So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 528: The awkward cohabitation life (8)

"Okay!" They nodded happily.

Ji Anning became anxious, and she hurried over, "One after another, stop pestering Mr. Char, come down and play by yourself."

Under the guise of worrying that they would be annoying, she reached out and took them from Char's hands and put them on the ground. Then she straightened up again, smiled at Char and asked, "Mr. Char, didn't you just leave?"

Charl lowered his head, looked at the little ones, and sighed earnestly: "Hey, I really miss them so much. In such a big house, without her happy laughter, I always feel a lot less."

What do you mean? Is she suggesting something to her?

Ji Anning took her small hands and dragged her behind her, and then looked at Char with an nervous expression, "I...I said I would take them back."

"You don't need to be nervous." Char gave Ji Anning a soothing smile, and said in a pleasant tone: "I said I will give you two months, I just come to see them, if you don't come, I'm going to find you too. "

Ji Anning breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Mr. Char."

But she still felt uneasy. Based on what she knew about Char, the main purpose of his return was definitely not because he wanted to come back.

So a serious and cautious person, who manages everything every day, how could he change his schedule for a child casually.

Feeling relieved, Ji Anning followed them all day long.

Originally planned to go back to Ji Chicheng with a few changes of clothes, now Char is here, and if he doesn't stay for a meal, he will definitely not let her go.

All day long, Ji Anning played with him. When she went to bed, she went to sleep with her.

Char went out in the afternoon and came back very late, resulting in late dinner.

There are only three of them on the huge dining table, full of dishes.

Char sat opposite Ji Anning and Dian, holding chopsticks, eating very elegantly.


They don't like the restraint of the baby chair. She eats by herself standing on the stool.

Seeing her looking at the opposite food again, she stood up, stretched out her hand, grabbed a handful of squid whiskers, and put it in her mouth immediately, fearing that others would **** her.

"You can't eat that, it will get stuck in your throat."

Ji Anning hurriedly put down the dishes and chopsticks, and pulled out the hesitation that had been eaten in his mouth with his hands.

The squid must be fried with sauce, and the little girl's face is full of sauce. The opposite Charr looked at her and couldn't help laughing.

The laughter was hearty.

"Eat!" One after another became angry, she frowned and stared at Ji Anning solemnly, showing her majesty, she threw out the spoon in her hand with a bang.

Have a look and feel.

Charl couldn't help laughing again.

Ji Anning's expression was also very serious. She patted the table firmly with her hand, and asked angrily: "Who makes you so angry?"

The little girl was taken aback.

The next second, she cried ‘wow’.

"They are brave children, they shouldn't shed tears." Char hurried around and hugged them to coax.

Inside the house, the cry of children, the reprimands of women, and...the voices of men.

The man stood outside the yard, his tall body trembling slightly, and a cold breath radiated from his body.

No matter how tight his fist was, he couldn't restrain his jealous and angry emotions. He raised his hand and slammed it against the courtyard wall.


After eating, it was almost eight o'clock, and Char asked Ji Anning to return to Ji Chicheng.