So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 513: Want mom and dad together (3)

Qi Helian is like this, even beige is like this.

Now, even his heart began to resist.

No, he will never give people who abandon him or hurt him a chance, and will never be kind to them.

Ji Chicheng turned around, stretched out his hand to strangle Ji Anning’s chin, pushed her against the wall, and approached her, with a cold breath, "Ji Anning, you gave birth to a child without telling me. Do you still expect me to sympathize with you?"

I was dazzled by hatred and jealousy, and for a while, it really became murderous.

Ji Anning opened her mouth, her entire face flushed as if bloodshot, and her hands randomly pushed Ji Chicheng's chest.

"Are you really going to kill her?"

The beige on the side roared loudly at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng was taken aback, and then looked at Ji Anning's face, his eyes flickered in surprise, and his hands trembled, and he relaxed.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ji Anning took a few breaths while coughing, and then continued to beg the cold ice-like man in front of him, "Uncle, I was wrong, I was wrong, please give me one after another. Give me good."


The cold words have no room for negotiation.

Then he turned around coldly and entered the room.

Ji Anning was about to follow, but was held back by Beige, "Miss Anning, you still don't want to follow it now."

Ji Anning stopped, she raised her head and leaned on the door frame, fearing more irritating emotions, she bit her lip to prevent herself from crying.



The little girl was in the room, shouting heartbreakingly.

The pain was unbearable, Ji Anning bit her lip with her teeth, blood ran down.

Beige couldn't stand aside, and stepped forward and persuaded: "Miss Anning, or you should go back first, I will try to coax her, and I will coax her well."

Ji Anning didn't speak, she reached out and wiped tears.

Straighten up, raise your feet, and walk over the stairs.


Suddenly, a familiar shout came from behind, a tender voice.

Ji Anning's tearful eyes lit up with excitement, she turned around, and the little person rushed towards her crying.

She greeted her crying, "One after another."

When she reached the little girl, Ji Anning bent over, picked her up, hugged her tightly, and smelled the familiar milk fragrance on her body.

When she reached Mommy's arms, the little girl's cry stopped immediately, but she choked badly.

She stretched out a pair of fleshy hands and wiped the tears on Ji Anning's face with distress, "Mummy."

This move caused Ji Anning to cry again, and even the beige on the side couldn't help crying.

"Yeah." Ji Anning bit her lip, nodded with a cry and smile, and reached out to wipe the tears from the little girl's eyelashes.

Looking at her red eyes, she lowered her head and kissed distressedly, "Baby, it's Mommy's bad."

Ji Chicheng stood at the door of the room, watching their mother and daughter affectionately. That picture made him hate... but yearn for it.

It was time to take a nap, but she tried her best to cry until now, the little girl was lying in Ji Anning's arms, and soon fell asleep.

Listening to her steady breathing, looking at her sleeping sweet little face, Ji Anning's mouth can't help but lift up.

Staring for a while, Ji Anning was about to get up, but before moving, the little girl suddenly woke up, "Mummy."

Ji Anning quickly lay down again, patted her chest to coax her, "Mommy is here, sleeping well."