the bedroom and saw the man standing in front of the cabinet. She paused and stared...


She originally made sure that Ji Chicheng was not in the room. Now he is not only there, but also... is still naked! ! !

No, it's not a ****, a bath towel is wrapped around his lower body.