So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 534: Be jealous (5)

Rubbing his temples, and not letting himself think about it anymore, he started to work and kept himself busy all morning.

"Boss, the people from H.G have arrived, we can set off."

It happened to be lunch time, Beige came knocking on the door, and the partner who was going to meet today has arrived in N City.

Ji Chicheng nodded, quickly finished the work he was doing, closed the computer, and got up with his jacket.

It was during meal time that people kept coming in and out of the hotel.

In the western restaurant on the second floor, there are not many tables, but every table position can see different angles of scenery outside.

In the middle of the row of windows, a beautiful mixed-race woman in black professional attire saw Ji Chicheng walking in beige, stood up and smiled to affect them, "Hello, Mr. Ji."

When she arrived in front of Ji Chicheng, she politely stretched out her right hand, "I am Korea, the new CEO of H.G. I am glad to meet you."

Ji Chicheng bends his lips slightly, and the gentleman stretches out his hand to shake the opponent.

"Please sit down."

The woman looks very young, but she feels very capable, and she can't even stand with her in beige.

Sitting opposite Ji Chicheng, facing Ji Chicheng's cold face to everyone, she was not unnatural at all. She smiled and talked about some interesting things she encountered on the way to N City, enlivening the atmosphere.

Ji Chicheng nodded from time to time, or smiled slightly, mostly the beige on the side responding.

At the end of a meal, apart from signing the contract, there was actually not much talk about work.

The three of them left the box together. When they went out, Korea stared at Ji Chi Cheng’s handsome face for a while, and then smiled generously: "I think the boss sent me to see Mr. Ji’s handsome face. of."

Such a straightforward compliment didn't make Ji Chicheng feel a little disgusted, and his gentleman nodded slightly towards Korea, who is straightforward.

"Go away, bitch."

Suddenly, there was a vulgar curse from a man behind him. Before Ji Chicheng's group could react, a **** M country woman staggered into Korea beside Ji Chicheng.

Korea wore high heels under her feet. Under the violent impact, her feet sagmed, not standing still, and her body fell backward.

Ji Chicheng reacted instinctively, reaching out and grabbing Korea's arm, pulling her back, and didn't let her fall to the ground.

Korea herself reacted responsively, holding Ji Chicheng's wrist with his backhand, and using him to stand up, when she straightened up, her head rubbed against Ji Chicheng's chin.

This is the first time Beige has been following Ji Chicheng for so many years. He has seen a woman other than Ji Anning get close to him when Ji Chicheng is sober.

She was a little surprised, looking at Ji Chicheng's handsome face, her expression was still so cold.

The foreign man who had just cursed came over, caught the woman who was pushed down by him, grabbed it, and pushed the woman against the wall vigorously, a smell of alcohol filled the air.

‘Uncle! ’

'roll! ’

The smell of alcohol on the drunk helped Ji Chicheng retrieve his memory of when he was drunk last night, and his heart was tight.

"Beige, please entertain Miss Korea."

Saying hello to Beige, Ji Jicheng let go of Korea's arm, took long legs and walked quickly towards the elevator.