So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 523: The awkward cohabitation life (3)

She looked at the chicken wings again. There were more dried chilies than chicken wings.

She had a dark face and looked at the man who was looking at the man who was laughing. She was still complaining about his love of the girl just now, and now she can't help but complain about his child abuse.

No wonder Ji Mingyue always used "freak and mad" to describe his brother.

"Then what do you still want to eat now?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows at each other again.

As he spoke, with his hands, he secretly took a small piece of chicken wing skin and sent it to the mouths of many.

They immediately closed their mouths, the crying stopped abruptly, shook their heads, squatted down on the chubby body, holding the half-poured egg custard, picked up the spoons, and ate them one by one.

Ji Anning: "..."

Sure enough, fatherly love is hard for ordinary people to understand.

Her eyes were fixed on Ji Chicheng's smiley face, so gentle and beautiful, she couldn't help but wonder.

Seeing one after another eating, Ji Chicheng smiled in satisfaction, ready to withdraw his gaze, his gaze flicked across Ji Anning's face, his face became cold.

Ji Anning also hurriedly recovered, and hurriedly shifted his gaze to Xuan.

She didn't want to eat, she didn't know what mood to use to eat at the same table with him.

Or... still only their ‘family of three’.

It was originally a happy thing, a picture of happiness.

One table of dishes, Ji Chicheng’s chopsticks, was lucky enough to have two dishes on the list.

Ji Anning didn’t understand why the father and daughter had to cook so many dishes, but when she was at Char’s house, she and the two of them often ate, and the table was full. , So I think this situation is normal.

After eating, Ji Chicheng left the restaurant in a hug.

Ji Anning suffocated his hands, couldn't blend in with them, and didn't know what to do, so he simply helped the servants clean up the dishes in the kitchen.

After cleaning up, she took a hand towel and wiped the water on her hand while coming out of the dining room. Before entering the living room, she heard a scream that oozes.

She was so frightened that her back chilled.

She ran out quickly, and saw Ji Chicheng hugging him, sitting on the sofa, both father and daughter staring at the big TV screen, and she glanced at the picture on the big screen. Two eyes.

Horror film!

This guy actually watched horror movies with a little girl over a year old...

Ji Anning looked at them again, that little face, with bright eyes, staring at the TV screen unblinkingly, so devoted and calm.

She couldn't understand, let alone what Ji Chicheng thought.

Suddenly there was another scream, Ji Anning's neck shrank.

"Are you scared?"

Ji Chicheng lowered his head and asked.

Shaking their heads one after another, "Don't be afraid!"

Ji Anning was speechless: "..."

"Miss Anning, I have cleaned up your room for you. I will take you up now."

The aunt who had been busy in the kitchen came out, walked to Ji Anning's side, and said to her politely.

Her room... is she really going to live here?

"Hey" Ji Anning sighed helplessly, then nodded to the aunt, "Okay, thank you."

Auntie smiled slightly, and walked ahead, Ji Anning followed.


People who were watching horror movies suddenly found her and called her loudly.