So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 515: Mom and Dad together (5)

After putting on dry clothes, Ji Anning folded his wet clothes and packed them in bags.

She stood by the bed, looking at the sleeping little man, with a loving face.

After watching for a while, she leaned over and kissed the little girl lightly on the forehead.

"Baby, Mommy will see you next time."

Since she can't take her away temporarily, there is no need to stay here longer.

She was afraid that her heart would be shaken by the sweet memories of being here.

Ji Anning carried the bag in one hand and held the stairs with the other, going downstairs step by step.

In the huge living room, there was no one. When she went downstairs, she walked straight to the door and walked out of the door.

It's still raining outside, pouring down heavily.

She stood in the corridor in front of the door, hesitated, then raised the bag in her hand and put it on her head, and rushed into the heavy rain.

Trot out the gate of the yard.

The weather has entered late autumn, the rain is freezing cold, hitting her body, she knows how to tremble.

In the study room on the second floor, the man stood in front of the window, watching the moment the petite figure plunged into the heavy rain, his hands in his pants pockets clenched his fists bitterly.

When Ji Anning completely disappeared from his sight, he turned around and walked out of the study angrily.


Beige just came up from downstairs with a bowl of something steaming, and when she met Ji Chicheng, she stopped.

Ji Chicheng glanced at the beige bowl in his hand, which contained light brown liquid.

Bei Se hurriedly explained to him: "Miss Anning got caught in the rain, and I think she seems to be in her menstrual period, so she cooked a bowl of **** and brown sugar water."

"Heh!" Ji Chicheng sneered and lifted his foot into another room.

That was Miss Anning's dressing room... Beige was wondering why Ji Chicheng entered Ji Anning's dressing room so angry.

Ji Chicheng came out holding a pile of clothes, threw them to the ground, and ordered her: "Within half an hour, empty them for me."

As he said, he raised his foot, stepped on the pile of clothes he had just thrown away, and went downstairs without looking back.

Tianhe leaked, and the heavy rain was endless. This area was a residential area and it was impossible to get a taxi.

Ji Anning's body was already wet again, her face covered with rain, and her vision blurred.

She squinted her eyes and moved forward, and a bright black car drove towards her, with double flashing lights on in heavy rain.

She leaned to the side of the road to avoid being splashed by the water carried by the wheels, but the car slowed down when it was still some distance from her.

When he reached her, he stopped slowly.

Ji Anning was surprised, the driver's door opened, and the man got out of the car and opened the umbrella. The tall figure seemed to be angry and walked in front of her in two steps.

"Are you a dummy?"

Roared at the surprised Ji Anning, Qi Helian trembled all over.

Ji Anning was stunned by his roar, and didn't understand why he was so angry.

Seeing her dumbfounded, Qi Helian had not finished venting his anger, and then yelled at her: "You left Ji Chicheng so cruelly, and you were cruel once, so why don't you just want the child?"

His words immediately aroused Ji Anning's emotions that she was close to collapse, and she burst into tears.

In the heavy rain, her cry seemed to tear Qi Helian's heart apart.

Qi Helian dropped the umbrella in his hand, reached out and hugged Ji Anning, "Sorry, don't cry."